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View Full Version : DnD 5e - Eberron -- Forgotten Forge -6/25 18:00 (6 PM USA East tz)

June 24th, 2017, 18:55
Yeah, a bit of a spur of the moment but getting back into running and playing. Hoping to get enough people together to play through quick module from Eberron Campaign Setting: The Forgotten Forge.

TIME: Sunday 6/25/17 @18:00 (6PM) US East Time zone; hopefully
SETTING: Eberron
LICENSE: Ultimate
COMMUNICATION: VOIP (Discode w/ Push to Talk)
DURATION: 3 to 4 hours
CHARACTER LEVEL: 1, starting default. I prefer you build ahead and I will look over before starting
CALENDAR (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2601)
ADDTIONAL CONTENT USED: Mystic (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/213033/Unearthed-Arcana-The-Mystic-Class-5e), Artificer (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/213032/Unearthed-Arcana-The-Artificer-Class-5e), and Eberron Adaption Races (https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA_Eberron_v1.1.pdf)

I am probably going to run more of the published adventures, in the future though most are long enough to not be one shots, if anyone is interested.