View Full Version : MoreCore and Marvel Heroic RPG (I need tips)

July 18th, 2017, 02:38
I'm planning a Marvel Heroic RPG campaign . I know there is not a specific ruleset for this system and I therefore think of using moreCore ruleset. However, I've never left my comfort zone (D&D 5E ruleset), and I have no idea how to use moreCore Ruleset for this. Is there anyone here who knows the Cortex Plus system and can give me tips to get the most out of this ruleset (perhaps by pointing to tutorials)?

July 24th, 2017, 17:17
I don't have any of the books, but I'm a big Marvel fan so I looked it up. RPG Geek (https://rpggeek.com/rpg/16869/marvel-heroic-roleplaying) mentions that it uses a roll and keep mechanic, so MoreCore may not have a custom roll set up yet that can do everything for you. (The current roll and keep mechanic is based on the AEG games that only use d10's.) How exactly are the rolls (and bonuses) handled? It might be something that could work with existing rolls, or at least something that would be easy to program a custom roll for.

As for using MoreCore in general, you will be able to set up a character sheet and make rolls directly from there, but you won't have some of the more advanced features that 5E does.

I'm not a MoreCore veteran, but there are others who can help with specific questions for anything I can't help with.

July 24th, 2017, 20:03
How exactly are the rolls (and bonuses) handled? It might be something that could work with existing rolls, or at least something that would be easy to program a custom roll for

Basically, when performing an action, the player chooses which traits are relevant to that action. Each trait has an associated die, which varies from d4 to d12. The player then assembles a pool of dice with the traits chosen for action. If there was a way to do that in moreCore, that would be enough.

Then, the player rolls all the dice of the pool of dice mounted, chooses some to sum the values obtained and try to overcome the roll made by the GM.

The GM also mounts a pool of dice to oppose players' action. This pool can be done using NPC traits (when the action is against a particular NPC), or a special pool called a doom pool, which starts with a few dice and increases as the game progresses.

July 25th, 2017, 03:39
Creating dice pools of multiple types of dice isn't hard, but the default is to total them together. Dropping one or more will probably require someone to program a custom dice string. Does the player choose how many dice to count before or after seeing the result of the roll?

Without doing any dice programming, I would recommend setting up each trait separately. The player can choose the relevant traits and roll them all in a row, then report to the GM which results to count. This would require more clicks for each roll, but would also allow the characters to easily switch up what traits are important in any given situation.

July 25th, 2017, 04:19
Creating dice pools of multiple types of dice isn't hard, but the default is to total them together. Dropping one or more will probably require someone to program a custom dice string. Does the player choose how many dice to count before or after seeing the result of the roll?

It would not be a problem to add up the total as long as the value of each dice also show up separated in the chat. After rolling the player chooses 2 dice to add up and create a total value.

July 25th, 2017, 04:55
Unless I'm not understanding something obvious, it does not seem possible to create a pool of dice, just individual rolls. If so, it is more easier manually insert the dice command in the chat ... And use the character sheet is for reference only

July 25th, 2017, 05:21
There was a community member that did the Marvel Heroic ruleset (malachi666), but they wouldn't release it because they could not get permission from the owners. Not sure if they are still around, but if they are they might have advise.

July 25th, 2017, 05:35
There was a community member that did the Marvel Heroic ruleset (malachi666), but they wouldn't release it because they could not get permission from the owners. Not sure if they are still around, but if they are they might have advise.

I've seen discussions about this in old forum topics. But it seems that he is no longer active here on the forun. Thanks, anyway =)

July 25th, 2017, 05:42
Here is a picture of a combined 1d6, 1d8, 1d10 roll and a character with three separate traits. You can see the individual dice results pictured in the chat log, but you'll have to ignore the total displayed since it uses all three dice. This is from using the Technology ability from the window on the right, but setting up the ability requires choosing which dice to use every time you roll it.

I also set up a character with three traits that can be mixed and matched for any given task. They take up more space in chat, but you can easily modify when they matter. I recommend doing it this way unless your heroes have traits that will only ever be used together. 19939

July 25th, 2017, 14:31
I am struggling with this myself. You can use CoreRPG to create a dicepool on the charactersheet itself. You can setup with all the stats on it, and drag/drop onto a dicefield to generate the pool. It is clunky as hell, and I wish to god, that the NPC sheets were the same as chactersheets. Alas they have basically no functionality, so I am considering just using charactersheets for npcs.

