View Full Version : Ikael's miscellaneous extensions

May 31st, 2017, 21:46
Here are miscellanous small extension that I have created for the SavageWorlds. You can find these helpful either in real use or in learning how to do extensions yourself.

Extensions found from this thread:

Post #2 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38569-Ikael-s-miscellaneous-extensions&p=340308&viewfull=1#post340308)

SW Realms of Cthulhu
SW Fear Penalties
SW Charsheet Contacts
SW Defeated Markers Addon Sampler
SW Greyscale Lite Theme

Post #4 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38569-Ikael-s-miscellaneous-extensions&p=340809&viewfull=1#post340809)

SW Ace Limit One
SW Ganging Up Exclude Inactive Combatants
SW Trait Roll Details
Usage Die
Load Limit House Rule [MOD: Built in as of 2024-08-13 release]

May 31st, 2017, 21:47
SW Realms of Cthulhu
Demonstrating how you can add new derived stats and damage types
SW Fear Penalties
Demonstrating how you can add new damage type
SW Charsheet Contacts
Demonstrates how you can add new tab-page to character sheet
SW Defeated Markers Addon Sampler
Demonstrates how you can create new Defeated Markers
SW Greyscale Theme
Demonstrates how you can create simple look-and-feel theme

June 1st, 2017, 19:48
SW Fear Penalty extension added. This extension adds new "Fear" damage type to character sheet. Each point of fear applies -1 penalty to any trait roll


June 4th, 2017, 13:11
SW Ace Limit One
Limits each die to Ace only once

SW Ganging Up Exclude Inactive Combatants
Will exclude Shaken, Incapaciated and Unarmed (when having Unarmed effect) combatants from Ganging Up bonus calculation

SW Trait Roll Details
Display additional information in trait roll results

SW Usage Die
Gold & Glory usage die feature for items

SW Load Limit House Rule (SWADE only) [MOD: Built in as of 2024-08-13 release]
GM can select how much each die type allows load limit

June 8th, 2017, 21:48
Thank you so much for taking the time to update the D0 extension ahead of the official manual dice entry solution for all us table toppers out there. Have to remember to manually adjust still for weapon related factors like range which the extension obviously doesn't get to know, but the way it applies target effects like cover, prone etc as long as the CT has been kept up to date is a real time/brain saver for the GM in itself so its nearly perfect just as it is!

August 1st, 2017, 20:14
Added new extension: SW Trait Roll Details (see post #4). This simple extension displays additional roll information in chat



August 2nd, 2017, 09:06
Thank you very much for the Trait rolls ext, exactly what I was after.

August 2nd, 2017, 11:26
SW Fear Penalty extension added. This extension adds new "Fear" damage type to character sheet. Each point of fear applies -1 penalty to any trait roll

Thank you for this extension. Unfortunately, Fear and Fatigue seem to crowd out one another in at least two ways: in the "Option " tab under the GM line, the option to apply fear penalty shows up where the options for Fatigue used to; and if the extension is loaded and a PC takes Fear on the Fear track, no Fatigue penalty can be applied even after the Fear track has been cleared. I tried with all other extensions than Fear track disabled and it still happened. I hope this will be helpful to solve the issue.

August 2nd, 2017, 21:21
Thank you for this extension. Unfortunately, Fear and Fatigue seem to crowd out one another in at least two ways: in the "Option " tab under the GM line, the option to apply fear penalty shows up where the options for Fatigue used to; and if the extension is loaded and a PC takes Fear on the Fear track, no Fatigue penalty can be applied even after the Fear track has been cleared. I tried with all other extensions than Fear track disabled and it still happened. I hope this will be helpful to solve the issue.

Good catch! Fear and Fatigue were using the same namespace which caused the issue. I have uploaded fixed version (v1.1) of the extension, check it out!

August 2nd, 2017, 22:58
Good catch! Fear and Fatigue were using the same namespace which caused the issue. I have uploaded fixed version (v1.1) of the extension, check it out!
Thank you, sir! Happy to help.

