View Full Version : Champions 4th Edition Campaign

April 23rd, 2017, 00:30
This is likely a bit premature as I am still working on the details of putting this together in MoreCore, but I wanted to begin putting out feelers.

I want to run a long term superhero campaign using Champions 4th edition rules. It will be run on a weekly basis in 2 hour increments, either 7 pm to 9 pm est or 10 pm to 12 pm est on weekday, other than wednesday, or anytime on saturday.

We will likely start with an extra-long character generation session and create our characters together. If you need to pick up the rules, hurry over to bundle of holding (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Champions4Essentials) and get it while it's on sale at a once in a lifetime steal.

New players to FG, Champions or Super Hero games are all welcome. I have an Ultimate License, so demo users are welcome.

If you are interested, please sign up here. Let's go save the world a few times together.

April 23rd, 2017, 01:48
I would love a 10pm to 12am est time monday or tuesday or friday game

April 23rd, 2017, 02:45
I am new to fantasy grounds (I have the base version) and have never played Champions. However I have played every edition of DnD since 2nd, world of darkness, call of cthulhu, various star wars rpgs, and mutants and masterminds and can pick up systems quick. The 10 pm to 12 am on monday or tuesday works for me as well. What is the tone of the game you're aiming for?

April 23rd, 2017, 02:49
I'll be running one of many Champions modules that I have. Haven't decided yet which one to start out with or what the tone exactly will be. More than likely it will be Golden Age epic level superheroes vice the old silver age lower powered superheroes. Beyond that, a lot of the tone will be set by input of the players and by the module adventure we are working with.

April 23rd, 2017, 02:56
I would be interested in playing in this game!

April 23rd, 2017, 03:10
Excellent. Including my 16 year old son, that makes four, assuming we can all agree on a time. That is enough to make a viable super team, although the table is still open for more to join.

Given that there are no in game manuals, players will need to pick up pdfs of the players handbook so they can read the rules and be able to design thier characters. Best way to do that is to take advantage of the bundle of holding sale linked previously while it's still available.

I am still working on the necessary infrastructure in MoreCore with Damned, so give it at least a couple weeks till we can start.

April 23rd, 2017, 15:41
Depending on the time, I'd be interested. :)
A little about me:

I'm a very experienced role-player. I used to play back int he 70s and 80s when I was a kid. I stopped playing in my 20s because I just didn't have anyone to play with. I started up again about a year ago because FantasyGrounds makes it possible to play online and get a group.

I currently run a D&D 5e game every other Friday. I also play in a D&D 5e game every other Saturday. But my true passion has always been superhero RPGs. And also, I am playing in a Monday-night Mutants and Masterminds game.

I've never actually played Champions Pen & Paper. Or maybe once a long time ago. I've played Champions Online, if that counts. I recently started really getting into Mutants and Masterminds, since that's really the only SuperHero RPG on FG, but the modules really aren't very good.

Anyway, I'd love to play in another superhero RPG if the times are right. 7 to 9 most weeknights would be good for me. 9 to 11 would be more difficult, but I could probably work it out. And I am free Saturday during the day, or every alternate Saturday night. Or any time Sunday.

I'd also be willing to buy any sourcebooks I might need if it would help me with character creation or learning Champions rules. :)

April 24th, 2017, 00:47
I have zero champions background. But I have played tabletop for 24 years. I have played mutants and masterminds a bit, 3.5 D&D, pathfinder, savage worlds, white wolf, shadow run, ars magica. I am working on getting the players handbook pdf for champions 4th edition. As I stated I am fine monday tuesday or friday nights.

April 24th, 2017, 02:38
Not a problem with having never played Champions. Actually, last time I played it was 1983, lol.

It's a fairly straight forward system. The most difficult part will be actually making your characters. However, if you have much experience with RPG's, you will recognize a lot of things. Champions basically invented the concept of Point Buy with Advantages and Disadvantages. So, if you have ever played a system that uses that, like Savage Worlds, for example, or probably hundreds of others, then you'll recognize what to do.

First start by conceptually designing your character in your head. Visualize what his origin and power source is and what he can do with it. For example, Ice Man. He is a mutant and has the power of controlling ice. What can he do with ice? List out a few powers in your own words. Once you have done that, look thru the generic listing of powers in the game. Find the powers that fit the ones you described. Pay the points for them. We will be using 100 character points with a maximum of 150 bonus points due to disadvantages.

The generic list, for example, doesn't have ice bolt, lightning bolt, fireblast etc. It has energy blast. Energy Blast can be used to model ice bolt, lightning bolt, fireblast etc. In the game it is called Power vs. Effect. You choose the Effect then find the Power that fits the Effect.

Combat is also very straight forward.

You have an Offensive Combat Value with each attack. You have a Defensive Combat Value. I will assist you in setting up your character sheets with the appropriate MoreCore rolls. Once all that is set up, you simply doubleclick and it will report to chat the maximum DCV that you hit. I will then tell you if you hit or miss.

Then you doubleclick your damage. Damage reports both Stun damage and Body damage. You have 2 hit point totals. If you take stun damage equal to your Stun total, you are unconscious. If you take Body damage equal to your Body total, you die.

Stun total recovers a little each round.

April 24th, 2017, 04:19
Our MoreCore support is finalized. Damned is rolling it out with his next update. So, let's set a tentative start date of 2 weeks from now, which will give me time to prep and the players time to read the rules and start character design. Have your characters ready on paper at least. I'll likely need to help people set up the MoreCore character sheet properly unless you are familiar with it. For those wanting to try playing around with it, once the update is rolled out, if you hadn't seen this thread yet, this (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37921-Can-I-make-the-dice-roller-subtract-the-results-of-the-roll) will have information how to set up rolls. But, don't sweat it if it doesn't make sense to you. I will be preparing an example character to demonstrate how to set things up.

April 24th, 2017, 21:12
Excellent. I already have an idea around a hero I never got to play in m&m. and tuesday seems a nigh that both shecky and i fit into

April 26th, 2017, 00:04
I have a couple of character ideas in my head. Not sure how to actualize any of them. I guess maybe we could use session 1 for character creation?

April 26th, 2017, 00:22
Is this (https://www.amazon.com/Champions-Super-Role-Playing-Game-Games/dp/1558061665/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1493161920&sr=8-1)the right book? :)

April 26th, 2017, 01:49
That is the one, Shecky.

April 26th, 2017, 04:14
https://www.amazon.com/Champions-Complete-Derek-Hiemforth/dp/158366145X/ref=pd_sim_14_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=158366145X&pd_rd_r=BS9SMVQ3AC74X6H1DZZZ&pd_rd_w=EcSlO&pd_rd_wg=ICjN9&psc=1&refRID=BS9SMVQ3AC74X6H1DZZZ i assume this book is not compatible.

April 26th, 2017, 04:46
https://www.amazon.com/Champions-Complete-Derek-Hiemforth/dp/158366145X/ref=pd_sim_14_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=158366145X&pd_rd_r=BS9SMVQ3AC74X6H1DZZZ&pd_rd_w=EcSlO&pd_rd_wg=ICjN9&psc=1&refRID=BS9SMVQ3AC74X6H1DZZZ i assume this book is not compatible.

Not sure - but I know this one is: https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Champions4Essentials

April 26th, 2017, 05:08
Champions Complete is a new version of 6th edition. We are using 4th edition. Damned is correct that the bundle of holding is the best place to get ahold of what you need, at least for the next 5 days. If you prefer printed book though, Amazon still has some copies of 4th edition apparently.


