View Full Version : Familiars in FG

June 4th, 2017, 02:02
The crew and I are having an issue with the whole familiar thing. I tried dragging the raven to his portrait and all sorts of other deals, but no avail. PLS HELP!!!! really would like this done before next game. :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja:: ninja:

June 4th, 2017, 02:17
My players create a second PC sheet for the familiars. That way they have full control, can be tracked on the CT, etc.

You can just drag an NPC to the portrait like you did, but if they close the sheet then they can't open it again.

June 4th, 2017, 10:46
First put the NPC that you are using onto the Combat Tracker and then drag from the combat tracker to the player portrait. The player will then have the NPC sheet and be able to use all attacks etc. It will also open independently of whether the DM has it open or not. Or, as LordEntrails says create a PC with all the necessary details and just have the player own it.

June 5th, 2017, 04:43
Follow what Zacchaeus says. If the player is not seeing the NPC sheet make sure you're dragging the link from the combat tracker (right hand side of the CT entry) not the token. In addition, change the NPC faction to friendly (green) on the combat tracker.

The player can open the statblock sheet for the NPC if it has a token on the map - double-click the token to open the NPC sheet. Otherwise, the player will have to ask the GM to re-share it with them. A good trick: the first time the familiar (NPC record) is shared with the owning player, that player should drag the shield link from the top left of the NPC sheet to a hotkey slot on the bar at the bottom of the FG screen. This will allow them to open the NPC sheet by just clicking on the hotkey bar (or pressing the appropriate hotkey).