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View Full Version : DDAL04-02 The Beast 7/19/2017 @ 1800 CST

July 14th, 2017, 00:10
FG License: Ultimate, all you need is the demo version.
Game System: D&D 5e Adventurers League

Time Zone: US Central Time
Day of week and time: Wednesday, 07/19/2017, 6pm
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hour session.
Term: AL module - 1 time

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Google Hangouts (no client required)

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: min 3 max 7
Character starting level & equipment: AL characters 1-4, Adventurers League characters
Character restrictions: AL characters

Details of your scenario: Something strange is afoot within the Quivering Forest. So much so that even the elves of Greenhall have left their homes to seek out help from their newfound neighbors. But, their tales of a strange beast are not earning them any favors; especially among the Vistani, whom the elves suspect are to blame for their ills. Return once more to the Quivering Forest and learn the terrifying truth! New players are welcome and encouraged!

NOTE: Players participating in this adventure (or any other Season 4 adventure) are automatically awarded the Demiplane of Dread story award which is explained as:

'You have traversed the mists and now find yourself in the Demiplane of Dread and, until this story award is removed, you are unable to leave. So long as you are trapped, you cannot participate in any adventure or event that takes place outside of Barovia. Tread carefully during your time here, The Dark Powers are watching.'

I like to have the characters submitted early, so I have time to prep for them and get the log sheets ready.

Sign Up link: https://www.warhorn.net/events/pb-gamers/schedule/2017/07/19/sessions/187720

I'm moving back to Warhorn for signups instead of using the calendar system because it's easier for me to keep track of things like alternates.

July 14th, 2017, 02:37
A side question... Is DDAL 4-1 included in that 'Demiplane of Dread' thing? I think I did some mod for that, but I didn't hear anything about that.

July 14th, 2017, 06:57
A side question... Is DDAL 4-1 included in that 'Demiplane of Dread' thing? I think I did some mod for that, but I didn't hear anything about that.
So far I'm only seeing it start in 02.

July 15th, 2017, 06:26
Switching to my Melee Fighter for this one.

July 15th, 2017, 16:09
Ok signed up now ��

July 16th, 2017, 00:22
Here's Lahnie!

July 16th, 2017, 17:51

Your swashbuckler

July 16th, 2017, 20:45
Jim, I have to bail out on this . This week is getting away from me already!

July 16th, 2017, 21:08
Jim, I have to bail out on this . This week is getting away from me already!
Awwwwwww ok. Hopefully we'll get you in there for a later chapter. :D

July 16th, 2017, 22:10
I'd like to attend this. I have a level one barbarian Human-variant. Since this locks a character into that season, i don't want to use my War Priest for this.

July 16th, 2017, 22:18
Already a Barbarian in there, just FYI...not that there is anything wrong with having more firepower :)

July 16th, 2017, 22:20
Since this locks a character into that season, i don't want to use my War Priest for this.

Er, wait, ****, so you're not "unlocked" after the module? If that is the case, will create a different character for this...

July 16th, 2017, 22:24
never can have too many barbarians! but i don't mind trying something else if needed.

July 16th, 2017, 22:46
Keep your barbarian...I just submitted a paladin...as I didn't want my barbarian locked either

July 17th, 2017, 00:15
Same reason I swapped out my Wizard for my fighter.

July 19th, 2017, 18:50
I hate to do this so late, work issues are keeping me busy, I will be unable to play tonight.

July 19th, 2017, 18:53
Understood. I run into that all the time. Maybe next time. ��

July 19th, 2017, 23:36
Have you started up the game yet? What about the Hangout info?

Zen Master
July 20th, 2017, 00:13
No game?

July 20th, 2017, 03:15
Yes - we had it. I always post the Hangout info in the chat of the table. Keeps everybody and their mom from connecting. :D

THAT WAS FUN! I liked running that more than I did 1000 Tiny Deaths. :) Season 4 is gonna be fun! :D

July 20th, 2017, 03:39
Yes - we had it. I always post the Hangout info in the chat of the table. Keeps everybody and their mom from connecting. :D

THAT WAS FUN! I liked running that more than I did 1000 Tiny Deaths. :) Season 4 is gonna be fun! :D

Yes, I really enjoyed it, a lot! Fun group of players and an excellent GM makes for a great time.

Still not sure how the dwarf got volunteered to carry the dying lady ("Hello pretty lady.") but was more than glad to.

July 20th, 2017, 20:40
That's because the smart alleck Half elf rogue said you were strong enough.

"Is that noose magic damage?"

Yes, I really enjoyed it, a lot! Fun group of players and an excellent GM makes for a great time.

Still not sure how the dwarf got volunteered to carry the dying lady ("Hello pretty lady.") but was more than glad to.

July 21st, 2017, 02:42
"Is that noose magic damage?"

Will certainly be a favorite quote for me to remember!