View Full Version : how to find page number quickly

May 16th, 2017, 19:26
I am using Fantasy Grounds as an easier ( quicker ) way to do things and navigate the different books and such.

I am new.

I am currently studying the lost mines of phandelver book and while im reading though it. i find things such as
"This room contains two secret doors, one leading to area 6 and the other to area 12. See the "General Features" section (page 20) for more information on secret doors."

i can easily enough get the book for the campaign and flip to page 20 no problem. but what if i didnt have the book. as i have also purchased all the premade stories and i wont have those books on hand. how would i fine the pages they refer too.

i mean. i can go though each page of the book in FG until i find the info but that will take a ton of time. has to be a way to find a page number that im just not seeing.

apologies for simple questions but the answer would make this so much more fun for me and mine. thank so much .

May 16th, 2017, 21:56
The conversions are a literal translation-what's exactly written in the physical copy of the booklet. In the future, perhaps there will be a way to link to the appropriate story section.

May 16th, 2017, 22:05
The general guidelines for converters are not to use page number references but link to the relevant section. This sounds like this specific issue has been missed by the converter.

@Kordin - could you please log this in the 5E bug thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37510-5e-Bug-reports-(Continued-Part-2)), with as much details as possible for each page reference - i.e. what record type (e.g. story) and title of the record where the reference occurs. Thanks.

May 16th, 2017, 22:09
so basically. no way to tell at this point? no little tricks anyone has came up with?

May 16th, 2017, 22:10
sure Trenoe

May 16th, 2017, 22:13
no little tricks anyone has came up with?
Use the search/filter field under the story list. For example, you mentioned "General Features" in your first post - start typing f-e (the beginning of "features") and the story entry "P4-02.00 General Features" is shown.

May 16th, 2017, 22:27
posted in thread as requested. tried your search idea. no go. the result you received points towards echo cave. the one being referred to is in the redbrands hideout

May 16th, 2017, 22:33
the one being referred to is in the redbrands hideout
OK, if you know that much then click on the section header for the Redrand Hideout.

Until the page links are fixed (assuming they are), then you'll need to apply a bit of logic to where the data might be stored. Ask yourself - "general features" in "Redbrand Hideout" - where might they be listed? Then look for a relevant story heading. In this case, it's in "P2-07.00 Redbrand Hideout". This process took me literally 5 seconds to find the information. That's my tip/trick! :)

May 16th, 2017, 22:46
well the only reason i knew it was the Redbrand Hideout is because i had the book and went to page 20. when i move to the other stories.. i dont have the books for those. just the FG versions.. so i wont be able to flip to the page.

i am very new to D&D and Fantasy Grounds. im trying to learn the game and rules.. and FG and how it works. so all of this is completely new to me and alot of info in me head that im sorting through.. so i may not be as quick to figure all this out as you were with your 5 secs heh. im slow.. but not stopped.. i was just looking for something that perhaps i was missing or just wasnt understanding.

May 16th, 2017, 22:54
Usually the heading numbers will help to identify title sections, which are a good place to look for general info regarding specific areas.

You can also use the arrow buttons at the bottom of a story entry to quick "flick" through entries, which may help to find info.

But, hopefully the links will be updated soon. If you find any more please post them in the bug thread like you have already. We much prefer links to pesky page references! :)