View Full Version : I would like to ask a stupid question...

January 27th, 2006, 10:50
So far the software is great and I'll be using it soon, BUT I need to know how the player clients can get their map images to fill the entire screen. If this is not possible then I'm afraid I've wasted my $65.00 on the software. Can anyone tell me how to get the map views to full screen or at least 90% of it?

Ok, I've done some searching in the forums and I now realize that you have to create a custome ruleset, etc, but I can't get all the info I need because the threads are all screwed up, can someone help me please? Thank you. :)

January 27th, 2006, 14:22
You can resize the map windows by holding ctrl key and dragging from the window's corner. Is this what you are looking for?

January 27th, 2006, 14:24
It has been a while since I did this, but I think all you need is to do the following: Either add a new file to your custom ruleset (and include it in base.xml) and add the following to that file:

<windowclass name="imagewindow">
<frame name="imagebox" />
<datasource name="image" />
<dynamic control="host" />
<maximumsize width="1000" height="750" />
<minimumsize width="200" height="200" />
<minimize icon="minimized_image" />
<usepointers control="image" />
<tooltip field="name" />
<sharable />
<image name="image">
<bounds rect="20,22,-26,-27" />
<indicators availability="indicator_sent" locked="indicator_locked" loading="indicator_loading" zoom="indicator_zoom" shortcuts="indicator_shortcuts" />
<shortcut icon="pin" hotspot="2,21" />
<drawing defaultsize="500,500" />
<bounds rect="-70,-75,40,38" />
<target name="image" />
<button normal="button_scrollerpan" pressed="button_scrollerpan_down" zoom="button_zoomer" zoompressed="button_zoomer_down" />
<bounds rect="22,-60,-24,34" />

The maximumsize is of course the key thing here. The example above is a fairly decent size for those player running with a resolution of 1024X768.

January 27th, 2006, 21:07
Well I finally figured it out, no thanks to you guys! LOL!

February 25th, 2006, 01:11
Would you mind sharing how you did it? The explanation above makes a little sense except for where it says "either" but only has one choice. I tried the click and drag trick but it only makes the screen smaller. It looks like I need to change the size as described above but I just want to be sure since I am no computer programmer.

Any help you can provide would be much appreciated. Thanks.

February 25th, 2006, 08:33
Would you mind sharing how you did it? The explanation above makes a little sense except for where it says "either" but only has one choice. I tried the click and drag trick but it only makes the screen smaller. It looks like I need to change the size as described above but I just want to be sure since I am no computer programmer.

Following these steps should do the trick:
1. Go to the [Fantasy Grounds]\rulesets\ folder and create a new folder, d20_mod, for instance.
2. Copy [Fantasy Grounds]\rulesets\d20\base.xml to [Fantasy Grounds]\rulesets\d20_mod\
3. Open up a text editor, copy and paste the code in Crusader's post and save it as imageresize.xml, for example.
4. Open [Fantasy Grounds]\rulesets\d20_mod\base.xml in a text editor and insert a line
<includefile source="rulesets\d20_mod\imageresize.xml" /> before the line with </root> and save the file
5. When creating a new campaign in Fantasy Grounds, select d20_mod as the ruleset and you're done.

February 26th, 2006, 17:41
Thanks for the help. At first it did not work but then I realized my screen size is larger than the one listed above. Once I changed the numbers accordingly in the image file it worked fine. I am really anxious to try this out though I may have to fight to run the next campaign in our group here. Maybe I'll run an online game, I haven't been involved in one of those in a few years.

Thanks again.

February 28th, 2006, 16:42
I have a quick question on this. This was something I wanted as well, and added the modification as soon as I saw this post (works great). My question is I run in a screen resolution of 1920x1200 and as far as I know, none of the players do. If I set this to my maximum resolution and then send the map to my players, what, if any, changes will they see? I.e. will they get sent a map that goes off thier screen, or will they just get a scaled down version of the map that fits in whatever resolutions they run.


February 28th, 2006, 17:10
I believe, and I could be wrong about this, is that they will get the map at the same resolution. Of course it won't fit on their screen, but they can use the handles within their own smaller image window to scroll around.

This may also be tied somehow to the Navigator functionality within the client, but I've never found the need to us so I'm not sure.

December 27th, 2006, 03:11
has anyone tried the above resize map trick (recently) with any success? I followed all the instructions above with a new project, the default d20 project, and also the d20_SRD projects and didn't get any map resizing love.


December 28th, 2006, 03:24
in case anyone else gets waylayed by this thread -- there is a much simpler way to do this, described in this other thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3535&highlight=imagewindow). works great!