August 3rd, 2017, 14:12
With the Trait rolls ext, the extra info is visible during a Tower roll! My players were laughing at me, the bastids! :)

August 3rd, 2017, 14:32
With the Trait rolls ext, the extra info is visible during a Tower roll! My players were laughing at me, the bastids! :)

The extension was created in few minutes so it's far from being perfect. I do not use dice tower myself which is why I never tested it against it. I will see if I can fix the challenge with small tweaks

September 19th, 2017, 20:42
New versions available for following extensions (compatibility update for v4.5 ruleset):

SW Greyscale Lite Theme v1.0
SW Trait Roll Details v0.3

Two new extensions added:

SW Ace Limit One v0.1
SW Ganging Up Exclude Inactive Combatants v0.2

September 21st, 2017, 00:30
I really like the Fear damage extension, I can't believe no one has used this in a game yet? Is marking it completely manual at this point (I'm at work so can't check sorry)? Is there a Fear attack/damage type, do you think you might extend the functionality at some point or is that a much bigger issue?

Regardless thank you for that.

PS Trait roll ext still shows via Tower rolls!

April 19th, 2018, 03:37
SW Realms of Cthulhu
Demonstrating how you can add new derived stats and damage types
SW Fear Penalties
Demonstrating how you can add new damage type
SW Charsheet Contacts
Demonstrates how you can add new tab-page to character sheet
SW Defeated Markers Addon Sampler
Demonstrates how you can create new Defeated Markers
SW Greyscale Theme
Demonstrates how you can create simple look-and-feel theme

Hello, I'm a total noob, but I'm trying understand how you created the Reams of Cthulhu ext. Why doesn't it calculate the sanity for NPCs?

May 3rd, 2018, 16:58
SW Realms of Cthulhu sampler extension (uploaded here) (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38569-Ikael-s-miscellaneous-extensions&p=340308&viewfull=1#post340308) was updated. This fixed bug where Sanity stat did not update when Sanity changed.

July 21st, 2018, 19:38
New Usage Die extension available, useful for Gold & Glory and any other settings. You can download it from here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38569-Ikael-s-miscellaneous-extensions&p=340809&viewfull=1#post340809).


July 31st, 2018, 19:23
All extension in this post (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38569-Ikael-s-miscellaneous-extensions&p=340308&viewfull=1#post340308)updated to be v4.7 ruleset compatible.

March 22nd, 2019, 22:07
Extension listed in Post #2 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38569-Ikael-s-miscellaneous-extensions&p=340308&viewfull=1#post340308) updated.


SWD ruleset support added
Realms of Cthulhu extension's setting exclusivity removed (can be used with other setting extension)

June 26th, 2019, 22:29

I have looked at how you added new derived stats and damage types from your Realms of Cthulu extension. For Seven Worlds, Psionic Powers use a new derived stat, Mental Toughness, for "mental armour" rather than the normal "physical" Toughness or Spirit/Smarts. What would be the changes to the launcher.lua script to accommodate this?

June 27th, 2019, 19:55
Another question: What is the syntax for inserting Encounters (Combats in XML) into a module?

November 16th, 2019, 18:57
Load Limit House Rule extension added. Download it from Post #4 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38569-Ikael-s-miscellaneous-extensions&p=340809&viewfull=1#post340809).

This extension allows GM to change how much load limit each die type of Strength allows.

March 4th, 2020, 10:52
This extension allows GM to change how much load limit each die type of Strength allows.

So I understand the concept of this, but how would I actually change the load limits in game once I've installed the extension?

March 4th, 2020, 10:57
So I understand the concept of this, but how would I actually change the load limits in game once I've installed the extension?

After extension is loaded, you have new option in options view under house rules section.

March 6th, 2020, 06:12
SW Trait Roll Details:

When the GM rolls a hidden roll, the players are able to see the details. They do not see the result itself (because it is hidden), but the extension gives the details to the players: "Trait roll was 1, Savage dice was 4".

March 6th, 2020, 06:20
SW Trait Roll Details:

When the GM rolls a hidden roll, the players are able to see the details. They do not see the result itself (because it is hidden), but the extension gives the details to the players: "Trait roll was 1, Savage dice was 4".

That is known quirk. No plans to change it. Hidden rolls were never focus of that extension. You could add support for hidden rolls yourself if you know how to develop extensions.

March 6th, 2020, 15:25
That is known quirk. No plans to change it. Hidden rolls were never focus of that extension. You could add support for hidden rolls yourself if you know how to develop extensions.

I was reporting what I thought it was a bug, sorry.

March 6th, 2020, 18:24
I was reporting what I thought it was a bug, sorry.

That's ok. Many others have reported the same concern and I though to just write the fact here now. I don't plan to improve this extension further because it is just sample on what you can do with the ruleset if you can write extension.

