View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Mon-Fri Sun Weekday Mon-Fri EST 5E/Pathfinder

May 16th, 2017, 12:56
FG License: Ultimate

Time Zone: EST

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly,Whatever...Weeknight: Mon 8PM-Whenever, Tues and Weds 9PM-Whenever, Fri 10PM-Whenever, Sun 9PM-Whenever...Weekday: Mon-Fri 8AM-230PM (May vary during the summer months due to children being out of school) These are not absolutes...just guidelines. I can be creative at times with my flexibility.

Term: Any

Voice: Can voice or text...will download software if needed

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E or Pathfinder but will consider others

Game System Experience: D&D 2E, 3.5E, 5E...Pathfinder...Mutants and Masterminds (Player and DM)

Fantasy Grounds Experience: Newer to V3...have used FG in the past and am currently involved in an ongoing FG campaign. I am currently working painstakingly through various tutorial videos online. Have 5 or 6 done at the time of this posting. Quick learner.

Character Type Preferred: Any...have played and DM'ed pretty much all of them

About me: Hey all! Heath, here. I'm 38, living in Ohio and have been playing tabletop RPG's since I was 16 (22 years). As you can see I have some flexibility to my available days and times due to my "stay-at-home parent" status. I'm currently working hard at becoming proficient with FG in my free-time as I want to get back into a gaming group after life dispersed my tabletop groups. I'm very easy-going and laid back and can get along with almost anyone. I'm currently open to considering any FG gaming option so don't pigeon-hole me into my preferences listed above. Just ask!

A few more things about me...my other hobbies include music, sports, tabletop/hobby gaming, video-gaming and painting miniatures. I tabletop/hobby game multiple days of the week and my collection currently consists of 300+ tabletop/hobby games so I am very familiar with picking up and learning rulesets quickly. I also have experience with minature gaming (Warhammer/AOS). HUGE Bloodbowl fan with 10 year+ experience. I ran a local league for awhile as well as multiple online leagues via the PC game BB1 and BB2 and FUMBBL. I also like to play World of Warcraft and other PC games as well as multiplayer. I look forward to hearing from some of you! Thanks for your time!