View Full Version : Pdf with Modules for 5e?

May 16th, 2017, 21:04
Has this ever been brought up to wizards before?
I have decided Curse of Strahd will be the next adventure my group goes through, it would be really awesome If the module / book came with a voucher for the pdf from wizards.
Seeing how pathfinder is seeing success with the model, I was just curious if there ever was a negotiation to get the players a pdf copy of the product from wizards with a qualifying purchase.

if it happened before I joined fg I apologize for asking but it would be really awesome so snag the pdf, and fg module all in one go.

May 16th, 2017, 21:19
Has this ever been brought up to wizards before?
I have decided Curse of Strahd will be the next adventure my group goes through, it would be really awesome If the module / book came with a voucher for the pdf from wizards.
Wizards don't produce PDFs for any of the mainline D&D 5E products.

Neither can you buy the physical products directly from them, you'd have to go to a store/online retailer.

Due to these two "issues" I'll doubt if you'll ever see anything like this for the D&D 5E products.

May 16th, 2017, 21:20
D&D 5E books aren't even available in pdf. They have ebooks like the D&D Adventurer's League stuff and the Player's Companions, but you can't get physical products like Curse of Strahd or even the core rulebooks in pdf. I believe this is largely due to concerns over piracy.

The Paizo deal is excellent, but I doubt we'll see similar deals from most other companies, least of all from WotC.

EDIT: I see Trenloe beat me to it. :ninja:

May 16th, 2017, 21:44
unfortunate for sure. seems like a missed chance for wizards, but its their money...or not.