View Full Version : Middle-earth (5th Ed) GMT 0

May 4th, 2017, 21:28
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: 5E D&D

Day of week and time: Sunday 7:30 GMT

Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly, usually 3-4 hrs

Text or Voice: Both (I understand some people prefer text, I'm happy to use both)
Voice software used: Discord

Number of Players in game & needed: 3-4 more players needed.
Character starting level & equipment: Starting level 1
Character restrictions: Adventures In Middle-earth (Cubicle7) used

Details of your scenario: I'm running the old Rolemaster MERP modules via Cubicle7's reworking of their One Ring rules for 5th Edition. Starting with "Dark Mage of Rhudaur", after that the companions will likely be given the option to travel to Tharbad or explore the Trollshaws and attempt to continue their good work or repair the damage drought by the Witch-king's forces.

Odaric crouched behind the moss-grown trunk of a fallen oak The first stars of dusk glimmered in the light-filled sky above shadows deepened around the unmoving Northman With a quick, in-drawn breath, he shifted his weight to obtain a better view of the conflict raging in the fields before him Wounded Vulseggi and Dunedain lay sprawled among the corpses of Orcs, Dunmen, and proud Cultirith. Punctuating the hiss of arrows, siege engines hurled stones at the Beacon Tower. Silhouettes flickered on its battlements, providing targets for the troops gathered beneath the eaves of the surrounding wood. A sudden eruption of shouts drew Odaric's attention to his left. A battalion of Orcs, bearing the weight of a steel-shrouded battering ram, staggered from the forest's edge towards the Tirthon. Could the defenders withstand this renewed assault? Odaric stiffened. Surely he heard a noise beneath the tumult of the battle? A softer sound. A hesitant, intermittent rustling like that of stealthy footsteps behind him! The Northman whirled and raised his sword as two savage Dunmen lunged forward with spiked clubs.

Link to Game calendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2536

PM me or leave a message on the calendar if interested; I'm really keen on role-playing rather than min-maxers. Aiming to start in about two weeks time and will likely run 3 out of 4 Sundays per week. The AiME extension seems to be working nicely; having your own AiME (Cubicle7) book would be ideal but I've pretty much converted all the essential material (Races, Virtues, Backgrounds and Gear) into a usable format.

May 4th, 2017, 23:03
It's a shame you are running this on a Sunday, where I am busy GMing myself. I wish you good luck finding players, I have fond memories of MERP.

May 4th, 2017, 23:24
Is that 07:30 AM or PM? If it's PM count me as interested, I have both books of the game and was entering all the info into FG when I saw the extension. Just downloaded that and am going to try it out. If I'm not mistaken 7:30 PM GMT is 12:30 PM Pacific Time which I could do, AM not so much.

May 5th, 2017, 00:06
Nice idea. Those old MERP modules are classics.

May 5th, 2017, 02:52
Sounds like a hoot.

May 5th, 2017, 17:47
Is that 07:30 AM or PM? If it's PM count me as interested, I have both books of the game and was entering all the info into FG when I saw the extension. Just downloaded that and am going to try it out. If I'm not mistaken 7:30 PM GMT is 12:30 PM Pacific Time which I could do, AM not so much.

It's 7:30 PM so it fits your slot if you are still interested. Aiming to get a cohesive bunch of characters sorted out online next weekend?

May 5th, 2017, 17:49
Nice idea. Those old MERP modules are classics.

Yeah ... very close to doing them all via the RM ruleset but 5th Ed is quite slick and the AiME has some nice touches in it and handles the thorny issue of magic very adeptly.

May 7th, 2017, 21:33
It's 7:30 PM so it fits your slot if you are still interested. Aiming to get a cohesive bunch of characters sorted out online next weekend?

I'll be away from my computer for about a week around then but will be back before the following Sunday. I do have two characters I've created using the standard array for 5e - a Dwarven Slayer (Foehammer) and an Elven Scholar (Master Healer).

May 8th, 2017, 20:59
Looks like fun. Not sure I can commit both afternoons to campaigns (my parents think gaming is a waste of time), but any chance I could drop in and observe occasionally?

May 8th, 2017, 21:29
I have been gaming in FG for the last year and really enjoy the middle earth genre. I am not familiar with the middle earth system so put in my request an elf or half elf sorcerer. Really sounds like a good setting. I have always wanted to RP in middle earth.

May 8th, 2017, 21:32
Looks like fun. Not sure I can commit both afternoons to campaigns (my parents think gaming is a waste of time), but any chance I could drop in and observe occasionally?

Sure, no problem. I'll catch you on Saturday and give you some more details.

I think we're now full pending character creation - many thanks for your interest.

May 21st, 2017, 01:11
Calendar page seems to have vanished. Still on for 21 May at 2pm Eastern?

May 21st, 2017, 05:44
Absolutely! Will check in a few minutes and re-do the entry if necessary - Discord details to follow.

May 22nd, 2017, 11:59
Hi all probably to late but I'm in.


FG License : Demo

Time Zone : +10 GMT

Days : Sunday evening, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Terms : One shot or long term.

Voice : TS, Mumble, Raid Call, Discord, Skype.

Game System : 5e - Have red up on the system. A lot to learn about new game mechanics.