Another reason for not improving this is that there are plans to implement this into ruleset itself after FGU offers new chat APIs. The implementation would be totally different but it would solve the same case the extension does.

March 15th, 2020, 17:30
Love the extensions. Any chance you can write up an ammo tracking one?

May 14th, 2020, 13:27
[Edited] Just uploaded a new version where it now shows the trait roll details for the GM only when rolling on the tower.

Just made a quick change on the extension to support the tower, right now it won't show the trait roll details if the tower is used. I would like to send the message just to the GM but it is my first foray with lua and FG extensions, I have kind of wing it. Will try to add that later on.

@Ikael, I have kept all the metadata as it was, just increased the version from 0.4 to 0.5 in case you want to make it available as the new version.

May 15th, 2020, 05:23
had a friend ask about seeing the actual rolled results just the other day. I am surprised this isn't actually an option in the ruleset itself. Thanks for this!

April 5th, 2021, 15:03
I have installed the Defeated Markers Addon Sampler, but there are no additional options for NPCs defeated icons (I copied a NPC and edited it, the drop down is the default list). Does it only work for "new" npcs?

August 23rd, 2021, 22:13
Published a version of the Trait Roll Details with the Tower working in the Forge
All feedback more than welcome

October 9th, 2021, 20:09
Thank you very much

June 5th, 2022, 23:00
Players view of Combat Tracker on Character with 3 Fear, Wounds and 2 Fatigue


GM view of Combat Tracker (working as expected)


Only found out when my players told me it was showing incorrect information (it shows Wounds in the Fatigue box and Fatigue in the Fear box and doesn't show Fear at all)

July 29th, 2022, 18:00
New Usage Die extension available, useful for Gold & Glory and any other settings. You can download it from here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?38569-Ikael-s-miscellaneous-extensions&p=340809&viewfull=1#post340809).

can this be added to any item? i am not sure how to implement this. the idea is to add weapon breakage to a setting using the usage die on the items/weapons... thank you.

July 29th, 2022, 21:09
can this be added to any item? i am not sure how to implement this. the idea is to add weapon breakage to a setting using the usage die on the items/weapons... thank you.

In the original extension, this new feature only applies to items (not to weapons/armor) but it would be relatively easy to replicate that feature to weapons, armor and vehicles, however you would need to know how to code that. You are free to use that extension codebase for whatever purposes you want.

July 30th, 2022, 02:49
In the original extension, this new feature only applies to items (not to weapons/armor) but it would be relatively easy to replicate that feature to weapons, armor and vehicles, however you would need to know how to code that. You are free to use that extension codebase for whatever purposes you want.thank you. with a little change to updated_record_item.xml I got it to work for weapons, however, I was getting an error from line 16. taking that line out removes the error, but I am sure that is not the design... anyway. thank you for the extension. applying it to weapons fits right in with the Dark Sun thing I am doing...

August 9th, 2022, 22:28
Ganging Up: Exclude Inactive Combatants appears to be breaking combat and throwing this error. Disabled it and normality resumes

Discord bug report: https://discord.com/channels/274582899045695488/274634463860883458/1006665783755153438

August 9th, 2022, 22:31
Ganging Up: Exclude Inactive Combatants appears to be breaking combat and throwing this error. Disabled it and normality resumes

Discord bug report: https://canary.discord.com/channels/274582899045695488/274634463860883458/1006665783755153438


October 31st, 2022, 02:13

this seems to still be in effect. Has there been any resolution?


August 19th, 2024, 15:33
Is usage die still being maintained? I am/was using in SWPF game but with the new updates it appears to be broken and throws a error message on screen when you click to view item details.

August 19th, 2024, 17:50
Is usage die still being maintained? I am/was using in SWPF game but with the new updates it appears to be broken and throws a error message on screen when you click to view item details.

I can take look at this. I am holiday trip this week but if I have free time I can check it out

August 21st, 2024, 06:57
Usage Die 0.4.0 is available which makes it compatible with CoreRPG 4.5.x

August 22nd, 2024, 04:13
I must not know where to look. Where can I find the Usage Die update link?

Moon Wizard
August 22nd, 2024, 04:36
Looks like it's attached to post #4 of this thread:


Mike Serfass
August 22nd, 2024, 04:59
The link is a very old version. Don't use that.
Ikael put it on the forge here:
SW Usage Die (https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/131/view)