April 26th, 2017, 05:32
I would love to purchase it using my amazon but for some reason even though I easily have a balance enough to pay for it, it greys out the purchase button and wont let me. hmmm

April 26th, 2017, 15:38
https://www.amazon.com/Champions-Complete-Derek-Hiemforth/dp/158366145X/ref=pd_sim_14_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=158366145X&pd_rd_r=BS9SMVQ3AC74X6H1DZZZ&pd_rd_w=EcSlO&pd_rd_wg=ICjN9&psc=1&refRID=BS9SMVQ3AC74X6H1DZZZ i assume this book is not compatible.

I took a look at that one and it says 6th edition. So I don't think it's right for this game. I could be wrong.

April 26th, 2017, 15:40
I would love to purchase it using my amazon but for some reason even though I easily have a balance enough to pay for it, it greys out the purchase button and wont let me. hmmm

I ended up buying the PDF version of the book from DriveThruRPG (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/207058/Champions-The-Super-Role-Playing-Game-4th-edition?src=hottest_filtered&filters=0_0_10010_0_0).

April 26th, 2017, 17:08
Hey Vodokar,

I'm really sorry, but I think I bit off more than I can chew here. I'm just not ready to take on learning a whole new system right now so I'm afraid I am going to have to drop out. Good luck with your game, though. :)

April 26th, 2017, 19:14
Found the book and purchased it. Shecky sorry to hear

April 26th, 2017, 19:43
This is likely a bit premature as I am still working on the details of putting this together in MoreCore, but I wanted to begin putting out feelers.

I want to run a long term superhero campaign using Champions 4th edition rules. It will be run on a weekly basis in 2 hour increments, either 7 pm to 9 pm est or 10 pm to 12 pm est on weekday, other than wednesday, or anytime on saturday.

We will likely start with an extra-long character generation session and create our characters together. If you need to pick up the rules, hurry over to bundle of holding (https://bundleofholding.com/presents/Champions4Essentials) and get it while it's on sale at a once in a lifetime steal.

New players to FG, Champions or Super Hero games are all welcome. I have an Ultimate License, so demo users are welcome.

If you are interested, please sign up here. Let's go save the world a few times together.

I am interested, depending on the day. Son of a gun. Just a couple years ago I sold my print version of 4e plus a lot of the different books and now it is making a comeback of sorts. Figures.

April 26th, 2017, 21:22
I have a preference for Tuesday night's or Monday or Friday

April 27th, 2017, 03:35

It's been a while since I last played 4th Edition Champions, but I'd be interested. I'd go for a Saturday, if possible, for the work schedule, since I find myself in the Pacific Time Zone. While I may be very experienced in Champions, I am a total newb in Fantasy Grounds.

Let me know if this is possible, and if you still have space, I'd gladly tag along.


April 27th, 2017, 06:05
Summarizing: gaara6666, kaisc006, OTG_Wraith, Daedalus, MrKinister, plus my son. 6 players. Now we just need to all agree upon a time and day. Just put up a game calendar (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2523). Please go vote.

April 27th, 2017, 06:44
Nothing to vote on. I dont think the voting times got set up.

April 27th, 2017, 08:21
Try it now. Sorry, It's been a while since I've used the calendar.

April 27th, 2017, 14:35
Interesting... So, I've "applied" to the game, but I don't see a vote option. Is it that "yes-no" option at the top right, by the suggested game date? If so, it is not something that's live. Perhaps after the application has been approved? Otherwise I don't see it yet.

April 27th, 2017, 18:23
For those who have never used the calendar system, the process is to apply to the game, then GM approves that, then that is when the option to vote on the time and day appears.

April 27th, 2017, 18:59
Well then... I have to say I had a pretty good educated guess for it.

April 27th, 2017, 19:03
By the way, for character creation are we looking at the standard 250 points (100 + 150) as per the book?

Just checking.

April 27th, 2017, 19:19
Yes. standard Max of 250 points (100 Base + 150 Max from Disadvantages) as per the book?

Also, as I think there are some of the players that probably have more experience with the system than I do, if anyone has any questions on character building, point counting etc. it is probably best to post it here rather than PMing me. I am still learning the system myself.

April 27th, 2017, 19:26
I am getting caught up in modifiers for advantage and power effects that is making me scratch my head a bit. I think because I know mutants and mastermind the close but no cigar similarities are tripping me up.if any more experienced person wouldn't mind helping me I would appreciate it.

I'm at work now but I should be online tonight in 5 hours

April 27th, 2017, 22:28
I might be able to help you a bit if you phrase your concerns into questions.

Other than the history and background, I have my character written up and awaiting approval. I don't know the campaign caps, and I used what would have been a very common set of values in a typical Champs 4th Edition game.

You can find "Fortress (https://docs.google.com/document/d/15cCO-iDKhCGwRYW9k0aQkS4dPaJ_cYYoa3iuGrTBK-Q/edit?usp=sharing)" on Google Drive.

April 27th, 2017, 22:32
Out of curiosity, what brought you to craft this game with 4th Ed. rules? (Instead of 5th or 6th?

I find that the more advanced editions are more complete in their details than 4th.)

April 27th, 2017, 22:50
Two things:

1) I'm a classic type of guy. Hence why I made the AD&D ruleset. There are years and years worth of material for Champions 4th edition, none of which I had read or played. I'm not a "have to play the newest and shiniest type of guy".
2) I picked up all 65 books for 4th edition at a once in a lifetime steal thru the bundle of holding sale. What better reason than that is needed?

Don't get too bogged down in the details. The important thing is that we have fun. If the I's aren't crossed and the T's aren't dotted perfectly, it's ok, as long as we have fun.

April 27th, 2017, 23:51
Ok... just curious. =)

My character is ready for approval now. Complete with background and image now. =)

April 27th, 2017, 23:57
Looks awesome, MrKinister. Approved.

I should be in a better position to answer questions after this weekend once I make it thru finishing reading the manual and make a character or two myself. In the mean time, it looks like MrKinister is knowledgeable on the subject if you can give him concrete questions.

April 28th, 2017, 00:21

If you have any questions I may be able to help. I used to run Fantasy Hero for 4th Edition for a number of years, and also did some Champions GMing for 4th and 5th Edition, although all of them were a long time ago.

When you are done finishing the manual, I'd invite you to double check my Elemental Control and see if you feel it is a good fit for Kinetic Control powers.

April 28th, 2017, 03:18
Here is a screenshot of our new theme and a basic character with starting stats. This should give you an idea how the character sheet will be laid out. I'll provide further details as soon as I can. Still working everything out.

Here are a couple snapshots of the Rolls I am building that you can drag to the character sheet and then modify. 18702 and 18703.

And here is are examples of an Attack, Stun Damage and Kill Damage: 18704

April 28th, 2017, 04:02
Turn off the decal in Options :)
You might find that Abilities might be more suited to some of that Content. And they can be dragged to the reverse/flip side of the Other Poers frame. Or even as Notes or Stories and go in the respective flip frames.

April 28th, 2017, 04:34
Pretty cool looking.

Now, how do I get that stuff into my installed version of FG? I have to admit that I don't know that (basic?) fact. Still a newb. =D

April 28th, 2017, 04:58
The theme extension hasn't been released yet. Damned built it. I have an advanced copy. I'm building the Rolls library. Stay tuned.

