View Full Version : Creating Tables with Subtables

Dax Doomslayer
July 16th, 2017, 17:15
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to expand my FG 'prowess' by trying to use the table function. I'm using the 5E ruleset. I'm able to do the basic link to a subtable type thing. However, I'm trying to figure out if I can automate a number of subtables to roll for me and I'm having trouble figuring it out. Here's what I'm trying to do (which I think is fairly basic):
1). On the 'primary' table it rolls a battle site;
2). On the next table down, it rolls the Age of the battle site (i.e. Ancient vs. Recent)
3). I then want a single table with essentially 2 rolls to pick the combatants.
4). Anticipated End result of one roll: Battelefield which is Ancient with Dwarves fighting Orcs

I'm fine with steps 1 & 2. However, how would I implement step #3? Thanks as always for the help!!.

July 16th, 2017, 17:54
Have Table two roll on Table 3. Note however because of the asynchronous way dice are rolled the result might end up as Dwarves fighting Orcs Battlefield Recent

Dax Doomslayer
July 16th, 2017, 18:06
Hi Zacchaeus - thanks for the reply!
How would you get it to roll on table 3 twice though? So if I set up Table 3 with a list of say 6 creatures:
1 Wood Elves
2 Gnolls
3 Goblinoids
4 Humans
5 Orcs
6 Trolls
I need it to roll on this table twice to choose the opponents or do I need to create a 4th table? I'm fine with the battlefield being recent (that's one of the options). Thus Table 2 is Recent or Ancient (one die roll) and then on Table 3 I need the combatants (which is the 1 - 6 above). This is all generated from the Primary Table when "Battlefield" pops up.

July 16th, 2017, 18:12
Table two needs to be two columns. The first column is your age and the second column rolls on Table three. You can do [2x][Table 3] to roll twice on table three. Obviously you are running the chnace of Elves vs Elves or whatever.

For what you want to do I'd actually suggest a Story Template and don't use child tables. That way you can roll on each table separately and then join up the result in whatever order you want in the angled brackets thus creating a proper sentence.


August 16th, 2017, 12:33
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to expand my FG 'prowess' by trying to use the table function. I'm using the 5E ruleset. I'm able to do the basic link to a subtable type thing. However, I'm trying to figure out if I can automate a number of subtables to roll for me and I'm having trouble figuring it out. Here's what I'm trying to do (which I think is fairly basic):
1). On the 'primary' table it rolls a battle site;
2). On the next table down, it rolls the Age of the battle site (i.e. Ancient vs. Recent)
3). I then want a single table with essentially 2 rolls to pick the combatants.
4). Anticipated End result of one roll: Battelefield which is Ancient with Dwarves fighting Orcs

I'm fine with steps 1 & 2. However, how would I implement step #3? Thanks as always for the help!!.

Sorry to necro this a little bit, I'm having a similar issue, and trying to figure exactly which step I'm going wrong on.


Table 1 and 2 apparent. It's the third table that I'm having an issue with. I'm trying to get it to roll random npcs for an encounter. I'm fairly certain I'm doing something stupid... thanks for any time in advance.

August 16th, 2017, 12:47
You need [1d4x] or [1d2x] etc. Note the multiplier

EDIT: And I notice something else. You have set tables 1 and 2 to output to encounter but that won't happen if you are rolling from table 1. Only the primary or first table will have output which can go to something. So tables 2 and 3 won't produce encounters. If you want to produce encounters then I'd suggest you create the random encounter itself and then just link that encounter to the table. Additionally as suggested in the reply above a Story template would probably serve you better in what you are trying to do. Follow the link to that video to see how you can use a Story Template to create random encounters.

August 16th, 2017, 13:05
Yeah, I gave the story template (nice feature) an overlook and didn't think it quite fit this correctly. I'll take a look into again. I had the random encounters in place already and could get that to produce. Just wanted to add some randomization to them.

On a side note the [1d4x] multiplier fixed everything (overlooked that on the wiki), does exactly what I needed perfectly... thanks for the help Zacchaeus.

Myrdin Potter
August 19th, 2017, 16:55
I have been doing a ton of tables and the story templates really help, but whenever you do something that requires output and is not a single column table as the source, the current FG implementation hits issues. You can do a lot with what is there, but I keep running into cases where what I want does not work well.

What I have resorted to doing at times drawing out a master probability diagram and then creating sub-tables to choose what final table to roll on that has the output I want.

July 18th, 2019, 13:03
Hi all. i have been improving a tables mod in my 4e campaign, recreating the Gem and Jewelry random tables in the 1st Edition DM's Guide. I have been trying for ages now trying to work out creating random numbers in tables. Eg. 500-3000 gps. I can't get 5d6 times 100 to work.
I can do 500d6 to get that, but I would rather it be in tidy 100 number lots i.e 500/600 etc up to 2900/300,
Don't know if screenshot will help..But it's there
Must sleep now getting square eyes.

July 18th, 2019, 13:21
Try using [5d6*100] not [5d6x100]

July 18th, 2019, 13:38
Indeed as mattekure says the correct method is [ndn*x].

