View Full Version : Are the modules worth it?

July 20th, 2017, 00:58
Just wondering if buying the modules for 5e are worth it. NOT the adventure ones but the core classes, sms guide and monster one. I have the SRD modules and want to know what I'd gain by buying the core ones. Thanks in advance

July 20th, 2017, 01:12
Definitely the PHB (core classes) and the Monster Manual. The DMs guide is debatable, but not regrettable if you do. For the PHB creating characters is blissful, just drag and drop. The Monster Manual gives you all the monsters and their tokens. The DMs Guide gets you the Forge and a bunch of rollable tables. I would say the PHB / MM are necessities, the DM's guide is a luxury IMHO.

July 20th, 2017, 01:24
More information here


July 20th, 2017, 01:27
Additionally having the PHB will allow you to share it out to your players if you are DM-ing. (probably don't want to do that with the other two) This will make game play a lot easier for you and your players.

July 20th, 2017, 02:21
To me, yes.

In short, they save time. But you'll have to figure out what your time is worth to you.

July 20th, 2017, 07:25
Is there a reason they don't call the "core classes" the PHB? I just spent about 10-15 minutes looking for the PHB and guess it doesn't exist as PHB ;(

July 20th, 2017, 08:28
It is called that because you can also buy the class packs separately. It was not Smiteworks decision to call it that but one which WotC wanted. In the store the PHB is therefore the Complete Core Class Pack.

July 20th, 2017, 15:41
It is called that because you can also buy the class packs separately. It was not Smiteworks decision to call it that but one which WotC wanted. In the store the PHB is therefore the Complete Core Class Pack.

Understood. Thanks for the background. Someone should poke them about the name, at least letting you guys add (PHB) or something.

Does it contain all the text of the PHB?

July 20th, 2017, 15:45
Whaley, it basically comes down to what a couple others posted. How much $$$ is your time worth? You can build out your own content using FG and the previously discontinued Par5e which is really time consuming or you can just make the purchase(s) for the stuff you need. For a pretty good while, maybe 6 months or so, I just used the SRD and added stuff in as I needed it. After the trouble of having to continually and slowly add stuff, I just said screw it and bought the PHB (Complete Core Class Pack) and MM (Complete Core Monster Pack). About two years on I still just have those 2 mods and haven't gotten, or really needed, the DMG (Complete Dungeon Master's Guide) but it's probably one of the next thing on my list of things to get. Unless you plan to DM 5e, you probably only really need the Core Class Pack.

July 20th, 2017, 16:46
Understood. Thanks for the background. Someone should poke them about the name, at least letting you guys add (PHB) or something.

Does it contain all the text of the PHB?

Yes, it contains every word. Additionally it contains all the images and all the tables are fully roll-able.

July 22nd, 2017, 04:03
Thanks for all the replies! As i figured it all boils down to what my time is worth and I have been hand jamming for probably a good 4+ hours doing Hoard of the Dragon Queen porting over and then looked and its only $20.00...much easier to just buy it and not have to worry about it than to spend countless hours prepping it to get a baseline....Thanks again everyone.