Didn't even notice the decal. Here is what it looks like with it turned off: 18713 and a snapshot of the skill library: 18714

April 28th, 2017, 05:43

April 28th, 2017, 17:06
Just remember that only thematically linked powers are allowed into the Elemental Control. And Special Powers either are not allowed into any Power Framework.

April 28th, 2017, 17:53
Yeah I got flinging but I had to put it out of the EC because it's minimum buy in cost was too high. Also I'll prob drop the to area size down cuz it just wars up too many points at 12

April 30th, 2017, 03:43
Here are the latest screenshots of the sample character I am working on. This should give you an idea of how to format the character sheet.
18748 and 18749.

The theme I am using is only cosmetic, so it doesn't make any difference with regards to being able to enter your character into MoreCore should you want to start playing around with that. I am building a library of skills etc., however, that isn't strictly necessary to build your character.

Basic Champions rolls exist in the current version of MoreCore for attacks, normal damage, kill damage and skills; although I have done considerable rework on the scripts to add functionality that hasn't been released yet.

Here is some idea of what I've been working on:18750

The Normal Damage Roll is in the format /cstun nd6.
It accepts 'h' as an add on variable for a "half die".
It accepts +n as a bonus to damage.

For, example, /cstun 6d6h+2 would roll 6 six sided dice and 1 three sided dice. It will calculate Body damage and add a bonus two Body Damage to that total.
/cstun 3d6h-1 would roll 3d6 + 1d3, figure Body and subtract one from that total. Etc.

Stun adds up all of the 6 sided + the half die.

The Blue Dice are Knockback dice. Once Body Total is arrived at, it subtracts the total of the blue dice from the Body damage done to tell you how many squares you are knocked back.

Knockback accepts modifiers via the modifier stack in the range of -2 to +2, which subtracts from the number of knockback dice rolled or adds to the number of knockback dice rolled.

Killing Damage roll is /ckill nd6.

It rolls the stun multiplier die and the knockback dice. It also accepts modifiers to the knockback dice.
I intend to add the functionality for half dice and Body damage bonus, but haven't finished yet.

April 30th, 2017, 07:05
I took double knockback as a power trait so ill have to remember to double my body before subtracting the # of d6 die

April 30th, 2017, 23:55
Nah, Gaara. I think I can teach MoreCore how to handle double knockback for you. I'm thinking of something like: /cstun 5d6K where the K tells the script that you do double knockback and so reports the adjusted value to you. I just need to look up the specifics on what the double knockback equation is. Based on what your saying it would be Body * 2 - KnockbackDiceTotal. Just need to confirm that before I code it.

May 1st, 2017, 00:49
Done. 18770

First Roll is normal /cstun 10d6. 9 Body - 4 on the Blue KnockBack Dice = 5 Knockback. i.e. normal knockback

Second Roll is /cstun 10d6K. 11 Body (*2) - 2 on the KnockBack Dice = 20 Knockback. i.e. double knockback

Third Roll is /cstun 10d6k. 9 Body (*0) - 8 on the KnockBack Dice = 0 Knockback. i.e. No Knockback ever.

This K/k parameter works with all the others, so, you could input a roll such as: /cstun 8d6hK+2

May 1st, 2017, 03:36
I've been looking to learn how to do the ruleset thing. I am curious about it, and have been reviewing the wiki entries for developers, and the reference documents. I tried one of the examples, but it did not work (perhaps due to version updates since its release).

Do you know of any good tutorials or guidebooks for this information? I know all the info is there, it's just not organized in any good way for a beginner to pick it up.

How did you get started?

May 1st, 2017, 04:09
Well, the first thing I did was do the web tutorials on lua and xml that are linked in the developer guides, and read all of the developer guides. Then I cracked open a ruleset and started reading code and trying to follow the logic. Then I just started playing -- and asking questions -- and playing -- and asking questions etc. There is simply no substitute for actually doing. That's the best way to learn. Take an existing ruleset, such as 3.5 or C&C and just start playing with the code to see how you can morph the ruleset into something else. In my case, I morphed C&C into AD&D, step by step, inch by inch. Before I knew it, I had modified about 75% of the ruleset's base code. Takes patience and persistence. But, it's tremendous fun.

For example, I had a passing thought that one of the biggest time consumers and nit-picky things about champions is going to be keeping track of endurance use, so, I say's to myself, self, what we need is an endurance calculator. Think I'll build one. Powerful and fun stuff.

May 1st, 2017, 06:23
I see. Well, seeing as there is no such thing as a manual, that will have to do. =)

Time I dig into it with more direction. I shall take your suggestion and play with it some more.

Perhaps I shall write a manual myself. =)

May 1st, 2017, 07:33
And Bam!!!!

One Endurance Calculator: 18773

Notice the mini-sheet button besides Endurance on the MoreCore Character Sheet. Pressing that opens the Endurance Calculator Mini-Sheet.
Shown is a 44 dice attack in increments of 4 dice at each multiple possible. At the bottom, you see the total number of dice and the total endurance necessary to use that attack.

That's just to show the functionality. Here is a practical example:

Okay. On the top of your head, Johny Blaze has a 25 dice Fire Blast with 5 dice at normal Endurance, 4 dice of 2x end, 6 dice at 3x end, 3 dice at 4x end and 7 dice at 6x end. Johny decides that this turn, he will use 18 dice on his Fire Blast. How much endurance will that use? Got the answer yet? Oh, well, we'll wait. ***Chirp***, ***Chirp*** Or, we could just use the handy dandy Endurance Calculator. Just dial in your first 18 dice at the appropriate multiples and walla.
18774 21 End. Wow, that was easy.

MrKinister, if I do say so myself, my AD&D ruleset is likely the most heavily documented, so would likely make a good one to study. It isn't that there isn't a manual. It is that the manual doesn't give practical examples really of how to use stuff. The rulesets are the practical examples. From theory to practice, as they say.

May 1st, 2017, 09:02
And for an easier entre you might crack open an extension. An extension works pretty much the same way as any CoreRPG ruleset - it extends or modifies or adds to existing ruleset features. A full ruleset just has LOTS of changes as opposed to the few that are in an extension.

May 2nd, 2017, 01:37
Wow this looks fantastic! So do we have a current roster of who is playing what type of super hero? I have a few ideas but wanted to avoid redundancy in the group lol. Although I initially told the GM a much different character concept, after looking through the rules and what not I'm thinking about Street Samurai. Essentially a Japenese Robo-Cop.

Also, how / where do I apply for the game? I know I'm on the roster to play but apparently we need to vote on the calendar. This is my first time using FG.

May 2nd, 2017, 01:58
It is on the game calendar here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2523).

May 2nd, 2017, 08:38
This is an example of a completely filled out character. Meet Gravitas (Gaara6666's character). There are a lot of little details here, so it will be helpful to study the layout and calculations carefully.

Powers: 18795 This uses a Power Framework. Note that this is listed separately detailing what powers are in it. Then the individual powers are listed separately in Attacks, Damage and/or Other Powers sections, as appropriate.

Characteristics: 18796 Note that the Characteristics are available in the Rolls library to drag and drop onto the character sheet and then modify.

Figured Characteristics: 18797 Note that the Figured Characteristics are available in the Rolls library to drag and drop onto the character sheet and then modify.

