View Full Version : New Campaign Module Selection Extension

May 10th, 2017, 00:25
New Campaign Module Selection Extension V0.4.0

This extension opens once when you create a new Campaign (with the extension enabled). Once that happens you are prompted with a dialog:


If you select "Open Modules Individually" you are presented with the modules window:


If you select "Pre-Load Common Modules" you are given a choice between a list of module sets based on the ruleset:


Once you've selected the module set you want to open, Fantasy Grounds loads the modules (this may take a short amount of time). After that if you open your modules window you will see your list of loaded modules:


Note: Each set of modules even knows what should be shared with players and what shouldn't.

For Theme and Ruleset Developers (not tested)
You can add to the list of pre-load module sets by adding something similar to this in your onInit() function.

local moduleList = {};
moduleList["Module name as it appears in library"] = "restricted";
moduleList["Module name as it appears in library"] = "shared";
moduleList["Module name as it appears in library"] = "shared";
ModulePreLoader.moduleListTable["Module group that will appear in combobox"] = moduleList;

If you like this extension and would like to contribute, but are not a programmer, you can post a list of modules that should be loaded when users start a new campaign for a ruleset or setting. Please include which modules should be 'shared' and which should be 'restricted' to GM only, and which ruleset and/or Setting its for.

Version History:

v.0.4.0 - Checks to see if its running on Host. If its not it doesn't present module load window. Name change.
v.0.3.3 - First Public version.

May 10th, 2017, 04:05
how does something like this effect players load time? since 3.3 players have a slightly longer load time, especially if more than 3 players, its actually getting to the point i unshare every module until they are all in game and then reshare and they can load it individually as they want or dont want (not complaining about what is happening, just asking about this extension)

Moon Wizard
May 10th, 2017, 06:32
The module and asset sharing engine has not changed for many versions, so the longer load times are possibly an effect of additional records being shared over time in a campaign, the addition of tokens or some other scenario that involves additional transfers.

I think I'm going to rename the thread for James, because it's not so much a "preloader" as a campaign module selection dialog.


May 10th, 2017, 06:49
that makes sense, i have added information

May 10th, 2017, 11:06
This is good. Now we need an option to pre-load the workspace environment so players and GMs don't have to place and resize windows each new campaign.

May 10th, 2017, 18:00
This is good. Now we need an option to pre-load the workspace environment so players and GMs don't have to place and resize windows each new campaign.

This one^^^^ I would love if it could remember my last open windows, even if its an option on exit..Right click to close FG and a third option pops up "Exit and Save State" or some such option

May 10th, 2017, 18:10
This one^^^^ I would love if it could remember my last open windows
Vote for it here: https://fg2app.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=40888

May 26th, 2017, 19:16
New version uploaded. Added check for Host, if its not running on host it doesn't present window.