View Full Version : PBG: PF Mod: Crypt of the Everflame [CORE/T1-2/#94970]

May 3rd, 2017, 12:52
PBG: PF Mod: Crypt of the Everflame [CORE/T1-2/#94970][FantasyGrounds/Google+]
05-13-2017/12p-8p (CST)

The young heroes of the town of Kassen are ready for their coming-of-age ceremony, an old tradition in which they retrieve a piece of the eternal flame burning in the tomb of the town’s founder. Yet when they arrive there, they find only the corpses of their fellow townsfolk, dead bandits, and mysterious animated skeletons. The novice heroes must brave the traps and perils of the Crypt of the Everflame, discover the source of the corruption that has awakened an ancient evil, and defeat a menace that seeks vengeance against Kassen and its people.

Written by Jason Bulmahn

Warhorn available here (https://www.warhorn.net/events/pb-gamers/schedule/2017/05/13/sessions/176115).

May 4th, 2017, 16:56
Would like to play, assuming TeamSpeak, but don't know that I can commit to an entire Saturday.

May 4th, 2017, 17:25
Would like to play, assuming TeamSpeak, but don't know that I can commit to an entire Saturday.

Voice would be Google Hangouts and it's never taken the full 8 hours (5 hours is the avg.)

May 4th, 2017, 17:37
If it's 5 hrs. maybe. I guess I could use my phone. Otherwise, won't install the app and prefer to use TS.

May 4th, 2017, 17:42
If it's 5 hrs. maybe. I guess I could use my phone. Otherwise, won't install the app and prefer to use TS.

Hmmmm. I've never had to install an app. We just use it from the browser. But I understand. :)

May 4th, 2017, 17:45
Looks like they've improved it since the last time I used it (some time ago). If it's browser only and no secondary install, OK. But...why not use Teamspeak?

Moon Wizard
May 4th, 2017, 17:48
We use Hangouts all the time in my games, and for our company meetings. No software to install.


May 4th, 2017, 19:06
Looks like they've improved it since the last time I used it (some time ago). If it's browser only and no secondary install, OK. But...why not use Teamspeak?

Mainly because the other group I list in (Pathfinder Collective Yahoo Group - the one I actually started in) prefer to use Roll20 and Hangouts and it's hard enough to get some of them to want to use FG so I try not to throw too much at them. If they get to use Hangouts, they're a bit more comfortable instead of trying to learn ALL new stuff and we can focus on the FG aspect of things. I forwarded the email I got regarding the Pathfinder materials being released so I'm hoping that might entice some of them to want to use FG along with Roll20. I picked up the Core Rulebook and Bestiary myself so I can kind of show them what's going on. :)

Ken L
May 4th, 2017, 21:13
cotev is a great module for those new to PF or PFS.

May 4th, 2017, 21:32
MW - thx for the info. I'm glad this topic came up, because I was definitely biased. When I first used hangouts, I had to run a google installer and it installed a bunch of stuff I didn't want (forget when - several years ago), then it was hard to remove. But, I guess with the transition of YouTube to HTML5 away from flash and changes in browser technology, they must be using native h.264/MP4 in HTML5 for hangouts also. So...who knows...maybe I'll switch to hangouts! :D

May 4th, 2017, 21:34
Another reason I like hangouts is I like to use music and Syrinscape in my games and don't want to have to keep pressing to talk.

May 4th, 2017, 21:35
Jim - I signed up - tentatively. I have to check my schedule...and hard to commit more than 5 hrs. that weekend...but I'll give it a go.

May 4th, 2017, 21:36
Jim - I signed up - tentatively. I have to check my schedule...and hard to commit more than 5 hrs. that weekend...but I'll give it a go.
No problem. We'll see if we can make it happen. :)

May 5th, 2017, 17:26
I'll have to check out Syrinscape and Hangouts. It's a little bit clunky with Teamspeak, Virtual Audio Drivers and the specific launch order, etc.

May 5th, 2017, 17:50
I use Voicemeeter to channel the sound and it works great. I also like Hangouts because I use a wireless headset and I can go get something to drink, hit the bathroom or whatever and mute the mic but if someone asks me a question, I don't have to try and run back and hit the button to talk - I just unmute the mic directly on the headset.

May 6th, 2017, 06:33
I use Voicemeeter to channel the sound and it works great. I also like Hangouts because I use a wireless headset and I can go get something to drink, hit the bathroom or whatever and mute the mic but if someone asks me a question, I don't have to try and run back and hit the button to talk - I just unmute the mic directly on the headset.
You don't *have* to use push to talk in TeamSpeak, use voice detection. Mute your headset if you're doing anything noisy. Just like you do in Hangouts. I use a wireless headset and Teamspeak but have never used push to talk.

Just letting everyone who reads this know that Teamspeak doesn't mean you have to use push to talk.

May 7th, 2017, 13:58
I'm tentatively interested in this, but I might have a conflict all day May 13th so I can't sign up just yet until I know for sure what is happening with that.
If I *am* able to make it, do I need to sign up via a new Warhorn account or can I just pm you here?
It'll be my first PFS game in 10 months, so good to start with a fresh character.

and... Hi HG!

May 7th, 2017, 22:25
I'm tentatively interested in this, but I might have a conflict all day May 13th so I can't sign up just yet until I know for sure what is happening with that.
If I *am* able to make it, do I need to sign up via a new Warhorn account or can I just pm you here?
It'll be my first PFS game in 10 months, so good to start with a fresh character.

and... Hi HG!

I'd rather it be on Warhorn just to keep everything out in the open for anyone else that wants to sign up. :)

May 9th, 2017, 01:06
Hi Bouzouki! I am in a 3rd session of game that should wrap up this Thursday. Assuming it does, I think I can play this weekend.

May 9th, 2017, 08:41
I haven't been able to clear my schedule for the 13th yet, doesn't look like I will be able to make it, so I am going to miss this one
Thanks for running PFS on FG