Skills: 18798 Note that the Skills are available in the Rolls library to drag and drop onto the character sheet and then modify. They are classified under each type of skill category. There is an Everyman Skill Category which has skills every man gets in the modern setting. 18799. An example of another skill category is DEX Skills.

May 2nd, 2017, 08:44
Dex Skills 18800

Costs and Disadvantages are detailed under the Notes Section as Notes. They should be created in the Notes Panel and then dragged to the character sheet. That way they are available for the Game Master to see without opening the character sheet. Make sure the name of the character is listed in the name of the note. 18801

Notice how that each skill and power had the calculations listed. It will be a lot easier for you in the long run if you do it this way. That way when it comes time to increase things, you will have the math right there in front of you and won't be guessing how you arrived at the numbers.

May 2nd, 2017, 13:41
^see even i did the math wrong. i thought i was right at 250... i still have 36 points to play with. this layout in front of me with the built in fields helps. I see where the 36 points came from. He has multiple area doubling on his TK graviton field that affects 6 heads of radius. That wasn't input.

May 3rd, 2017, 00:30
If you mean Area Effect (Radius), then you could do like this:

STR = 10 (15c) + 10 (30c) = 20 (45c) :: 20 STR Gravity Field for Base 45 cost

Area Effect Radius (+1)
45c x (1 + 1) = 45c x 2= 90c :: adding in the radius increased the cost to 90

Non-Targeting Full Body (-1/4)
90c x (1 - 0.25) = 90c x 0.75 = 68c :: Giving it the limitation of being non-targeted reduces to 68c

Thus, the Active Cost of 68 exceeds the minimum required Active Cost of 40 for the 20 point Powerframe.

Power Framework (-20c)
68c - 20c = 48c :: Subtract the Powerframe Discount. :: So Real Cost for a 20 STR Gravity Field with Area Effect (Radius) with a 4" radius (not sure how many hexes that is, but a 3" radius was 19 hexes) with 225" range and non-targeting limitation is 48c.

That costs an additional 28 points putting your Total Character Cost at 242, so you still have 8 points left over.

May 3rd, 2017, 01:22
I did a lot of reading and I think where things people get bogged down in is you cant do it as all 1 mathematics string. That was how I was blowing my numbers way up. I can definitely take this forward and help other people now. hmmm 8 points... it almost makes me wanna drop something to get "clinging" so he can exert slight gravity to cling to walk on walls or ceilings.

May 3rd, 2017, 01:59
The real question is, just what exactly, does a 20 STR Gravity Field do?

It doesn't do damage, at least not directly. It might cause a flying person to fall to the ground rather hard, perhaps. If walking on land, do they make an apposed strength check? And if they fail, they fall prone and can't move? You would have to choose a power that there aren't any examples for. We'll have to figure out what all this power does.

As for adding a power, remember that if your putting in your power framework, it needs to have a minimum of 40 active cost in order to be legal. Probably you should just save the 8 points for later.

May 3rd, 2017, 02:30
It would be out of framework. and the gravity field is to hold people down in place. it is also to stop natural disasters, save civilians from falling, stop vehicles from accelerating away too quicky. or to keep doors closed by holding them down in place. it is meant to be a zero damage crowd / area control
the area of effect limitation of it effecting the entire body even states in TK that they make an opposing strength check or they stay where they are. also it states in the "no specific body part" section that ALL i can do is hold people and not push or pull.

The velocity surge is a 5d6 body blast that has HUGE knockback. I plan to hammer people directly downward with it or bounce them super high with it. so it would have the limitation of only 2 directions of impact. up or down.

May 3rd, 2017, 03:11
I just realized I used the wrong formula for the limitation on the gravity field.

I used:

Non-Targeting Full Body (-1/4)
90c x (1 - 0.25) = 90c x 0.75 = 68c

It should be:

Non-Targeting Full Body (-1/4)
90c / (1+0.25) = 90c / 1.25 = 72c

So, that takes up 4 more points. Only 4 points left over.

We can definitely make those powers work.

Gravity Field will require an attack vs the targeted hex, which is vs. DCV 3 adjusted by range. If it misses, it moves 1 hex for every point the attack roll missed by in a random direction (per the area effect attack rules). STR 20 rolls 4d6 for the opposed STR roll. Compare Body result vs. Body result. If Defender's Body result exceeds your Body result, he can move, otherwise, you've locked him down. Each target inside the AOE gets a separate roll, so each will have independent effect.

May 3rd, 2017, 03:47
yup as long as I dont target a person directly and just drop it on a hex. i should be fine for trying to hit DCV

May 3rd, 2017, 06:20
"What does a 20 STR TK area of effect do?"

One thing to consider is that while the Area of Effect may be large, the total power of the Gravity field is a STR of 20. This means that it can affect up to a mass of 400 kg, and no more. And that is spread out throughout the entire area. In practical terms, assuming the average person weighs in about 150 lbs, or roughly 75 kg, this power can only affect up to roughly 5 people, assuming the last one is smaller than the rest, or a combined mass of up to 400 kg if we are looking at something other than people, like, let's say, volume of water, or large amounts of dirt, sand, masonry, etc.

You can use the "gravity" field like a form of "grab". Since it is an area, they are automatically "grabbed", no need to roll to hit. They get a chance to escape on an opposed STR vs STR roll (counting body pips on the dice). If they fail, they are subject to the STR effect, in whichever direction it is going: up or down. The speed of the motion will depend on the difference between the mass and the STR needed to lift it. You can see how much of a distance the field can move an object in it based on how far 20 STR can throw the mass in question with a running throw. In the example above, a regular person at 150 lbs can be lifted with a minimum STR of 8. That leaves 12 STR for throwing. The throwing table shows a 10 STR can throw 8", and a 13 STR can throw 10", so I wager that a 12 STR can reasonably throw 9" away, or 18 meters, which is 54 feet. Not too far, but that is the distance this average person would be lifted without constraints during a single phase on the field's activity. Within a very short time, such a person would be very high up.

For combat effects, a "grabbed" person is at 1/2 DCV, so they would be much easier to hit in battle. It is a "vulnerable" position. However, because this is a "affects whole body" TK, they are not actually being restricted on their limbs. Given the chance, and a good target, they could easily use weapons (if they managed to keep them) or powers to fire from their aerial position. To better constrain them, it would be good to press them down into the ground. If they don't have enough STR to overcome the power, they would be pinned and immobile until they could break out.

May 3rd, 2017, 07:12
This is true. Which is why he would choose to pin opponents down or lift a group or a number of people up to save them from say electrocution, fire, or even acid. It is a concept that the field is there as a means of variable manipulation. You have a doomsday weapon... well good luck lifting it up to fire it. I personally read the area of effect being of an equaled 20str to the entire area not split up among targets with the downside being he cant distribute the power and harms all people indiscriminately whether they are friend or foe. Reading the Area of Effect advantage as well as the Telekinetic power, I do not see where it states the power is diminished shared between targets. I only read it in RAW as a non targeting non selective area of grasping force that grasps all objects at a specific strength score. like a giant weight or a giant platform that lifts

May 3rd, 2017, 14:42
To be entirely honest, I am drawing this information from further editions of the game. 4th edition was published in 1989, so it is a bit older. 5th edition clarifies a lot of rules to a much greater extent. Many questions that were not clear in 4th edition can be easily answered in further editions.

But having said that, after reviewing the 5th edition rules, I realize I made a mistake, partly:

TK does grab matter evenly distributed throughout the area, for its total STR value.

