View Full Version : LF Players Tuesday Nights PST Rise of the Runelords

May 17th, 2017, 04:45
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: PFRPG
Time Zone: PST
Day of week and time: Tuesday @ 6pm - 10pm
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly

Text or Voice: Voice + Text
Voice software used: Discord (Server will be given privately)

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40
Number of Players needed: 4

Books Allowed @ Character Generation:
Core Rule Book
Advanced Players Guide
RotRL Players Guide
Advanced Class Guide
Advanced Race Guide (Limited see character generation)
Ultimate Equipment

All other books will be allowed on a case by case basis after the game officially starts.

Character Generation (Will be done during session 0)

Races Allowed:




Two will be allowed (No Drawbacks), also must choose one of the Rise of the Runelords Player Guide Traits as your Campaign Trait.
Eager Performer
Family Ties
Friends and Enemies
Giant Slayer
Goblin Watcher
Hagfish Hopeful
Merchant Family
Monster Hunter
Scholar of the Ancients
Student of Faith

Starting Wealth
All characters will begin with Max Wealth for their chosen class. (henchman are not allowed)

Some House Rules:
Detect Magic: Not a flash light, requires concentration. If you shift your focus you loose it. (yes that means turn your head or walk)
Forewarned (Su): I only allow 1 move action.
That's it pretty painless.

About me: I'm sure some of you may be a little unhappy with some of my restrictions. Please bear with me I'm still kind of new to pathfinder and don't want to get in over my head. I'm currently running a Rise of the Runelords game already on weekends at my house (live game). That party is nearly done with Chapter 1. I would like to play an online game during Tuesday nights. As stated I'm rather new to pathfinder but not to Table Top RPG's. I've played D&D, AD&D, and AD&D 2nd Edition for over 20 years. I also have experience in Hunter the reckoning, Vampire, and Deadlands to name a few.

I tend to favor good role play over rules lawyering. So if you are a numbers cruncher this might not be the game for you. I will generally allow something if it makes sense. If I don't know something I will allow it usually until I research it for the next session. I reward role playing heavily so if you want to progress in my game that is the way to go.

Magic Items. Your characters will know little of them. I tend to run low magic campaigns, I will give you the resources you need to succeed, but not so much that players blow through all of the encounters. I tend to have strict rules when it comes to researching recopies, so be forewarned if you just want to be a crafter. Finally I am not out to kill players, but that doesn't mean I will not use the encounters to their potential. Things happen but there will be no sudden lightning bolts or rules being bent to make your life hell. Enough of me more on that for anyone who wants to join.

You should join if:
You enjoy role playing. Simple.
Can be on time.

You should not join if *takes in a deep breath*:
You are a heavy rules lawyer. (knowing the rules is fine but be aware DM has final say)
You are out to ruin the campaign. (I.E. Doing things a DM might not expect constantly. I'm very good at spotting these players fast)
You want most of the spotlight. (sometimes face of the party gets lots of role play time that's fine, but don't be that guy that takes a free action, swift action, move action, and standard action every round just to hide in a corner I will warn you if you are taking too much time.)
You get mad at players out of game/in game for playing their character. (I.E. A rogue sees treasure and loots it before anyone notices. Let players play their character. If your character has an issue with it in game and notices it via perception then its fine, but don't make it personal. I will step in and make a ruling if it starts to get out of hand.)
DON'T META GAME. ("How many hit points do you have left", What is your *insert skill* chance? etc... Anything you wouldn't say in real life leave out of the game. If a cleric knows a character has sustained major hp damage and burns a stronger spell than was necessary then so be it. My wrath will be great if I hear numbers being tossed around freely. For the record Minor, Moderate, and Major are the correct responses in regards to health and magic)
You want to play a character that has no desire to adventure. (This campaign is designed for heros not black smiths. Not to say you can't be a crafter, but be a team player who wants to save the day.)
No Evil Alignments on this one.

The final thing I have is if you can't make a session please let me know. Its not a big deal I realize we all have lives. Also if you have an issue with a player, talk to them first. If the two of you cannot resolve it I will step in.

May 17th, 2017, 04:59
I am interested in joining this campaign. Ill send you a PM

May 17th, 2017, 16:24
Interested, PM will be sent.

May 18th, 2017, 00:18
Edited by JPG: If not interested in a game, please don't post in their threads. Thanks.

Hero of Blades
May 18th, 2017, 03:50
I might be interested, send me a pm, I'll need to make sure the scheduling works out.

May 19th, 2017, 02:04
I'm definitely interested. Brace for incoming PM.

May 19th, 2017, 02:46
This campaign is going to be awesome.

May 19th, 2017, 06:17
Hello Frankison,

I am interested in your campaign and I have sent you a PM. Please let me know if I can provide anything in addition!

Thank you!

May 19th, 2017, 21:20
Campaign has all of its players. Recruitment is Closed