Here is a link to the template I am currently using: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m670icfwc5vwdo8/Template.xml?dl=0

As for the community ruleset. I do believe that such a thing could be made and released. You cannot copyright gamerules, only content. Sadly I doubt it will happen, since MHR is a dead rpg, even though it is a great one.

Vires Animi

July 25th, 2017, 17:44
Here is a picture of a combined 1d6, 1d8, 1d10 roll and a character with three separate traits. You can see the individual dice results pictured in the chat log, but you'll have to ignore the total displayed since it uses all three dice. This is from using the Technology ability from the window on the right, but setting up the ability requires choosing which dice to use every time you roll it.

I also set up a character with three traits that can be mixed and matched for any given task. They take up more space in chat, but you can easily modify when they matter. I recommend doing it this way unless your heroes have traits that will only ever be used together. 19939

Thanks for the tip. I was thinking of doing just that. The second case (separate traits that can be mixed for a particular action) is exactly how the rolls are made on Cortex Plus.

But I think that would leave the flow of the game slow. Mainly because new traits (and with that new dices) can be created during the scenes in several ways. Also it would be more interesting to keep the data rolled together in the chat, because you need to keep them in view for a while (until the action is resolved). It seems, except if there is a way to create an extension for dice pools, using chat commands to manually create a multi-dice roll for each action will be the best ...

July 25th, 2017, 17:51
I am struggling with this myself. You can use CoreRPG to create a dicepool on the charactersheet itself. You can setup with all the stats on it, and drag/drop onto a dicefield to generate the pool. It is clunky as hell, and I wish to god, that the NPC sheets were the same as chactersheets. Alas they have basically no functionality, so I am considering just using charactersheets for npcs.

Here is a link to the template I am currently using: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m670icfwc5vwdo8/Template.xml?dl=0

As for the community ruleset. I do believe that such a thing could be made and released. You cannot copyright gamerules, only content. Sadly I doubt it will happen, since MHR is a dead rpg, even though it is a great one.

Vires Animi

Thanks, viresanimi. I'll take a look at your template.

I believe that in MoreCore NPCs can have functions like PC (i'm not sure this) Maybe it's better to try to create something in moreCore.

That's really disconcerting, there seems no alternative VTT to do so. I took a look at the roll20 forums and did not find anything either. It looks like there was an extension of Google Hangouts made to create dice pools for MHR, but Hangouts does not accept any more extensions ...

July 25th, 2017, 23:42

While MoreCore does indeed have more functionality overall. Including the NPC sheets. But as I master I hate the npc sheets in basically every ruleset. Except the Vampire: The Masquerade one. Why? Because they are SO limited compared to the charactersheet. In the V:TM one, the npcsheets are basically charactersheets, which is amazingly great! Why oh why can't we have that in Core / MoreCore.

Unfortunately Code is alien gibberish to me. Sigh.

Vires Animi

July 26th, 2017, 01:33
But as I master I hate the npc sheets in basically every ruleset. Except the Vampire: The Masquerade one. Why? Because they are SO limited compared to the charactersheet. In the V:TM one, the npcsheets are basically charactersheets, which is amazingly great!
The general design goal in a FG ruleset is to replicate the NPC format that the actual RPG system uses - to make it familiar for GMs and to support the same format that products for the RPG system use. IMHO this is a good strategy. Does it stop the GM doing "everything" they could possibly want, of course it does (not that a PC sheet can do "everything" anyway). But how many GMs "really" need that, and how much effort would it take the devs to code for a very limited audience and then cater for FG products that now don't have the same data format of the actual RPG product it's based on. If you want the NPC sheet to be the same as the PC sheet for some NPCS then you always have the option of using the PC sheet as a NPC.

July 26th, 2017, 01:39
True enough Trenloe. But managing a lot of characters isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.

It is not that I don't understand why they did it. Or that I don't respect it. But that does not change the fact that I often feel very limited in what I can do or forced to learn some stupid syntax to make NPC's. So. I will not stop bitching about it, because a chorus of consensus does not cater to innovation.

Vires Animi

July 26th, 2017, 01:48
I will not stop bitching about it, because a chorus of consensus does not cater to innovation.
Fair enough.

Here's an idea. Instead of just bitching (as you put it), how about coming up with some ideas that would make the NPCs better for you, while keeping data compatibility for already released products? Serious question. Because "making it just like the PC sheet" is not an option for most rulesets. Pick you favorite rulesets and make some constructive suggestions.

