View Full Version : Identify Item for Specific Player(s)?

May 6th, 2017, 23:54
So I've recently discovered the item identification option, and I noticed that when I (DM) set an item to be identified, it identifies that item for the whole party. Is it possible to only identify an item for a specific player? I don't want players to be able to open an identified item on another player's character sheet and see the full identified version and vice-versa unless that player has also identified that item.

May 7th, 2017, 00:30
Players cannot open each other's character sheets.

May 7th, 2017, 00:31
Double-clicking on their portrait in the top left corner opens their character sheet, even as a player.
Even so, the issue isn't that players can open each other's character sheets, it's that they can see identified items this way.

May 7th, 2017, 00:35
It opens their character sheet. It should not open another player's character sheet.

EDIT: Just verified. I connected to a test 5E campaign twice, with two different player names. Each player can open their character sheet, but not the other player's character sheet.

May 7th, 2017, 00:39
Clicking on another player's portrait open that player's character sheet (the player that they clicked on's character sheet).

May 7th, 2017, 00:40
If they can't open each other's character sheets, then it's a moot point.

May 7th, 2017, 00:41
Then your installation is broken, or all your players are signing on using the same player name (which would make it impossible to do what you're asking anyway.)

May 7th, 2017, 00:43
It's because of the "Party: Show Characters to Clients" option in settings. I'm just wondering if there's a way to identify an item for only a specific player.

May 7th, 2017, 00:46
I just verified that option is turned on in my test campaign, and players still cannot open each other's sheet. That option is to show other party members on the PARTY sheet, as the prefix for the option implies.

May 7th, 2017, 00:58
Hrm, it appears you are correct, my bad. For some reason connecting to localhost as a different player on 2 clients allows me to see another player's sheet, but when I got one of my actual players to join they can't see it. Might be some strange connection issue.

Nonetheless, identified items still appear identified for all players in the Party Inventory. Is there a way to only identify an item for certain players, or to hide an item from the Party Inventory without turning off the Party Inventory>

May 7th, 2017, 00:58
Party: Show characters to clients Off (default) or On Determines whether the Main and Skills tabs are available to players in the party sheet.


May 7th, 2017, 01:00
The party sheet only lists the name of the item. Change the name.

May 7th, 2017, 01:01
Okay, thanks.

May 8th, 2017, 18:51
Hrm, it appears you are correct, my bad. For some reason connecting to localhost as a different player on 2 clients allows me to see another player's sheet, but when I got one of my actual players to join they can't see it. Might be some strange connection issue.
Don't run more than one client using localhost. It's not designed for more than one client connecting using localhost on the same computer. They share the same client cache files and so you can get all sorts of issues - some obvious (file access, etc.) some unexplained (like this one).

May 8th, 2017, 21:09
Localhost isn't the same as a player connecting in some cases.

Also, do you use the same username for both localhost instances? If so, FG thinks they are both the same player.

May 9th, 2017, 01:48
Localhost isn't the same as a player connecting in some cases.

Also, do you use the same username for both localhost instances? If so, FG thinks they are both the same player.

No, I was using different usernames for both localhost instances. But the problem with seeing each other's character sheets was solved by connecting using the internal address.