However, it DOES affect all "people" in the area without dividing its STR between them. (So, if you have 1 or 100 people in the area, they are ALL affected with the 20 STR.)

So that would be quite powerful. =)

May 3rd, 2017, 15:20
And now you see why I didn't want to add a lethal component to it heh. "You stopped the bus of kids from being hijacked but murdered them all by crushing it flat" ....that is when id need to get an anon De plume....

May 4th, 2017, 00:16
A very interesting discussion about how Telekinesis works.

However, this is not actually Telekinesis, it is a gravity field.

You are picturing it as you projecting a force downward like a hand crushing someone or projecting a force upwards that will gently lift someone up as if they are standing on a hand and then gently stopping and they could just get off safely.

We know this is not how gravity behaves. Gravity is a fairly well understood phenomenon. This is what we know about gravity. Gravity is caused by a warping of space by a large mass. It causes smaller objects in it's vicinity to accelerate towards the larger object. Gravity always attracts. It never repels. Gravity can have a value of 0 to + whatever. Gravity does not lift. It causes acceleration. Objects so accelerated do not instantly and gently stop. Gravity has an equation: F = ma. Acceleration due to gravity on earth is (9.8 m/sec)/sec. Objects accelerate until they reach terminal velocity. They only slow down when they hit something or they are accelerated towards a different gravitational field in the opposite direction of the original field, in which case they would eventually slow down to 0 at their apex and then begin accelerating back towards that new gravitational field. The attraction of gravity between two masses decreases by the square root of the distance between them. All objects within a gravitational field feel the same exact acceleration due to gravity.

So, how does Gravitas control gravity? The only way it is actually possible, as far as I know. He causes a curvature in space, as if there was a mass there big enough to have a noticeable gravitational attraction on objects around it. This mass doesn't need to be as large or larger than the earth in order to have a stronger attraction than the earth. It is much closer to the objects than the center of the earth is, therefore, it can be exponentially smaller in mass and still have a large effect.

If he places this curvature underneath the surface of where people are standing and/or flying, they will be accelerated towards the earth at an acceleration of g (acceleration due to earth's gravity) + G (acceleration do to Gravitas's gravity). If he places the curvature 100 feet in the air, above people standing on the earth and below people flying above it, the people on the earth would be accelerated upwards at (G - g) and the flyers would be accelerated downwards at (G + g). People on earth would accelerate to terminal velocity, pass the point of the curvature and eventually start slowing down once they were on the other side of it. They would eventually reach apex and then come accelerating towards the ground at terminal velocity. The flyers would long since have come crashing to the ground.

I'll try to work out some numbers when I get a chance, so that we have an idea of the actual velocity, g forces and effective mass of the objects being accelerated. That will give an idea of what strength or velocity they would need to fight against it.

May 4th, 2017, 00:27
I agree with you about all the details you mention. Real world gravity would work that way. Quite accurately so.

But this is a super-rpg game, and we only have the available rules in the book to help us create the effects we are looking to manifest. I'd love to see how you adapt Gravitas' "gravity" powers to the rules of system. I am sure I could learn a lot about it.

(To be entirely honest, I think it is possible, but the cost would probably fall in the "several hundred points" range, which may be beyond the scope of the game's power level.)

I look forward to seeing it. =)

May 4th, 2017, 00:43
I think we can still work with the framework of telekinesis. It just isn't a lifting force that can be controlled like Telekinesis. Gravitas can control what is causing the gravity field, but he can't control the actual velocity or acceleration of the objects within it. He can't gently move them up 50 feet then set them safely down to earth. Objects accelerated keep moving until acted upon by another force. That is the point.

Gravitas is going to be very powerful, as he can cause lots of indirect falling damage with this power. He just can't use it to save people like he is picturing. Things that go up, eventually come down, usually with a big boom.

I could have just waited til he tried to use it in game to let him find out it's behavior, but that would be evil of me, lol. :)

May 4th, 2017, 00:58
I think that's great. What I am understanding so far, is that using the TK and AoE framework, you'll have the powers behave like Gravity. Makes complete sense to me.

I think that would be an extensive set of limitations on the TK power to make it work like Gravity, and, depending how far up from the ground you'd like to lift them, it will need a very (huge!) cylindrical area, or a lot more TK STR.

But the other factors that represent TK still apply: people can get free of the field, if they are strong enough, or if they weigh enough, they may not be affected by it at all (represented by the STR factor of TK). If you wanted to make an attack on someone in the field, or vice versa, the combat values are calculated in a certain way.

All of my expounding was really more to help our GM understand the mechanics of TK as they stood. Not trying to step on your toes. =)

May 4th, 2017, 01:22
This is exactly how I saw it. He is someone who seeks fame. The part of his backstory is that Gravitas is an incredibly lonely soul. so lonely that he places acceptance and validation of people over his own safety. This is because of the fear of his own power. He always sleeps alone because he fears subconsciously crushing a loved one when he is unconscious. He would rather be adored than put someone through that kind of horrific pain or even death. So much like people that are in pain and flawed this distancing of himself mutated and evolved into being a figure with a public identity so that he could feed off the attention/praise/rancor/lust of those around him.His gravity in reverse aka "upward falling" would require the efforts of another superhero to actually save those people. Hence why he tolerates and actually like Fortress. Fortress is not someone he can easily accidentally hurt, who can understand having destructive powers, and who if possible could even stop Mark Wells (Gravitas) should his powers or he himself go out of control. Just like any major celebrity Mark is a really really lonely guy, even surrounded by a mob of people because he knows he has to always be careful and watch himself. Gravitas is a very very pained person and he wears that irritating sarcastic laugh to cover up someone who is just bitter at just how confining being someone with a power like that is.

May 4th, 2017, 01:39
The gravity of his powers makes him feel as if the weight of the world is upon him. I like it.

May 4th, 2017, 01:47
Why do you think he wears a suit. He likes to show off but he also likes to say "look at me. Yes my name is mark but I want you to look at me and not be afraid" also... I saw those gravity puns...

May 4th, 2017, 04:50
So, is that May 15th date still good? I see four in favor and one against the date.

I also don't see it on the calendar anymore (although it was the original Tuesday date).

May 4th, 2017, 05:06
I am totally in favor of the 15th.

May 4th, 2017, 08:51
I am going to wish everyone a good time in this game.

Unfortunately, I have a personal issue that has come up, and I will not be joining you after all.

I hope you all have fun, and go do the super hero thing really well.

I like the changes to the ruleset I've seen so far.

Best of luck and fun to everyone. =)

May 4th, 2017, 17:46
May 15th for the first session might be a little ambitious considering that I had to do the programming of the scripts for the rolls, the endurance calculator and fill in the rolls library. I have one more small programming piece that I want to do for the extension before things are ready to rock. Then I want to finish reading the rulebook. I've read about 60% of the book (about 80% of the actual rules) as I was working on stuff, but still want to sit down and do a cover to cover read including the sourcebook and GM materials. Then I need to pick and prep the first adventure. So, we'll see. It was important to get a date on the books to work towards, so we keep pushing forward, but it's not set in stone.

If it's just something that will cause you to miss a week or three, MrKinister, then join us later. We'll really miss your input and expertise.

May 4th, 2017, 18:43

Unfortunately, I have over-committed myself. I figure I needed to let go of things, with the newest first, since that would only be fair. So this is a permanent thing.

