View Full Version : ID vs Cursed Magic Items

June 26th, 2017, 23:15
I was wondering if it is in the works or a good way to present cursed magic items to the players (while using the ID option). If you identify the item, and it's cursed, they see that immediatly. I want a way to present an item, and have the players learn the non-cursed benefits, but when the item's cursed effect kicks in, then show that to them. I know I can delete or make notes, etc, but it would be nice if there were options to ID parts of the items. Is this a possibility that has been thought of or is in the works?

Moon Wizard
June 26th, 2017, 23:32
The way I do it is to actually give them the good (or non-cursed) version of the item by default, and handle the identification that way. Then, the cursed aspect can be sprung on them later, and the item can be replaced on the PC sheet with the cursed version once known.


June 26th, 2017, 23:35
Make two items. One which they can ID but has no info on the curse and another that does have the info. Swap them around when they find out. You can also place effects on the PC who is using the item but don't make them visible so the player dosn't know but if they are paying attention might catch on.

June 27th, 2017, 01:44
how do you do effects that arent visable? didnt realize that was possible

June 27th, 2017, 03:02
On the combat tracker there is a button on the effects like that toggles between visibility.