View Full Version : Ultimate for regular player

July 13th, 2017, 16:42
I have an FG standard license with the Bard Class Pack and the Character Customization Pack. I don't plan on hosting any games as a DM, but I may want to be able to create other classes on my own computer in the future. Does the Ultimate license allow me to do this or would I still need to purchase class packs for this? What are the advantages (if any) of upgrading to the Ultimate license for the regular player?

July 13th, 2017, 16:47
Hi Phylord,

The only advantage of the Ultimate License over the Full License is that with an Ultimate License a GM can have players connect with only Demo/Free Licenses - a GM with a Full License needs players with Full Licenses (or better).

The only advantage the Character Packs give you is that you don't have to enter all of the relevant information in manually by yourself - its already done for you.

July 13th, 2017, 18:08
If you want to create other classes then you will probably want to buy the class packs for those classes or get the Complete Core Class Pack which includes all the classes.

If you are playing games with a DM who has the Complete Core Class Pack then you can create classes using his copy whilst joined to his game. So technically you don't need anything more if you are only ever going to be a player.

July 15th, 2017, 00:18
I believe he was talking about creating "New" classes. You can create and use your own custom data packs, though you will need to send them to your DM to use them in his game.

- Robert