My schedule has changed a bit, but will be back to "normal" (?) in about six months. But then I plan on running a Mutants and Masterminds game of my own homebrew design.

I think you'll be doing just fine. You are doing an awesome job with that ruleset change, and you can always have everyone do their characters outside of FG, then just add the rolls they need to make in the game. Would get the game going faster.

All I can say about the game is "read the book". I remember when I got it. It was a big book. I took it everywhere with me and would read from it here and there. Eventually, I managed to read most of what I needed, and understand it well enough to make myself "dangerous to others". =)

You fellas have fun out here. =)

May 4th, 2017, 19:17
Thanks MrKinister. Sorry to see you go.

Daedelus, if Mon doesn't work for you, offer up a different day. Can't say if we can accommodate, but if you don't try, we can't help. It's up to the players mostly. Just ask and we'll see whether everyone can agree on it.

May 5th, 2017, 06:39
I can do mon tuesday friday or saturday

May 5th, 2017, 08:30
And another Bam!

Welcome to your new best friend. Meet the Combat Dashboard. 18847. It slices, it dices. But, wait, There's More. Your's only for two easy payments of giggles and laughs.

As you can see, it assembles all those pesky numbers that you would need to know during combat into one easy and organized place. But, it does more than that.

It automatically tells you what phases you act on without you having to look it up on the speed chart.

It also helps you to do recovery; simply double click the Stun Damage box and it recovers your stun the amount of your recovery and reports that to the chat; simply double click on the Endurance Used box and it recovers your endurance the amount of your recovery and reports that to chat. I thought that was some rather clever programming, if I do say so myself.


Keeping gamers safe from headaches while playing Complex, Math Heavy, Old Games since 2016.

May 5th, 2017, 21:51
Vodokar you beautiful Bayard. These are a work of coding art... ima have to do something special now

May 6th, 2017, 04:25
Thank you.

But, I think I topped even that. 18859.

Yes, our combat tracker now counts both segments and seconds and it utilizes the data from the speed chart to tell you when you have an action on a segment. Feel free to compare the "Turn" and "No Turn" statements reported in chat each segment to the speed chart on the combat dashboard and in your books. And, when it reaches segment 13, it turns to Round 2 Segment 1.

Just in case you wondered how I was going to keep track of the non-standard initiative. On paper? Silly you. :)

May 6th, 2017, 06:09
Dude.... just get Doug to hire you at this point lol

Also I think we still have room for 1 or 2 more players. I havent heard from Daedulus in the thread or anyone else

May 8th, 2017, 23:48
Our first play date is fast approaching. Can I get a status check from those that signed up. Can I plan on you attending? I need to know so I can factor the number of players into my campaign prep.

On the 15th, the plan is to meet and greet and work on characters/training on the new ruleset.

It's taken me a lot longer to prep this because I've spent a great deal of time programming. When it comes to making things for FG, things that appear simple usually take great gobs of time creating. Ultimately I hope the tools I have built will make the experience playing this game a much funner, easier and better experience.

It means though that I am running behind on actually prepping our first adventure. Please bear with me. It will all be worth it.

May 9th, 2017, 01:41
Roll call my friend. Answer to arms as your hero gravitas!

May 10th, 2017, 16:04
Daedelus, if Mon doesn't work for you, offer up a different day. Can't say if we can accommodate, but if you don't try, we can't help. It's up to the players mostly. Just ask and we'll see whether everyone can agree on it.

Tuesdays or Saturdays work for me. And man, I forgot how over complicated the system was.

May 10th, 2017, 17:38
I'm good with either although I'll prefer Saturday. Vodokar has built up a TON of extensions and plug and play stuff to make it much much simpler. Check out his links in the thread

May 11th, 2017, 16:41
We will continue with having our first meet and greet on mon 15. Once we have all the players assembled, we can discuss whether we want to move our actual play days to either tuesdays or saturdays or stay on mondays. Any is good for me. It is up to the majority decision of the players.

I have some good news for the players.

One of the main reasons that I wanted to play Champions at this time was because my son is 16 and I may only have a couple of years left to spend some good quality time with him. We have always loved playing games together and he loves superheroes, so this seemed perfect.

As such, I wanted to make sure he got to play the type of character he wanted to play and have most fun with. So, rather than being incredibly strict with character build rules and point limits when I was building his character, I decided to build the character he really wanted to play and then simply increase the balance of the game to fit that.

I'm not going to go into any details on what his character is as I want to leave that as a surprise during play. However, I want to ensure that everyone here has an equal opportunity to shine in the game. Thus, I am going to be awarding an extra 75 character build points for you all to work with.

Yes, that is right. You will have 175 + 150 from disadvantages = 325 points.

My strong suggestion is to not use these extra points to add any new powers or abilities necessarily, but to use them to strengthen your existing offensive and defensive capabilities in a balanced manner so that you will be able to withstand stronger enemies and dish it out back to them.

As we are frontloading the power of our characters as more veteran superheroes rather than starting them as weaker newbies, I will not be awarding much or any experience points during the campaign. You will have opportunities to retrofit if you don't like the choices you make out the gate, but, we will be sticking fairly closely to the power levels that we set initially. So, make your veteran superhero as you see him or her fully formed in your dreams that you would like to play for the campaign.

May 11th, 2017, 18:50
Tuesdays or Saturdays work for me. And man, I forgot how over complicated the system was.

As stated in post # 91, we will do our best to accommodate you. Our ongoing play day will be up to a vote of the players, with me abstaining.

Champions is "quirky", but hey, we all like old quirky games, right? Not to worry. Most things I can streamline thru the magic of Fantasy Grounds programming. Those things that I can't, if the rule is just too "quirky" to make the game fun, then it get's ousted for something that is quicker and easier to deal with.

A perfect example of this is the rule for pulling your punches. We are superheroes. We don't go around using our maximum punch or energy blast trying to kill people. Giving a penalty to someone trying to reduce their power in order not to kill someone and having a chance of failing to do so and accidently killing them anyway, just seems "quirky".

We are not going to do that. If you have a 10d6 energy blast and only want to use 3d6 of it, because you think that's all that mook can handle without getting killed, or because you want to save on endurance use, then go right ahead. No penalty. No chance of blowing the role and killing the dude by accident. No flipping thru the book trying to figure out what that penalty was. It's streamlined and makes more sense, thus, more fun.

The burden is still on the player to access his targets wisely and decide what power level to use so as not to kill their target. But, there will be no obstacle in trying to implement that decision.

We'll adhere to the rules as written as much as possible, but, we are all experienced gamers here. We know "no fun" when we see's it.

Having said that. Champions is actually a wonderful system for superheroes. There is a reason it has stood the test of time. It's the D&D of superhero games.

May 11th, 2017, 18:56
Well I'll definitely need to update gravitas then in FG...

May 11th, 2017, 19:21
If anyone wants to get a headstart on entering their character into the ruleset, I will have my server up all day and thru the night tonight. Feel free to log on.

May 12th, 2017, 06:59
I have my character concept pretty well hammered out at this point: my character is neither creative nor especially bright, but he's dedicated to being a good guy and he's way tougher than nails. I don't know if I can set up his abilities as a power framework to save some points, but all I basically did was jack up his stats and buy armor.