July 26th, 2017, 03:25
One idea that might be relatively easy to implement with an extension would be to add one or more additional tabs to the NPC sheet. These tabs might be able to have the additional fields you want and maybe even duplicate fields from the "normal" tabs...

That would seem to me (with my limited knowledge) to be a way to enhance NPC character sheets that would ? keep compatibility with existing data/modules and allow for more for those using the extension.

July 26th, 2017, 03:32
I'm feeling pretty noob about asking this, but where I put the template that viresanimi post in #10?

July 26th, 2017, 11:32
Anywhere. You just have to open in from the character selection screen. Use the little red button and the arrow to import. It is made in Core though.

Vires Animi

July 26th, 2017, 16:25
but where I put the template that viresanimi post in #10?
See GM Actions -> Import a Character here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Character_Management

July 26th, 2017, 17:14
Thanks! This character sheet looks good. I understood the idea of dragging dice to a dicefield on the sheet. This path seems to be the most promising to create dicepools. Is there a way to create a separate sheet from the character sheet, with dicefields? Thus, both the GM and the players could drag the data onto that sheet. Something like the sheet "doom pool" in this old printi released by malachi666 times ago...


If so, this can be made as a extension?

July 27th, 2017, 08:56
The way I do is by having a blank image open. I made token representing the dice and drag them unto it. Sharing it allows the players to see it too. Rather rudimentary.

I can share the tokens if you want them.

Vires Animi

July 27th, 2017, 14:27
I can share the tokens if you want them.

Vires Animi

This would be of great. Do you use any theme other than the default? The MoreCore theme seems to be more suited to the superheros genre, but the first tab of the character sheet is useless for Cortex Plus ... So I'll use Core ruleset ...

July 28th, 2017, 09:00
Yeah. I made a theme for MHR where the dice icons in chat have the same colours as the tokens for quick reference. I also made a couple of images for initiative / combat tracking.

Will share all the stuff I have when I get home.

Vires Animi

July 29th, 2017, 14:01
Sorry for the delay, but my pain condition kicked in, and I basically fainted when I got home from work...

I've collected everything I have for MHR in this zip fire: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9qcalnkhfawx7u/MHR.zip?dl=0

MHR Tokens: Set of token with the difference dice / results.
2 xml templates. One for characters and one I've been working on for the master, to keep track of roll/results + damage.
A very small mod with a single story entry, if you want to keep track of npc's on a story note. I often do.
2 images. These were made with the tokens in mind, to keep track of roll/results and everything combat related. I've used it but I find the token management is too slow for me personally.
And finally a theme I've made. The dice results in chat are colour matched with the tokens.

I hope some of it is useful. Have fun!

Vires Animi

July 29th, 2017, 15:27
I have put together a generic dice pool extension for CoreRPG with Cortex in mind.

It appears next to the modifier box and allows you to different dice in and then roll them.

It also overrides the normal double click action on attributes to add them to the dice pool with the name of the attribute as a label which appears in the chat window when the pool is rolled.

I will talk to damned about integrating it with MoreCore.

See it in action. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2lfM8KN50STY0FNck9KSW50SVk)
Get the extension. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2lfM8KN50STdTdieHB0U0RfUk0)

July 29th, 2017, 16:15
Guys, you are awesome. Thanks for material, viresanimi. It will certainly be of great use. And, ianmward, its extension is very welcome. You guys saved my game, thanks!

July 29th, 2017, 19:04
@ Iamward

I love it! Just spent some time testing it and it will certainly make my games easier!

One question though: Can the double click function also be used for npcs, so their dice don't have to be drag / dropped unto the roller?

Thanks a lot!

Vires Animi

July 30th, 2017, 12:34
One question though: Can the double click function also be used for npcs, so their dice don't have to be drag / dropped unto the roller?
Vires Animi
I guess so, I'd have to look...

July 30th, 2017, 12:51
I guess so, I'd have to look...

Try This modified version of the extension (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2lfM8KN50STSTFBQjJCUjVXc00)

July 30th, 2017, 14:30
This is great. It makes the use of NPC's so much faster, so thank you once more.

