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View Full Version : DDEX 1-6 The Scroll Thief , 05/16/2017 @ 1800 (EDT)

April 29th, 2017, 22:16
Quest of the week game! I had several people overbook on the last run. Here is your chance to run through this. The last group had a rough go of it, can you do better?

FG License: Ultimate, all you need is the demo version.
Game System: D&D 5e Adventurers League

Time Zone: Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Day of week and time:Tuesday , 05/16/2017
Planned Duration & Frequency:4-5 hour session. Will go 2 sessions if can't be completed in 4 hours.
Term: AL module - 1 time

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: FG Discord Server

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: min 3 max 7
Character starting level & equipment:AL characters 1-4, Adventurers League characters
Character restrictions: AL characters

Details of your scenario: Scholars Square is a relatively quiet corner of Phlan, but a series of odd thefts have the headmasters of various schools in the area concerned. The headmasters' pleas for help have gone unanswered by the Black Fist, and the Lord sage of Phlan decides to reach out to adventurers to bring those responsible to justice. Al characters level 1-4. New people are welcome!

I like to have the characters submitted early, so I have time to prep for them and get the log sheets ready.
Calendar link: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2512

April 30th, 2017, 05:04
Im in....I hope. You got a calendar link? I will bring Tore.

April 30th, 2017, 09:40
Do you still have my character?

Id like to give it a shot.

April 30th, 2017, 10:07
Im in....I hope. You got a calendar link? I will bring Tore.

Accepted! Somehow I missed that when pasting to this thread, thanks for the heads up. Good to see you got my back Marine!

April 30th, 2017, 10:08
Do you still have my character?

Id like to give it a shot.

I should , sign up ! Was a tough module but fun!

April 30th, 2017, 13:10
I should , sign up ! Was a tough module but fun!

Then you need Edd Stoutcrest!

150 year old mountain dwarf on the run from his wife, a true fighter! Heavy crossbow user with crafting skills of sorts.

May 14th, 2017, 16:48
Game day is coming up! I have 13 people signed up for 7 slots!!! So please be punctual. I will start the game NO LATER THAN 1815 EDT. If you are going to be a little late, let me know in advance so I don't give away your spot at the "table". Alternates , be available on Discord or the FG forums so I can notify you of any change in status. Please log in to server ONLY if you are active or have checked earlier with me to observe the game.
Check your time here.

May 16th, 2017, 21:29
What time will the server be up for connection, want to make sure I get started on time :)

May 16th, 2017, 21:35
What time will the server be up for connection, want to make sure I get started on time :)

I'm firing it up in about 30 minutes! Just got home from work, cut the grass, and easing into "my throne"!

May 17th, 2017, 10:58
Great crew and game again last night. 7 characters ran through Phlan and YES the spectres were back out again! Party did a great job and worked well together! 2 more 1st time AL players(though not new to 5e). I hope all had as much fun as I did. The 7 player parties make the games longer, and my sleep much less, but worth it when everyone has a good time.

May 17th, 2017, 12:29
***********************************SPOILER ALERT********************************************* ************************************************** ***************************

Thank you Teufelhunde87 for another great AL adventure and thanks to all in the party for the great night of RP. The Spectres were a tough fight and dropped two PCs but Orisk timely Turn undead saved our bacon. Then those nasty carrion crawlers in the sewers, Honi's phantasm force kept those things occupied while the party took them out from range. Hats off to the mage, that fight could have been ugly, those tentacled buggers get a +8 to hit, 10 ft reach and then a poison save to keep from being paralyzed. Lastly was the fight with Ellison and Rythnax (Black Dragon Wyrmling) great fight and not a party member was damaged. Tore lead the charge and lured the wyrmling to attack him, the wrymling discharged its acid breath weapon but Tore was able to interpose his shield and its breath had no effect. Then Tore grabbed the wyrmling by the tail and the party proceeded to pelt it from range with arrows and magical attacks until it was laid low. In all a great night of adventure and fun. Don't worry Teufelhundle87 you can get plenty of rest when you are wake up looking at the wrong side of the grass.

May 17th, 2017, 22:51
***********************************SPOILER ALERT********************************************* ************************************************** ***************************

Thank you Teufelhunde87 for another great AL adventure and thanks to all in the party for the great night of RP. The Spectres were a tough fight and dropped two PCs but Orisk timely Turn undead saved our bacon. Then those nasty carrion crawlers in the sewers, Honi's phantasm force kept those things occupied while the party took them out from range. Hats off to the mage, that fight could have been ugly, those tentacled buggers get a +8 to hit, 10 ft reach and then a poison save to keep from being paralyzed. Lastly was the fight with Ellison and Rythnax (Black Dragon Wyrmling) great fight and not a party member was damaged. Tore lead the charge and lured the wyrmling to attack him, the wrymling discharged its acid breath weapon but Tore was able to interpose his shield and its breath had no effect. Then Tore grabbed the wyrmling by the tail and the party proceeded to pelt it from range with arrows and magical attacks until it was laid low. In all a great night of adventure and fun. Don't worry Teufelhundle87 you can get plenty of rest when you are wake up looking at the wrong side of the grass.

LOL! I've already cleared Tuesdays on my calendar for AL DMing! There will be lots more for sure. I wish I had more time, the demand for games is high! I love it!