View Full Version : West Marches Games - Worth the effort/work?

July 8th, 2017, 12:59
Been seeing a lot of games and discussions on this style game pop up lately, not just here, but other forums as well.

I am considering jumping into the fray and running something myself, probably using either D&D 5e or Savage Worlds but a couple of the questions I keep coming back to an asking myself are;

1) Does it take multiple GM's to really run one successfully and if you did/do have multiple GM's, how would you go about keeping things consistent what with some GM's having very different styles of running their games? How would they share partially cleared dungeons, especially if players go back to an area on a different date/time that the original GM is unable to run the game?

2. Would it be beneficial to implement some type of character restrictions and documenting of character sheets, etc., like what is done with the Adventure League games? Maybe this is already done and I just overlooked it when researching.

I guess what I am asking is, what are some of the pitfalls or obstacles you might see or expect to see if you were to run one of these game as well as, from a player standpoint, what might put you off on participating.


Ken L
July 8th, 2017, 23:38
Multiple GMs aren't needed, it depends on how much you're willing to juggle especially if you're the only GM. Multiple GMs will require some coordination. IIRC there was a 5e game that was recruiting GMs for their 5e west marshes game on the LFG. They have a circulation of 30 players or so when I checked it.

July 9th, 2017, 06:33
Yeah, I can see how that could be a time issue when running with only a single GM, especially if you are employed and/or married with kids. I think I saw that thread you mentioned as well, will dig it up and check them out. Thanks.

July 9th, 2017, 14:14
We just began this playstyle, so my ideas may or may not pan out.
The following is probably more than you are asking questions for, but I suppose it would serve as framing.

There needs to be one, central GM. His job is to be keeper of the record sheets and Modules.
He can perform as needed as a DM.

Other DMs can be Players as well (when they aren't DM'ing) :)

The GM provides an overall map and adventure hooks, located in expanding, concentric circles around a town/city that will function as a base.
Players bid on Adventure Hooks with the intent to build a party of 4, and suggest date/time they would like to play.
When 4 bids are received, the DM's decide who can run the adventure, then the GM forwards the Module and Record Sheets to him.
(Coordination between all participating DMs insures one standard set of house rules to maintain uniformity)
In the event there isn't enough DMs to quickly run the game, the players are going to have to reschedule until there is an available DM.

When completed, the DM returns the character sheets to the GM, who will view them side-by-side and transfer new information to the GMs copies.

Players post recaps in the bidding thread to a)tell their tale, b)earn 1 downtime day, and c)make it clear to other players that their session is complete and
bidding can commence again for a return trip. (If necessary)

The DM also PMs the GM and describes Areas, Encounters and Parcels that were used, that way the next DM can know where the previous DM left off.

The problem with this style, starting out is Player Boredom if their party does not get to play quickly enough.
With my campaign, I, basically can DM any evening for 3 hours, more on a weekend, but I imagine that is an exception to normal lifestyles.

I hope this answers some things.

July 9th, 2017, 14:31
The problem with this style, starting out is Player Boredom if their party does not get to play quickly enough.
With my campaign, I, basically can DM any evening for 3 hours, more on a weekend, but I imagine that is an exception to normal lifestyles.
Yeah, that was one of my main concerns, how to keep everything rolling regularly enough to maintain interest. My work schedule and dad duties pretty much limit me to no more that 2 days really, Tue and Wed, if I want to sleep that is. I'll probably just end up going with a regular but short, campaign style game with the same group. Will need to think about this some more I think.

July 9th, 2017, 14:49
Feel free to join my campaign and Play/DM whenever you want. You can watch this travesty progress! :)