View Full Version : Alternative Wild Magic Rules

July 7th, 2017, 22:20
Hey all,

I grew tired of going multiple sessions in a row without seeing a single wild magic roll, so I decided to change things up a bit. I created an alternative wild magic system (https://www.questionablyqualified.com/dungeons-and-dragons/dnd-5e-riding-the-tides-of-chaos-alternative-wild-mage-rules-for-5th-edition) that progressively increases the odds that a wild magic spell will proc as the sorcerer casts more spells.

Below are the cliffnotes from the link above. Let me know what you think!

Tidal Surge

The metaphorical Tides of Chaos function similarly to ocean tides on the material plane. Under normal conditions, the weave of magic ebbs and flows in a fairly consistent nature. A Wild Mage tapping into this chaotic realm causes the weave to contract, causing the Tides of Chaos around the caster to become more dense, and consequently more susceptible to disruption. Wild Mages susceptible to this phenomenon have started to refer to it as the "Tidal Surge" effect due to its resembling the turbulent waters during an intense storm.

After a Wild Magic Sorcerer uses Tides of Chaos to manipulate fate, the odds of a wild magic surge increase dramatically. Instead of rolling a d20 to determine if a Wild Magic Surge takes place, the DM can opt to have the Wild Mage roll a "smaller" die. This die is used until a Wild Magic Surge takes place.

In my campaign, I've opened things up by having our sorcerer roll a d4 when Tidal Surge is in effect; however, it is up to the DM to determine how severe the impact of the Tidal Surge is.

The Rising Tide

The unpredictable nature of Wild Magic manifests itself differently in different locations. In many areas, when the forces of chaos are tapped, the magical weave surrounding the caster remains stable. In some areas of Tanius, though, chaotic disruptions grow progressively more violent over time. Scholars in these magic zones refer to this increasing intensity as The Rising Tide of Chaos.

Every spell cast by a Wild Magic Sorcerer creates a progressively larger disruption of the magic weave around the caster. Until a Wild Magic Surge is triggered, the range of Wild Magic rolls triggering a Surge is expanded by one after each Wild Magic Surge check.

For example, if a Wild Magic Sorcerer casts a 1st level or higher spell, when the Sorcerer rolls for a Wild Magic Surge, a roll of 1 will result in a roll on the Wild Magic Surge Effect Table. When the Sorcerer next casts a 1st level or higher sorcerer spell, Wild Magic Surge rolls of 1 or 2 will result in a roll on the Wild Magic Surge table.

Once a Wild Magic Surge has been triggered or the Sorcerer takes a long rest the Tides of Chaos settle, and the chances of a wild magic surge taking place return to normal.

Optional Clause 1: Tidal Flooding

As long as a Wild Magic Sorcerer continues to disrupt the magical weave, the Tides of Chaos begin to pool around the caster. While the Sorcerer is alert and active in the world, the Rising Tide around the sorcerer is maintained. While Tidal Flooding is in effect the Rising Tides of Chaos do not settle after a Wild Magic Surge takes place. Only after a long rest do the Tides of Chaos recede and the odds of triggering a Wild Magic Surge return to normal.

Optional Clause 2: Fight The Tide

There are limits to how intense the Sea of Chaos can become. A Wild Magic Sorcerer is capable of containing even most intense chaotic forces. A max roll on a Wild Magic Surge check allows the Wild Mage to hold the forces of chaos at bay and avoid a roll on The Wild Magic Effects table. However, the caster may decide to embrace the tide and unleash the forces of chaos despite his ability to fight it.

July 7th, 2017, 23:03
Welcome to the forums and thanks for sharing.

July 7th, 2017, 23:10
Welcome to the forums and thanks for sharing.

Thanks it is great to be here!

July 17th, 2017, 23:33
I mucked about with the Wild Mage too. Here's my attempt LINK (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3WqYBaUMiM8U13fEMi7RTY-81ILt-cbFEc9bBlS0ns/edit?usp=drivesdk).

I like taking the DM out of the equation for this and leaving all up to the dice.