Tony never thought of himself as a hero, but when he saw that bank robber pointing his gun at the woman in the front of the line, he knew exactly what to do: get in the way. He was as surprised as the bank robber when the shot ricocheted harmlessly off his chest. Later, he made sure to tell the authorities that the bullet had simply missed; he didn’t want that kind of attention. The thug saw, of course, and so did the woman, but nobody else needed to know. Not even his brother. Especially not his brother.

Tony and Bobby were as thick as thieves when they were little, but Tony grew up thick and Bobby grew up a thief. Tony is happy to work for their uncle’s construction company doing whatever job comes up. He knows some of the jobs aren’t completely on the up and up, but he pays his taxes and puts in an honest day’s work for honest pay. Bobby is on the payroll, too, but he doesn’t even know how to get to most of the job sites. The biggest impact he has on the business is getting in the way, and Uncle Joe is always happy to send Tony to go clean up his little brother’s messes.

Now Tony has powers. He doesn’t know how long he’s had them, but he has good reason to believe they can be traced back to one of his uncle’s shadier job sites. Sometimes, men from the corporation still come by to check on everyone’s health and ask about any unusual events. Obviously, they’re not just showing professional courtesy. The last thing Tony wants is for them to find out how strong he is. Heck, even he doesn’t know how strong he is, just that he doesn’t use a jack anymore when he needs to get under the car. The only person who he talks to about it is Maria, the girl he met at the bank that fateful day. They’ve been seeing a lot of each other lately, and he worries that eventually she’ll have to meet his family. For now, they have something nice, and she is helping him figure out how he can do some good in the world. Tony has always tried to be a good Samaritan, but now he can do a lot more than just get someone’s car running or carry someone’s groceries.


The Good Samaritan wears a simple uniform: sand-colored with a thick blue stripe along the collarbone, and blue gloves, boots, belt, and cape. He wears a cowl to cover most of his face, but it has no symbol or adornments on it. He stands just over 6 feet tall, with a powerful build. If he has powers other than strength or toughness, he has yet to show them publicly. He has the bearing of a Man of Action, and tries to solve problems head-on, usually with his fists.

May 12th, 2017, 07:25
A good heart and a good head on your shoulders is what is needed to be a true blue hero Spin-man. A kind of guy who jumps in when there is danger can live to regret his actions later than if he never took action to help at all. He sounds like a great addition.

May 12th, 2017, 08:09
Spinman, I did find 5 points of skills that I could deduct due to some skills being free everyman. I put the 5 points saved into giving you a hook punch to complete your boxing style. You bought all of your powers straight up, which is expensive. You might be able to save some if we look at using a power framework. I'll play around with it and see if I can squeeze some free points out of it.

May 12th, 2017, 19:11
Cool, thanks. I forgot about free background skills.

As for his power framework, I figure he got sprayed / gasses / irradiated / etc. with some sort of physical enhancer by the shady business guys as part of their secret human testing program, and they're monitoring his team to see what effect it had.

I was thinking of some sort of industrial "glue" that strengthens the molecular bonds of his tissues to make him super strong and tough, or perhaps an environmental fusion with the steel and cement to give him strength from absorbing some of their properties. And there's always splicing his DNA with alien DNA as a possible source of the powers. But being new to the system, I wasn't sure exactly how power frameworks work anyway, and I figured we could hammer it out when we get together. I figure his power framework would include the Characteristics STR, CON, and BODY (and maybe DEX), as well as the powers Armor, Damage Resistance, and Regeneration, which is why I didn't buy him any powers beyond those.

EDIT: That was the idea behind his Susceptibility disadvantage, as well: whatever process gave him his powers involved some sort of catalyst / solvent / byproduct that affects him because of his powers.

May 12th, 2017, 20:47
I'd If you have to make him sniff glue to activate his powers

May 13th, 2017, 02:46
I created the Industrial Glue 20 point Power Framework for Good Samaritan. I placed his enhanced BODY, CON, DEX and STR in the framework.

I had to increase the active cost of STR to make it fit the minimum Active Cost Required by the 20 point framework. I did this by making his Strength require 0 Endurance to use and making his Strength Based attacks Penetrating.

The net result was a savings of 38 points left to spend.

Zero Endurance for your attacks is a good thing, if for no other reason than the reduced book keeping required.

Penetrating attacks mean that you always do some damage even if you do not exceed the opponents defenses. In the case of a normal attack, you would do Body and Stun normally if your damage does equal or exceed their defenses and if you do not exceed their defenses, you do an amount of stun damage to them equal to the Body Total that your attack rolled. So, you still "ring their bell", so to speak.

My suggestion on where to put the extra 38 points might be:

Take a crowd control power. In other words, something like Foot Stomp, which is an area effect energy blast mechanically, but effect wise is explained by you "Putting Your Foot Down" with authority creating a shockwave against a group of mooks that might be trying to gang bang you. That's a standard type of super strength feat that you see in the comics. You could call it Foot Stomp or Whirlwind attack, The Good Samaritan Boomerang or whatever effect that you want to give it, but mechanically it's the same thing - a low powered point blank area effect energy blast used to clear out groups of easy target minions. It's a good thing to have in your arsenal so that you don't have to punch your way thru groups of minions one single punch at a time.

May 13th, 2017, 09:44
Thank you for that. It helps a lot. Here's what I came up with:

Sonic Boom [20 points]
8d6 Energy Blast vs ED [Starting 40 points]
Advantages - Does Knockback (+1/4), Explosion with Personal Immunity (+3/4); [40 x (1+1) = 80]
Limitations - Charges: 2 per day, still uses END (-2), Increased END Cost x 2 (-1/2), No Range (-1/2); [80 / (1+ 3) = 20]

By stomping on the ground, the Good Samaritan creates a thunderous shockwave that knocks opponents backward.

That still leaves 18 points: I'll take another look when we connect on Monday, but I'm thinking of getting 9 points of the Hand-to-Hand attack power for +3d6 damage, and putting the other 9 points into more Armor for +2 PD and +4 ED.

May 13th, 2017, 15:49
Sounds like a plan. Very creative especially using charges and increased End to get the price down on the sonic boom. I used a lot of creative ways like that to give my son's character extra features that he wouldn't have been able to afford normally. Limitations can be your best friend.

May 14th, 2017, 17:06
I like the thunderstomp attack and I am looking forward to having an iconic superhero on the team who fits that good bruiser positional role. Being fairly non-lethal with Gravitas I will enjoy seeing The glue based Good Samaritan really....STICK it to villains.

May 15th, 2017, 23:45
It appears that the Teamspeak FG Community Server is still available for use. We will try using that tonight. ts.fg-con.com password: Dungeoneers Look for the Champions channel.

May 16th, 2017, 04:26
It appears that the Teamspeak FG Community Server is still available for use.
It's not going anywhere.

May 17th, 2017, 04:24
Something that came out of the discussion last night turned on the light bulb and I solved it. 18985.

On the Endurance Calculator, you can now:

1. Dial in your # of dice for the attack or action you want to do.
2. See how much endurance that attack or action will use.
3. Then, doubleclick on the end used box and it applies that amount of endurance.
4. If you tried to do an action that you didn't have enough endurance left for, it will tell you that you can't do that and set your endurance back to what it was.

And of course, you can still click on the end used on the combat dashboard to recover end.

Also, to point out, on the Combat Dashboard, there is a STR box and a # of dice box right next to it. If you have an action that uses Character Points directly and not # of dice, you can enter that into the STR box and it will tell you how many dice that is equivalent to. You can then use that data when filling out the endurance calculator section.

