View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Game to jump in on 5/14 CST US Time Zone (Anytime) 5e

May 14th, 2017, 23:31
Paid License
Central Time USA

Looking for a game to jump in on one shot or fill in for a no-show today. Let me know. If you have an ongoing campaign and need someone I am also interested in that too.

Game System Preferred: D&D - any version
Game System Experience: Some D&D
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Fast learner with some experience.

Voicechat capable.

Character Type Preferred: I don't have a preference on character type at this time. Let me know what gaps you have in your group, if any. I am most familiar with the Druid class, but expand my knowledge daily.

About me: I don't necessarily create characters who I identify with or are a semblance of myself. I like creating interesting people who I would want to spend time with on the adventure trail.

I'm definitely interested in finding a regular game for those DMs who are looking for new players. If anyone has a game that needs a player right now I am in, just message me.