Vires Animi

July 30th, 2017, 16:56
@ianmward, I love this idea, i tried it with your MYZ dice roller (just like your example looks) and every time i click the Skill die (green) it backs up a level to the amount of dice selector and wont let me choose to use the Skill die

August 20th, 2017, 23:22
@ianmward, I love this idea, i tried it with your MYZ dice roller (just like your example looks) and every time i click the Skill die (green) it backs up a level to the amount of dice selector and wont let me choose to use the Skill die

Can you check which version of the MYZ roller you are using? I did make a few versions and mine is working. The latest is v0.5, I think....

August 20th, 2017, 23:47
So here is a screen shot of it, i am using 0.0.5, which is the newest one in the thread.... (i have the dice pool disabled because it wasnt working right)

August 21st, 2017, 00:00
I haven't tried it in morecore tbh so there may be some interactions. What does the custom dice radial menu look like?

August 21st, 2017, 04:29
looks like this

August 21st, 2017, 04:30
so i tested it in Core and it works as it should

August 21st, 2017, 05:06
looks like this

The problem is with the extra 60 & 600 entries. These cause the others to move around and make the green die sit on the 4:00 o'clock position which gets overridden by the 'back' action. In my version, I added a dummy die type called back (the arrow) to jump that slot.

Do you know which extension is adding the 60 and 600? Are they in MoreCore? Do they do the same as the d66 and d666 that are included in my extension?

August 21st, 2017, 05:12
there is only your extension running

August 21st, 2017, 05:48
there is only your extension running

So, I guess it must be MoreCore adding them then...

August 21st, 2017, 13:16
I have created modified versions of the DicePool & Mutant extensions to work with MoreCore.

Please try them and let me know if you have any problems.

MoreCoreDicePool.ext (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2lfM8KN50STR1VyT2sxdmEyU1U)
I have added a slash command to add dice to the pool (or roll if it is not enabled) (/pool <dice> <description>)
I have added a slash commands for setting the roll type for the pool (/rolltype <type>)
I have added a slash command to roll the pool (/rollpool)

MoreCoreMutants.ext (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2lfM8KN50STaExKb3MzbmMzUmM)
I have added a slash command for the mutant year zero roll type: /mutant <dice> <description>

So to use them together from MoreCore, you can manually call /rolltype mutant and have fields on the sheet to add rolls to the pool (/pool) and one to roll (/rollpool)

August 21st, 2017, 13:57
those two work perfectly! however it seems you forgot your graphics_frames.xml :p i see your cool frames in there, i would love to use them :)

August 21st, 2017, 14:11
I took them out as MoreCore has it's own theme, but you are free to skin how you want...

One thing I forgot, to reorder the custom dice, the names of the dice have changed:
d061 is the Base Die
d062 is the Skill Die
d063 is the Gear Die


August 21st, 2017, 14:20
Sweet! Thank you!

August 21st, 2017, 14:59
Been testing this in Morecore. It doesn't seem to work for NPC's. Is that right?

August 23rd, 2017, 12:45
Been testing this in Morecore. It doesn't seem to work for NPC's. Is that right?

Sorry, didn't check...
Fixed it up now, also fixed the combat tracker too.

New Improved MoreCoreDicePool.ext (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2lfM8KN50STR1VyT2sxdmEyU1U)
New Improved MoreCoreMutant.ext (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2lfM8KN50STaExKb3MzbmMzUmM)

August 23rd, 2017, 21:23
I can't thank you enough. Using MoreCore, will make it easier to track a few things over Core, but the heart of the matter is, that it so much easier to keep track of dicepools with this extension. I've been wanting to try Marvel for a while and since you made this extension I've had a few sessions with my players and its been some of the most fun we've had for a long ting. The system is not easy to get initially, but we've had some of the most epic fights we can recall.

So thank you so much!

Vires Animi

September 3rd, 2017, 06:48
@ianmward, when i use your "New Improved" Mechanic it does not show the fancy die in the chat it just shows up as a black die with nothing special....here are screen shots, i rolled yellow....(it works in Core but i want the Abilities from MC)
20337 20338

July 25th, 2020, 20:53
I can't find D66 rolls?

July 26th, 2020, 04:34
d60 + d6

July 27th, 2020, 18:07
I can find only: D61, D62 and D63.

July 28th, 2020, 08:50
If its built on MoreCore there are d60, d600 and red (d1006), Green (d2006), Blue (d3006) and Yellow (d4006) dice in the base ruleset.
The first two should be in the radial menu but this extension might be overriding that?
The others are only available in Rolls, Commandline or Code.