View Full Version : Quick question about combining content...

May 21st, 2017, 01:55
Currently I am a roll20 user, and my group that I DM on there is looking into switching from Pathfinder over to 5E. I am also a little curious myself in giving Fantasy Grounds a try.
Just to make things quick and simple I figured I would get the Last Mines of Phandelver module for Fantasy Grounds and get a monthly subscription just to test it out with.

If we wish to continue playing Fantasy Grounds and wanted to continue the story with some campaign I make up as the GM, can I easily add in (after purchasing them for Fantasy Grounds) the content from the Dungeon Master Guide, Monster Manual, and Volos Guide. Or will I have start new games selecting each (pack/manual/adventure/add-on) as the main content of the game and transmogrify half the content over to the existing game like in Roll20?
Just how does Fantasy Grounds work in general when trying to combine content from one item (pack/manual/adventure/add-on) you purchase with other items you have purchased.

May 21st, 2017, 02:08
Welcome to the FG forums LordNova2.

You can easily add content into the same campaign. Fantasy Grounds products are provided as library modules, allowing you to open just the ones you need for your game. You can also easily close modules you no longer need in that campaign.

This video gives a good overview of activating different products and accessing the information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUhYLoo1uoc

May 21st, 2017, 03:03
Thanks Trenloe. Just in the first few minutes of watching the movie it looks to be a bit smoother than Roll20 for combining the content.
I am looking forward to giving Fantasy Grounds a try.

May 21st, 2017, 05:40
Let us know any questions you have as you dive further into your FG journey. Lots of great people here willing to help, and I think you'll like what you find :)

May 21st, 2017, 16:39
Thing of each game as a kitchen table devited to that system, and the DLC as your RPG bookshelf.

June 27th, 2017, 02:00
Another quick little related question...
I got a little bit ahead of myself and purchased some of the D&D 5e stuff (I ended up getting the D&D Complete Bundle) as I seen it was on sale for half-price, but I am thinking I also need to buy a license into the FG program to open any of it up and look at it.
Do I need to have a purchased license for Fantasy Ground (other than the free/demo) to be able to open up a module/content?

June 27th, 2017, 02:16
Yes. Your cheapest option is to get a regular subscription (I think it's $4.99 a month or like $40 one time).

June 27th, 2017, 02:20
OK, that confirms what I was thinking.
Thanks Andraax.