View Full Version : Can players choose which campaign to connect to?

May 4th, 2017, 14:54
Apologies ahead of time if this was an answer that should have been easy to find and my search-fu failed me.

I'm currently DM'ing just one campaign and I leave the game loaded 24/7 so that my players can log in during off hours download any images that I've shared during the week. I have a pretty slow upload speed and this "patch" log in really helps speed up game play.

I'm going to be adding a 2nd campaign in a week. I've got the new campaign set up no problem. I can run two instances of FG as DM with both campaigns up in Windows side by side no issues. I can't figure out a way for my players to select which campaign to log into when they connect to me. It seems to default to the 1st campaign I loaded.

Is it possible for me to have both campaigns running and let players pick which one to join?

May 4th, 2017, 15:03
You'll have issues running two GM instances on the same computer at the same time. They will both be trying to "listen" for players connecting as they listen on the same port (TCP port 1802). It might appear to work, but sooner or later there'll be communication problems.

You could change one of the instances to use a different port number, using the -pXXXX command line argument when starting Fantasy Grounds. But the players would have to do this as well, and you'd need to setup additional port forwarding for this additional port (if your router doesn't use UPnP for port forwarding). Lots of scope of accessing the wrong campaign here.

This might also be against the software EULA, but SmiteWorks would have to comment on that.

May 4th, 2017, 15:04
Maybe. If you launch the second instance using a command line and specify an alternate port (other than 1802), then your players can also launch their client from a command line and specify the same alternate port. It might work. I don't know, never tried.

If you decide you want to try that and can't find the command, I can google the forums to find it for you.

May 4th, 2017, 15:21
Thanks for the fast info like always! You guys rock. I think I'll just tell my people that Game 1 needs to log in on Mondays to grab downloads and Game 2 needs to log in on Tuesdays. I wouldn't mind doing the command lines but some of them aren't very tech adept and the headache of walking them through it would likely outweigh the benefit of being able to leave both games running.