View Full Version : Organizing Encounters

Dax Doomslayer
May 16th, 2017, 21:32
Hi Folks,
Probably a stupid question but I can't seem to find this answer for some reason. This is my first 'module' that I'm creating/entering so be gentle - lol. I've had no issues creating the encounters. I'm also able to add a new group name. Is there any way to take all the encounters I just created and have them listed under that Group name that I've created pretty much 'akin' to having a Windows folder and dropping individuals files into it? How is the module 'tied' together? Is that only at the "Story" level? My apologies for the noob question but everything I seem to be finding is slightly outdated...

May 16th, 2017, 21:35
Open the group name list at the top of the encounter list and leave it open. Click-drag the encounters from the bottom to the group you want them to be in.

You'll also want to add relevant encounters to the story entries for specific locations/areas. If you have a map, drag the location story entry to the map to create a pushpin link.

Further info:
Some high level info on creating a module here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/images/b/b7/Adventure-a-Week_Module_Creation_Guide.pdf
And best practices here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?33538-Adventure-Module-Creation-Best-Practices

Dax Doomslayer
May 16th, 2017, 23:39
Well - I'm pretty dumb. I actually did previously try the drag and drop but it didn't work. The reason...drum roll please... I failed to put the Group Name in "Edit" mode. There does seem to be an odd little delay until it moves sometimes but I'm set for that. Those resources are terrific Trenloe - thanks!! I've watched a couple of videos too. I also have to improve on my "Gimp" aptitude for the whole map thing so I've been watching tutorials there too. I can't wait until I'm a little more fluent with this but it's going fairly well so far. I appreciate the help.

Dax Doomslayer
May 20th, 2017, 20:43
OK - another question on this. Say in the Treasure parcel there's a 50 gp Silver Necklace. What is the best way to create this as it's not on the Items list. Is the best way to do this is to create a "Necklace, Silver" in the Items list and then whenever I need it just change it in the Treasure Parcel or should I just add it to the Treasure Parcel? Also, if I go the route of the 1st, can I add a new subcategory of "Jewelry" or something? I'm curious what people do for these types of things and what is 'best practices' so to speak. Thanks!

May 20th, 2017, 22:04
Yes, create the item in items. You have a full template that you can fill in with the value, weight and a description. Once created simple drag that into your parcel and then link up the parcel to the story entry. You can also create a new Group called Jewellery or Treasure or whatever you like and drag it into that group at any time.

One point to note; if you want to create 'unidentified' items make sure that when you are creating items that you have the options Item Identification set to 'On'. This will give you two more boxes to complete a non identified name and description. You can also set the id on or off by clicking the red/green toggle in the top right of the item dialog.

May 20th, 2017, 22:18
Another tip with Items and Parcels: the XML for each item is duplicated within the parcel so technically you could create the item in the Item window, create a parcel and drag that item into it (creating a parcel version of the item markup) then delete the item from the Items window. Just depends on whether you want to have the item in both windows or only one.

May 20th, 2017, 22:40
Another tip with Items and Parcels: the XML for each item is duplicated within the parcel so technically you could create the item in the Item window, create a parcel and drag that item into it (creating a parcel version of the item markup) then delete the item from the Items window.
You don't need to create them in the campaign data list first, just create the item directly in the parcel window if you don't want it showing in the items campaign data list.

Dax Doomslayer
May 21st, 2017, 01:01
Thanks for the responses folks. So I think I had it correctly. If I want to be able to use those items added in future campaigns/modules, I should use the items list and drag from there. If it's a 'one shot' then I can directly input them into the parcel window. Another question, if I have a magic item which has a drawback (or perhaps is cursed i.e. remember the old +2 spear of back biting), is there any way to add this to the write up but not have the player see the drawback / curse?

Also, what is the template box used for if checked off? The Wiki really doesn't help by stating: "The template button allows the item record to have a programmatic way to identify incomplete items for the later DMG additions."

May 21st, 2017, 05:46
Thanks for the responses folks. So I think I had it correctly. If I want to be able to use those items added in future campaigns/modules, I should use the items list and drag from there. If it's a 'one shot' then I can directly input them into the parcel window. Another question, if I have a magic item which has a drawback (or perhaps is cursed i.e. remember the old +2 spear of back biting), is there any way to add this to the write up but not have the player see the drawback / curse?
Item identification is an all or nothing option. If you ID the item, then the players can see everything in the item record. If not, they can only see the non-id name and short description. Don't forget you can start a second instance on your GM computer and connect using localhost​ to see what the players see.

Also, what is the template box used for if checked off? The Wiki really doesn't help by stating: "The template button allows the item record to have a programmatic way to identify incomplete items for the later DMG additions."
So that you can use the item in the Item Forge.

May 21st, 2017, 12:47
If you want to produce a cursed item you could make two; one without the cursed bit and one with it. When the players ID the first one all is well; but then when they use it and the curse makes itself known swap out for the cursed one. If the curse is something you don't want the players to know (or you want them to work it out for themselves) depending on what the curse is you can place an effect on the character in the CT and have it visible to the DM only. This will work for something like negatives to attack or damage or disadvantage on saves etc. Again, have a second item with the curse details so that it can be swapped out for the one being used once the curse is known.

As LordEntrails says the item template is for use with the Magic item forge (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Item_Sheet#Using_The_Forge).