View Full Version : Random Encounter Issue

May 9th, 2017, 19:46
I am brand new to FG. I am watching and learning from some videos.

I just watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_4109862929&feature=iv&src_vid=nurEMR4JJeU&v=XUhYLoo1uoc#t=36m30s
and at the 16:51 mark, he is showing that once you hit the generate button, it creates the encounter and auto calcs the CR and XP. i did exactly as he did. step by step. and it does NOT calc those items. what am i doing wrong please? It does make the encounter but it just doesnt do the CR or XP calc.


also i sent an email to support about changing my name. thx.

May 9th, 2017, 19:52
You have to unlock the record, then hit the recalculate buttons. I think this was changed recently.

May 9th, 2017, 19:57
thanks so much Andraax. got it.

May 9th, 2017, 20:54
Welcome to the forums, David! And welcome to Fantasy Grounds and our wonderful community.

May 9th, 2017, 21:16