View Full Version : New Player LFG in a Savage Worlds Campaign

May 17th, 2017, 17:41
Hello All,

I'm new to the Savage Worlds and am very interested in joining a campaign being run in that system (either one that is starting or one that is already in motion). As far as genre is concerned, i am not particular in that regard and would be interested in almost anything people are involved in. I live in Boulder and can start as early as 5:30pm (MT) and run as late as 11pm (MT). Please respond to this message if you'd like to evaluate me for your game.

Thank you in advance for any responses!

May 19th, 2017, 04:57
Howdi, I am in a similar boat.

Played SW a few times and purchased it here on FG. Not looking to GM right now, but will down the road.

I have time available on Sundays JST starting around 9am.

So actually the OP in Boulder starting at 17:30 on Saturday night works great for me.

Maybe we can form a group and try to find a GM. Or at least a 1 shot for starters ?

May 19th, 2017, 17:16
Hi Don, glad to see someone replying to my post! A start time of 5:30 (local to me) on Saturdays in general sounds fine; hopefully we can fit a 4 hour run into that timeslot. By next week I hope to have a Teamspeak channel set up for our Savage Worlds endeavors, so I'll let you have those details in a PM by next Friday at the latest. I plan on getting myself geared up to GM some short scenarios soon; a friend is going to work with me to playtest some combat and chase stuff in FG before too long so I can get used to how Savage Worlds handles those tasks in the software.

I am thinking of running scenarios using the Lankhmar (City of Thieves) setting to begin with. Perhaps if we end up liking it, and my proficiency with SW in Fantasy Grounds proves up to the task, I can change this LFG post into an LFP post in order to recruit more people for the 5:30pm - 9:30pm Saturday timeframe.

Does all this sound OK so far?

May 20th, 2017, 10:49
That sounds great. 2 members both willing to GM is hopefully the start of a regular group.

I will read up on Lankhmar and will admit to preferring the Rogue as a trope. Then again with SW we can kinda be anything we want (within reason)

Ram Tyr
May 20th, 2017, 13:00
I am interested in seeing SW in play. I was in one or two 1 shots, but it's probably been two or three years. I'll PM you both.

May 20th, 2017, 19:39
Lets see if we can shoot for a first session on June 3rd (a Saturday) at 5:30pm local Mountain Time. I'll send the Teamspeak connection data in a PM to people participating before that time.

The first session will be a meet and greet, along with character creation in Fantasy Grounds, followed by a sample combat, a sample chase, and then an introduction to the campaign environment. The last part can lead into the first adventure scenario, assuming we have enough time left and that people are OK with starting at that point.

Link for the time involved:

[Edited to reflect June 3rd rather than what I wrote before, thanks Ramza]

Ram Tyr
May 20th, 2017, 22:40
Happy to help.


May 20th, 2017, 22:51
I haven't heard back from Don yet, but he is on Japan time so I didn't expect an immediate response. Hopefully the corrected time on June 3rd will be OK.

May 21st, 2017, 05:27
yes June 3 17:30 MT works for me as its 08:30 Sunday JST

I sent IM asking for clarification because July was suggested :)

So we are a tentative 3

anymore takers ?

May 21st, 2017, 05:39
No other takers that I am aware of ATM.

I should make a new LFP post tomorrow mentioning June 3rd for the first session and a general start time of Saturday 5:30pm (MDT for me locally). Might get a few more...

May 22nd, 2017, 00:18


I too am interested. Sign me up.

May 24th, 2017, 20:25
Here is a link to the new LFP post:


Ram Tyr
May 24th, 2017, 21:42
Way to go!

May 25th, 2017, 03:33
Looks like we have two more willing to join, here is a link to that post again for your convenience:

May 25th, 2017, 03:39
I'm up for it? (wasn't sure which post you wanted me to reply in)