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April 26th, 2017, 06:16
Hi all...So I've read a couple of threads re: Notes being more for players and therefore are not exported into mods.
Here's my dillemma...I have a village map with a bunch of pins that link to notes for each corresponding area. So when I try to export, the map comes in (from images) but none of the notes are there. I'm trying to add them as story elements, but not having much luck. The notes work SO well in that you simply drag the link to the desired map area and it places s a pin there.

How do you accomplish this in a neat and efficient manner if you can't export notes?

Thanks as always!

April 26th, 2017, 06:20
Drag story entries to the map instead.

April 26th, 2017, 06:29
Hmmm...It's probably just late and I'm tired, but I'm not seeing how to do this the same way. For example, here's a pic of what I'm trying to accomplish (this was done using notes).


Thanks for the continued help!

April 26th, 2017, 06:31
Many, many things can be dragged to an Image as pins.
and Im sure there are other things too.

Notes are not intended for the GM... they are intended as a player tool.

April 26th, 2017, 06:54
Thanks, Damned...I think I see how to accomplish/organize this now. Thinking I have to create multiple groups in the highest level of the story pane...and one of these groups will be 'Village Map Legend' (or something to that effect) and then all of the map pins/links will reside within that group.

Does that sound right?

April 26th, 2017, 07:04
Yep - that sounds like a good way to approach it.

April 26th, 2017, 07:09
Thanks again for the help!

June 17th, 2018, 09:30
Hey All, I have a similar question but under a different set of circumstances. I have a rather complex class for which I've made a HEAP of 'notes' for text tables (spell lists, item lists, etc) because I can't find a better way to represent those in a way that doesn't take up copious amounts of space in class abilities and descriptions (it's better to link a list, etc).

How can I get these into a module for the class? Is it possible? Is there a better way to do tables (not rollable), large lists, etc?

June 17th, 2018, 10:43
I assume somewhere you have a description of the class with a list of traits etc, You can link things either to the description or into any of the trait descriptions just by dragging and dropping the table/story or whatever into it. When you create your module make sure that you export everything (class, story, tables etc) along with it.

June 17th, 2018, 11:31
If they are linked into the class description and features will they automatically export? I may try that. I could export everything but I have a LOT in there and don't want to bring it all to the new campaign, just the class, but will if it's the only way.

June 17th, 2018, 14:42
Hey All, I have a similar question but under a different set of circumstances. I have a rather complex class for which I've made a HEAP of 'notes' for text tables (spell lists, item lists, etc) because I can't find a better way to represent those in a way that doesn't take up copious amounts of space in class abilities and descriptions (it's better to link a list, etc).

How can I get these into a module for the class? Is it possible? Is there a better way to do tables (not rollable), large lists, etc?
Notes are intended for use by players in game - to take "notes". They are not exported when a module is created.

Change the notes to Story entries. Drag/drop the notes to the "Story" list, then recreate any links you have within all of the records (story, race, class, etc.) to the new story entries you have just created.

June 17th, 2018, 15:08
Sorry, when you put 'notes' in inverted commas I assumed that you meant Story entry notes. As Trenloe says notes are not exported so you will need to change them to Story entries if you want to export.

June 17th, 2018, 15:35
Another way to get your notes out of one campaign and into another is to open the db.xml file in a text editor and search for <notes> and </notes> - you can copy that section to a text document and later add it to a new campaign's db.xml by pasting it under the </calendar> entry.

June 18th, 2018, 13:23
Thanks Aegis, I've never done a db.xml file so feel like it may be more work figuring that all out.

I ended up just screenshotting word docs and using images for half the tables as you can't 'copy' and 'paste' formatted stuff in FG. The easiest solution was to use images in the end. It was a lot of work doing all the linking and formatting and the notion of doing that all over again made me cry, so. Live and learn. =P

June 18th, 2018, 22:43
It was a lot of work doing all the linking and formatting and the notion of doing that all over again made me cry, so. Live and learn. =P
You'd only have to do the linking - you wouldn't have to re-do the formatting - as you'd be copying/pasting the whole record (drag/drop the link from the Notes list to the Story list) - this will keep all of the original formatting.

June 18th, 2018, 23:08
Hey @Trenloe, Really? I tried doing that and it didn't work - for example, copying a note that had an in-text table (not a rollable table) into a story and the formatting came up with the text all in brackets.

June 19th, 2018, 03:00
Hey @Trenloe, Really? I tried doing that and it didn't work - for example, copying a note that had an in-text table (not a rollable table) into a story and the formatting came up with the text all in brackets.
To copy a FG record don't open the record. Just drag the link to the record (the link is the icon to the left of the note name) from the Notes campaign data list and drop it into the Story campaign data list.

June 19th, 2018, 03:11
To copy a FG record don't open the record. Just drag the link to the record (the link is the icon to the left of the note name) from the Notes campaign data list and drop it into the Story campaign data list.

Thats a neat trick!

June 19th, 2018, 03:58
Okay, and will it then export if I export that story data?

June 19th, 2018, 04:07
Okay, and will it then export if I export that story data?


June 19th, 2018, 04:26
@Trenloe and @damned, I just made a story with all of the notes linked and exported it with the class and all other features associated with it (drag and drop export). I imported and loaded into a new campaign and opened the story and all the links are blank. =P

June 19th, 2018, 04:31
Okay, and will it then export if I export that story data?
Yes, because it is creating a new story entry, copying the data from the original note. It is not linking to that note.

June 19th, 2018, 04:34
@Trenloe and @damned, I just made a story with all of the notes linked and exported it with the class and all other features associated with it (drag and drop export). I imported and loaded into a new campaign and opened the story and all the links are blank. =P
As mentioned before - Notes do not export. You need to copy *every* note you already have to the story data list - not just link them within a single story record.

At this point you should have all of your notes records copied to the Story data list. At this point, forget about the old notes entries - everything you do from here should just be in the story entries.

Then, once you have copied all of the notes entries to new story entries, go into each story entry and recreate any links to notes that you have - drag/drop the links from the new story entries over the old links.

EDIT - you only need to recreate links to the old notes entries (if you had any), you don't need to recreate links to other FG data (spells, etc.) as these haven't changed.

June 19th, 2018, 04:41
Sorry, I'm really confused, I clearly don't have a good enough grasp of the terminology here. Wasn't the point to create a workaround for exporting notes? What is 'data' from notes then?

For example, I have a note with a bunch of spells from the PHB linked into it (to create a spell list for a subclass homebrew). Another note is a table I wrote (non-rolling) showing what items a subclass can create at what level. I linked the notes into the story and exported it. Now in the new campaign when I open the story all of the links are blank.

So what is 'note data'?

June 19th, 2018, 04:45
Taking the screenshot shown in post #8:

1) Open the Story campaign data window (click on the "Story" button on the right side of the desktop). Do not create a new story record.
2) Drag/drop the links from the 13 entries in the "Notes" campaign data window to the "Story" campaign data window.
3) If you have any links within those 13 entries that link to the other notes entries, re-make the links within the new Story entries to the relevant new Story record/s. You don't need to recreate any other links - to spells, etc. as these haven't changed.
4) Export the story entries to a module.
5) When you're happy, remove the original notes entries - you don't need these anymore.

June 19th, 2018, 04:50
Information on campaign data here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Campaign_Data

June 19th, 2018, 04:52
Ive tested the steps above.
Works as advertised.

June 19th, 2018, 04:53
Gotcah, this is Brilliant! Thank you very much for your patience with my inability to follow instructions. =P

Worked perfectly this time.

June 19th, 2018, 04:55
Worked perfectly this time.
Great news! :)