View Full Version : Forcing a module to load with the ruleset.

June 7th, 2017, 23:04
Is there a convenient way to include a module in a rulset and force it to load for both GM and player?

What I have is a module that can be loaded by either player or GM which contains a list of skills with descriptions. One can then drag and drop the skill and have it added to the charactersheet. Seeing as this is pretty convenient but still a lot of extra for a new player who hasn't tried the system before I'd like to eliminate the steps for them to first have to download and drop the module in the right folder than find it in the library and activating it before they can get any benefit from it.

... I have been looking at modulestate.xml in the campaigns but it doesn't seem as if merely copying that piece of XML into the ruleset will do it. Any suggestions?

- Obe

June 7th, 2017, 23:25
I couldn't find a way to do it.

Moon Wizard
June 8th, 2017, 00:04
I believe you could force a ruleset/extension to load a module, but the module would still need to be installed separately.

Try using Interface.onDesktopInit to register an event handler, use Module.getModules to check which modules are available, and then use Module.activate to open the module.


June 8th, 2017, 00:08
Seeing as this is pretty convenient but still a lot of extra for a new player who hasn't tried the system before I'd like to eliminate the steps for them to first have to download and drop the module in the right folder than find it in the library and activating it before they can get any benefit from it.

Only the GM has to do this. The players just need to open it (it downloads automatically from the GM), and they only need to do so once - it remembers the state of the player's open modules between sessions.