In your table above I'd also create a table for Jewellry and another for Gems. You can then roll on the middle column [8x][JEWELLRY] and on the third column [4x][GEMS], Set the output of the first table to parcel and everything will get rolled all at once into a nice parcel.

July 19th, 2019, 06:53
D'oh. Works a treat, Thank you mattekure! Is that a ruleset thing? I have only seen the x sign used...
Didn't see ur post Zacchaeus until I had redone and uploaded my Mod. there are some things I would like to implement, but I guess I'll see what you guys think first. I just want it to work.

July 19th, 2019, 12:14
its not ruleset specific, the math functions are +-*/ while the x is used to indicate how many times to roll on a particular table.

July 19th, 2019, 12:18
Thanks for that

December 29th, 2019, 05:46
Going to do a minor necro here, as I'm actually attempting the same thing - except instead of just recreating the gems/jewelry tables, I'm trying to recreate the whole random dungeon section in the back of the old AD&D DMG... :)

Actually, working better than I thought it would. Lots of heavily nested tables, and I'm sure someone with more skill could do it in a lot more elegant manner, but it's working, in a sort.

One thing that I'd found was answered above - how to include random numbers in tables, and calling a table a random number of times (e.g. [1d4x] [Gems] rolls 1d4 times on my gems table.(and the hint on * vs x was HUGELY helpful, too!)

But one of the factors in play in the random tables in the back of the book is the level of the dungeon the players are currently on. My original thought was to have a value somewhere, representing 'dungeon level', and being able to call this variable into the charts somehow. Then I manually increment the variable to match the level of the dungeon, and the tables accurately roll for the values reflecting that level. Can this be done?

For example, the treasure table lists treasures, but most of them are 'per level', like 100pp per level of the dungeon. I can make a table where an entry is 100pp, or even just put '100 pp per level' and manually adjust for the level when that roll comes up, but it'd be so much cleaner to be able to have a global variable for the dungeon level and build it into the tables.O

On the gems, I'd love a way to carry a value over to another table. For example, in the DMG it uses a base value for a gem determined by a table, which can then be modified by craftmanship/quality (found in another table). Right now I've got the tables set that the output gives you the base value and type of the gem, then gives you the amount that base value has changed (for example, it'll tell you you've found a 100gp jade, whose base value is increased by 50%, and you have to manually know that it's a 150gp gem) but if I could have the table pass the base value to the new table, I could do this much more seamlessly for the output. (plus it'd be possible to create a treasure parcel directly, which I currently can't do...)

So, any way to use persistent variables in your tables?

(My other issue is creating parcels and encounters directly from my tables, but that's probably enough questions to bombard the forum with for one night!)

December 29th, 2019, 09:56
Short answers to both questions I think is no. there isn't a global variable that you can apply to a table or table row and you can't carry a generated value from one table to another which you could use as a multiplication factor.

There's a couple of things; the first would be to have level one values in the first 10 rows of the table and the next in the next 10 rows etc and you could then roll a d10 with a 10, 20, 30 etc modifier. You can also drag and drop a dice group onto a table to make a roll. For example in a table with 20 rows if you want a result of 2-12 you would pick up 2d6 and drop on the table. Not sure if that helps with your situation.

Otherwise you'll need a table for every level where there is a multiplier for level.

March 31st, 2020, 04:23
G'day all.
I have been playing with rollable tables (I saw Zacchaeus's video on the subject)
I use 4E D&D and when I create a table and have Output set to chat it works.
If I use it the way it is intended, sending it to Encounters, I get this error Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_npc.lua"]:57: createChild: Invalid argument 1
and an empty Encounter result. See screenshot32828
PS. It works fine when I test in 5E

No extensions loaded and up to date version of FGC on Windows 10

March 31st, 2020, 07:25
Thanks for reporting this. We'll have a look at this issue and see if we can find a solution.

May 29th, 2020, 23:23

When setting a result on a given Table to a roll on another Table or even the same Table, can I specify a different die or modifier to use on that roll on the Table? Say I have a Table set for 1d100 results, but when I get a certain result on that or a different Table I want to roll 1d20 on that Table. I see I can roll [Yx] times where y is a number or die expression, but don;t see any syntax for what I am interested in.


May 30th, 2020, 08:48
I'm not exactly sure what it is you are trying to do. But you can roll a random number of times on a table using [ndnx] (so 1d6x) for example. I'm not sure that's what you want though so a little more information might be handy.

May 30th, 2020, 12:57
Hey, thanks for the quick response! 36269

Ok, so in the picture, the table on the left calls the table on the right on a 36-40. The table on the right rolls 2d20 for results and can roll 36-40 which calls itself 2 more times. That works, but seems clunky. What I want is the left table to call itself on a 36-40 two times but only roll 2d20 on itself rather than the normal 1d100. Make sense?


May 30th, 2020, 12:58
Double Post

May 30th, 2020, 17:29
No, you can't change the dice that a table uses unless you pick up the dice from the dice pool and drop them on the table. The way you have those tables set up you could end up in an endless loop. Your second table should really only have the rolls up to 35 and not have the option to call itself again.

May 31st, 2020, 01:34
Yes, though highly unlikely and the point so that any given encounter is not just one thing ;-)

Appreciate the quick response! Spoiled by Tablesmith <sigh>