Setting : Forgotten Relms. Extensive collection of AD&D reference material and D&D 3.0 materiel.

XP : Lots of xp in AD&D, D&D 3.0, Rolemaster, Heroes and many other game systems.

Fantasy Grounds : Nill - have watched games on YouTube, and FG posts on YouTube.

Character Type : Have an idea about playing a Noble Monk/Sorcerer, Sir Phillip Greymantle from Cormyr. Have background all sorted. Need GM to approval to change a tiny game rule to make the character work.

About Me : I live in northern Victoria, Australia in the region known as the Golburne Valley.
Started playing AD&D in 1986 and played right through to 2000. Have DMed AD&D, D&D, Rolemaster, Heroes - super heroes and Heroes - martial arts games through out that time. Work and travel prevented me from playing and just now decided that the online community was developed enough or more to the point the tech was developed enough, to look for a game to play online.
I'm now on a part pension and milk cows on Thursday evenings and morning and night on Saturday and Sunday so I'm really poor.
I am willing to play nearly any time zone provided my work isn't in the way.
The one thing I want is a mature, relaxed group to play with. Having female players as well would be ideal.
Once I become accustomed to Fantasy Grounds and have slowly build up the necessary modules and expertise, I think I'd like to DM again and build adventures.
Also once comfortable with gaming maybe I could help new DM's with my experience once the cobwebs have been cleaned

May 23rd, 2017, 16:33
Olddragon - will set the Server up on Friday for you to log in and create a character - please check the Calendar Entry for details:


Looking for two more players - a Scholar would be good.

The Dark Mage of Rhudaur

When the scrolls of the loremasters and the sagas of the bards turn to the subject of war, they tell of fierce battles and mighty captains. Perhaps the course of history is determined by these epic events, yet such clashes are, perforce, rare — occurring only a few times in an Age. Elves would hold that great wars come only too often, but the Eldar measure their years in yens. Among Men, only a few of the noble Dunedain see their lives encompass an entire yen of 144 Mannish years, and, for most of the dwellers in Middle-earth, generations may pass in this span. The Elven Queen, Galadriel of Lorien, once spoke of the Long Defeat, she perceived but one continuous conflict against Morgoth and his avatar, Sauron, in all her long sojourn in Endor. The ceaseless battle between Light and Darkness has made no less an impact on the multitudes forgotten in the histories, especially those inhabiting the frontier. Even in centuries otherwise considered peaceful or quiet, humble folk fight against evil. Yet their unremembered struggle is no less desperate, no less final for those who fall in the myriad little skirmishes, and, perhaps, no less important in the eyes of the One. The following tale recounts the deeds of the last faithful Dunedain of Rhudaur in northeastern Eriador, but it is also the story of those who hold back the Haradrim in South Ithilien, the Easterlings in Rhovanion, the foul Orcs of the Necromancer under the eaves of Mirkwood, and of all those who fight what the Elves call the Oiodagali, the endless little war.

In T A 1640, fifty years after his defeat in the Great Northern War, the Witch king of Angmar has recovered his strength and is preparing to launch a new war against the Dunedain of the North As a preliminary measure, he intends to destroy the Beacon Towers in southern Rhudaur which yet defy his power. Eliminating the five Gondyrn-onen-Egladil (S "Stone Trees of the Angle") will secure his supply routes to the borders of Arthedain and what remains of Cardolan. First on his list is the northernmost, the Tirthon, which lies at the edge of the Yfelwood in the Trollshaws. The Witch-king has several schemes afoot to assure that the Beacon Towers will fall quickly but his plans may yet be thwarted by the unexpected arrival of six adventurous wanderers.

Campaign Info

Sunday's GMT 20:30 - aiming to run for just over a couple of hours.
Text and Discord (https://discordapp.com/download)
D&D 5th Edition using the Adventures In Middle-earth rules (Cubicle7) and the extension developed by NotRussellCrowe (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37167-Adventures-in-Middle-Earth/page5). AiME is a low magic RPG; no wizards, or clerics etc.
Dark Mage will likely get players to level 5, thence "Thieves of Tharbad " .... probably.

May 28th, 2017, 09:49
Still room for one, maybe two more - starting later today.

June 29th, 2017, 15:10
So I have had a schedule change and are available for the game if you still have room. I sent you a PM also.

June 29th, 2017, 21:19
I've been looking for a Sunday GMT game for so long, are there still spots left?

Edit: Didn't notice the timeline of the original post. Sorry

July 3rd, 2017, 16:27

I'm interested in trying this game.
My timezone is GMT+2 so the time fits if the sessions are not more than 3-4 hrs long.

Also, I don't have an ability to play a voice game, only text-based at that time. I did not understand if it this one will be played using both text and voice or one of that, so possibly that excludes me right away.

Otherwise, I've been playing rp games ever since and am fairly familiar with 5e system, as well as FG. I've also been DM-ing so I know my way around the game.
I could play any race and class, already have a couple of options in my mind. My preferable style is role playing rather than combat hack&slash, but am also really happy to see the battlegrid ;)

Eagerly waiting toe let me know.

November 2nd, 2018, 20:06
I would love to be involved with this. I am already an active player in another AiME group and could provide references on request. Please feel free to PM me as I will provide references as well as information that I have created to support my game.