View Full Version : Issue with AC calculating

July 16th, 2017, 01:06
Hi all i have problem with calculating ac on pc every time i put armour or shield i have error poping up

Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua"]:101: attempt to call field 'calcItemArmorClass' (a nil value)

I have no clue how to fix it

July 16th, 2017, 01:12
Hey Amuzis, just in case you were' not welcomed with your first post, welcome tot he forums!

You (obviously) should not be getting this error and since I haven't seen it from others it is probably coming either from an incompatible extension or a custom ruleset. Try again in a new campaign without enabling any rulesets. If it still persists, then open your FG data folder and check your "rulesets" folder to make sure you don't have any unpacked rulesets (i.e. directories).

Let us know if one of those resolve the issue.

July 16th, 2017, 01:29
Thanks for fast answer and welcoming :).
Problem is sorted turned out that vitality point ext was source of the problem.
Big thanks for help :)