View Full Version : DLR - A TPK-level error in THE FLOOD

July 13th, 2017, 04:58
Ok, I started an encounter built to spec for for THE FLOOD, specifically Plot Point 4 - The Safe House.


I hadn't really reviewed it, I just cranked it off. We got a couple of rounds into the fight and I was thinking that this was gonna kill posse. They got the drop and got lucky and killed 2 of the martial artists in the first round, but numbers started working against the posse.

Oh, did I fail to mention that the encounter is the posse against 8 wildcards? I finally decided that this was like going to BOSSCON in Bosston and engaging every boss there simultaneously, so I started digging around.


The printed encounter calls for 8 VETERAN martial artists. Not that there are any veteran martial artists to be found in the rules, but I suspect that they are not wildcards.

I let my players know that there had been a mistake, talked it over, and they elected to continue the fight while I agreed to use no further bennies. One guy soaked up 6 wounds and basically tanked them long enough for the posse to win, so good for them. They also got very fortunate with enemy shaken recovery rolls - every round had 1 or 2 of the martial artists failing a shaken recovery roll. I tossed out some extra XP and life (fortunately) goes on.

Someone might want to review and fix this. It gave me a much wilder ride tonight than I was anticipating. And totally killing your players makes them grumpy - and playing the encounter as written will probably nuke them.


July 13th, 2017, 06:02
The PDFs are the same -- the encounter in The Flood says "Veteran Martial Artists" but the DLR Marshal's Guide doesn't have stats for a "Veteran" martial artist, only regular ones and Superior.

July 13th, 2017, 12:33
It would be better to use regular martial artists than the superior flavor.

If the vets are like other similar mooks, they will have a die improvement on 2 stats and one extra edge. They will not be wildcards. I am not suggesting that we guess, just saying that the vet should be closer to the regular mook.


July 13th, 2017, 17:27
Noted, any other issues found?

July 13th, 2017, 18:59
Yeah, but it is more of a nitpick than a bug. This sums it up:


There is a map group as a part of module. Less than 10% of the maps are in it - there are just 4 maps in this group. Getting all of maps into the group marked as being for maps might be an organizational improvement, because now it is a lot of searching and the map group is currently the most annoying (and least likely) place to find a map. It is a good idea, just not well implemented.


July 13th, 2017, 20:05
I agree with putting all the maps in the map group. I thought the maps were left out so I started copying them from the PDF and then realized they were there, just not in the map group.

July 13th, 2017, 20:10
I agree with putting all the maps in the map group. I thought the maps were left out so I started copying them from the PDF and then realized they were there, just not in the map group.

I think that the The Flood PDF Map Pack (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjE_tei-obVAhVHyj4KHd7SD7MQFggoMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fpeg-freebies%2FFlood_Map_Pack.pdf&usg=AFQjCNF4z-iOSu6H-EaCnfEYVj-pTvo2qQ) has a couple of useful maps from a d20 edition of a Maze resource book. They may also be of better quality than what you currently have.


July 13th, 2017, 21:13
Nah, all the maps and images from The Flood are there, but it was completed before they changed the way they grouped images together. Rather than a drop down menu they had tabs at the bottom, so I'm guessing somethings didn't make transition quite right. You will notice all those images have "map" in its title while rest are GM images.

As its been about 4 years; I honestly can't remember the specifics, but I believe I had been asked to redo how I had the images organized to make them more neutral.

Nope, gotta remember that all those images were pulled from PDFs and I hit a point where the cost (time) out weighed the benefit to improve the images.