View Full Version : LFP - SUPER HEROES, Savage worlds w/super companion.

May 17th, 2017, 05:32
FG License: I have "G.M. standard"
Game System: Savage Worlds game system, 2nd ed super companion.

Time Zone: Arizona.
Day of week and time: Sunday, noon to four (maybe five)
Start date: 28 May 2017, 12:00 (noon)
Duration: four or five hours, players determine.
Frequency: once each week, every Sunday.
Term: Until my brain is dissolved.
Text: via the FGII chat window.
Roll play Vs. Role Play ratio: depends on adventure scenario, role players who portray their characters as if the scenario is real preferred.
Number of Players in game & needed: My preference is four, but I can run with three or six.
Character starting level: Novice character, with AB-super powers.
Restrictions/House rules: youthful characters (late teen to young adult), "Street level" 30 points total, 10 point power limit. Super Karma is authorized for +5 power points that does not alter the power limit. Players may pursue options such as "Best there is" and "out of their league". As characters are meant to be modern, with powers defined in semi-science terms - magic just doesn't jive. Conversely, resources are meant to be limited; gadgeteers, inventors, all kinds of high technology characters, etc would have to explain why they wouldn't "Sell Out"/"get rich quick".
Limitations can reduce costs -1 point for being "Linked" to a main power, and theme.
"Switchable" need be purchased only once - in regards to reasonable "Power stunts" within a specialized power.

*Demonstrate the understanding that Savage worlds uses "Broad Generalizations" and players are meant to refine the mechanics of their own character in every detail.*
if you need inspiration, look at Mutants and Masterminds 3rd ed, or the classic Marvel super heroes (faserip system) book ultimate powers. oh, and read comics!

Details of your scenario: Today. Real world. What if..? Young Adults in America began to develop super powers. Many times such powers are limited to a niche theme with extensive application. Once this starts, what happens next?

For example: A speedster character is defined by a player to have "Uniform atomic vectoring" and explains that all atoms are in motion, but that motion is chaotic to an extent and thus cancels out any potential momentum. The character has the power to consciously direct much of the atomic motion in their body a single direction - granting them a land speed approximating 400 MPH and overcoming physics issues that speedsters should face: traction, friction, inertia, metabolic needs, etc.

An illusionist character defines their power as "semi-conscious control over the spectrum of atomic photonic reflection" aka "Psychic Spray paint", could create illusions based on visual imagination... could also, blind a foe. create a "smokescreen", chameleon camouflage , cartoon gag traps, but this wouldn't defeat real laser weapons. as the effect can linger after the character stops concentrating (until air circulation wrecks the image or it fades out) the illusionist could leave decoys. unlike psychically projected illusions, these images will not cause system shock, but will apear on camera!

Link to Game calendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2548

May 22nd, 2017, 00:14
72 views and no replies? did I miss something? Did you want something different?
did you want cosmic heroes with an 85 point build, and include super-karma in setting the power limit 1/3rd=29 BTI 1/2= 42 ?
Did you want a specific universe DC, Marvel, Wild-storm/top cow, Valiant, Dark-horse, Antarctic press, lightning comics or other independent?
Did you want the game to be voice? I can do TS3.
Talk to me people. I am trying.

May 22nd, 2017, 00:27
Sundays are reserved for D&D 5 and Gurps for me. And our timezones do not match. I do hope you find people, this sounds fun.

May 22nd, 2017, 01:07
I'm definitely interested but I haven't used the Savage Worlds Rule set. FG I'm ok with but I'd need a little practice with the new system. It's something I've been wanting to learn anyway, so on my side of things it's a plus! For the GM.. well that's up to you.

May 22nd, 2017, 04:05
Running a D&D campaign on Sundays, and Sunday noon arizona time is Monday 04:00 Japan time anyway

May 22nd, 2017, 18:09
okay, thank you.

May 22nd, 2017, 18:16
Moderators, please nuke this thread.
I will try to offer 1-2 hour one shots for the time being.

Thank you