Also, the suggestion about Block for the Champions Attack Roll. It is now functioning. 18986

And lastly, in order to make our visual cues more meaningful and to better match the 4 color spirit of the genre, I played a little with the turn icons. 18991. The normal red flag is still the turn flag for the round/segment. Blue flag for each player turn. The swirly icon to let you know it's post-segment 12. Green Flags for the players during that round to let you know that each player can heal and only heal during that segment.

May 19th, 2017, 22:05
I have selected our first adventure. Pyramid in the Sky. It's a nice long one that looks really fun and intriguing. As of right now, we are still on target for a next monday start. Tremendous amount of work to do between now and then, though.

May 20th, 2017, 17:26
Pyramid in the sky. Sky rhymes with eye.... illuminati confirmed

May 20th, 2017, 21:56
Have you seen the stuff for my Champions Ruleset?
Forum Thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20112-Champions-HERO-System-Ruleset-FG-3-0)
Unfortunately, most of the info in the group got trashed somehow... it had all the documentation and stuff... but there are still a bunch of pics there.
Champions Group (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/group.php?groupid=3)

May 21st, 2017, 04:20
Thanks for the info, Blackfoot, but I've already got things covered. Already put about three weeks of work into a MoreCore Extension and it does what we need it to do.

What I've been working on today is preparing San Angelo City. It's getting a renovation. 19050. A lot of work. It's going to have to be a work in progress, because there is no way I can finish sharpening up and colorizing the map before the campaign start. So, week by week the map will get filled in more and more.

I'm going to try to do something that the artist that made this map probably never conceived would happen. I'm going to drop a hex grid on the entire city and make that one of our battlemaps. That's the theory anyways. That's why I'm tracing over all the lines and making them sharper, so that when it gets magnified in FG, we can still have enough detail to move around on. The color helps a lot, as well. This is what the renovated section looks like under high magnification in FG: 19051 as compared an old section of the city that hasn't been renovated yet: 19052 under that same magnification. I haven't started colorizing the actual road sections. Rather than greyscale, which they are now or solid white, which I've learned to avoid on maps in FG, I'm going to use a silver or very light blackish or light lavender or something, trying to match what an actual worn road looks like; anything but white. White causes issues with seeing which tokens are circled by the turn circle.

This is not something that necessarily has to be done by the DM. If one of our players has some free time and familiarity with GIMP, I'll be happy to send you the file and you can pitch in so that I can focus my attention on some other things. Help make San Angelo a 4 color action town fitting for this 4 color action campaign.

May 21st, 2017, 21:55
Blackfoot, I saw your Champions ruleset thread when I was deciding whether to buy the Bundle of Holding, but I noticed it's for 5th edition. I don't know how much Champions has changed from one edition to the next, since I am new to the system. I also couldn't find an estimated release date; I got the idea that it's stalled pending legal stuff. I joined the group, but haven't contributed anything because I had nothing to add. It looks good, but we have everything set up in MoreCore. Doing it this way has also helped me get more familiar with the Champions system.

Vodokar, I have never used GIMP. I downloaded it, and I'll put some time into learning it. My time is quite limited for the next couple weeks (finals are approaching for the quarter), but I'd be glad to pitch in if there's something I can do.

May 22nd, 2017, 11:44
Cry Sob. I Can't make it but used to run a champions Supers campaign in the 1990's. All my books we loaned to a friend who committed suicide and all my stuff that was loaned to him got tossed out:( All the super supplements, rules and adventures all gone, never to be replaced).
What ever happens don't let any smart *** build a cosmic power pool, just too over powered.

And DO NOT LET anyone play a mutated Orangutan riding a harley davidson with a banana gun and have his mutated friend in a side car who is the only one who can understand him. OOK! = Go that way. OOK! = Lets free the monkies from the zoo. Yes they really did do it!

May 22nd, 2017, 15:17
Blackfoot, I saw your Champions ruleset thread when I was deciding whether to buy the Bundle of Holding, but I noticed it's for 5th edition. I don't know how much Champions has changed from one edition to the next, since I am new to the system. I also couldn't find an estimated release date; I got the idea that it's stalled pending legal stuff. I joined the group, but haven't contributed anything because I had nothing to add. It looks good, but we have everything set up in MoreCore. Doing it this way has also helped me get more familiar with the Champions system.

Vodokar, I have never used GIMP. I downloaded it, and I'll put some time into learning it. My time is quite limited for the next couple weeks (finals are approaching for the quarter), but I'd be glad to pitch in if there's something I can do.The rules for 5th Edition vs 4th Edition are essentially the same.. it's only in 6th Edition that they tossed out the baby with the bathwater. 5E has a few MORE features than 4E but.. really the gut are exactly the same as they were in 1E and all the others. Up until 6E the upgrades were just that. My ruleset works perfectly (well.. mostly perfectly) for all editions other than 6E... and modifying it to 6E probably wouldn't take the 2+ years it took to code the 1-5E version. There are just a few tweaks to the character sheet in 6E... most of the guts are the same... at least.. I think so. That's the only version I haven't actually played.

May 22nd, 2017, 20:42
Thank you but I have decided since being away from the rules for 10 years has made it difficult for me to suss them out and the day not working for me I am dropping out of the game.

Thank you for the opportunity.

May 23rd, 2017, 17:32
Internet died last night: (

May 25th, 2017, 05:24
Just when you thought it couldn't get any easier to play Champions, it just got easier. Meet the Damage Applier: 19111.

Yes, that is right. You simply enter the number of damage that was reported in chat from the dice roll into the top most, left most box.

The Damage Applier Tool does all the math for you, taking into account if you have damage resistance (pulled from the data on your character sheet). It also tells you what the damage is if the attack was armor piercing.

At that point, you just go to the bottom of the appropriate column (either PD, Half PD, ED or Half ED) and double click the apply box. It then applies that damage to your character and reports that it did so in chat.

Your welcome.

While this tool is obviously nice for the player, it will be 10 fold, 100 fold nice for the game master once I can get it hooked up to the npc's. Currently, I'm not done with the one for the players. The second section of the tool is clearly going to be the same layout for stun damage. Once I get that done, I'm going to start working on the one for the NPC's. Doubtful that I will get all that done before monday. As I said before, the simplest looking things take for freakin'ever. The progress so far on this simple little tool has taken at least 8 hours just to get that far. sigh. But, it's all worth it, as it will make our play experience so much better.

May 25th, 2017, 19:01
Yeah! Our player tools are now complete (I think). Here is the entire layout: 19116

June 5th, 2017, 06:42
I'm leaving on my trip tomorrow. Be back on the 19th. I'm taking my stuff with me, so I'll have plenty of time to read up on things, and to plan the second half of our adventure that we started. I've already got a good idea about what happens next. We'll resume as soon as we can when I get back.

June 24th, 2017, 04:16
Hi Chuck. I’ve been offline getting finished with classes, so I didn’t see your post about your mom until today. Losing loved ones is hard, and I wanted to add to the support you're getting. I tried to send a PM, but your box is understandably full. If there is anything I can do, just say the word.

If you want to cancel this game, I understand. If not, I'll keep my Mondays open; take as long as you want and we'll come back to it at your discretion.

June 24th, 2017, 05:25
No plans at all to cancel. Just need a little more time before I have time to devote to anything Fantasy Grounds. Thanks for your support.

July 4th, 2017, 19:11
PM sent

August 18th, 2017, 14:23
Hi. I am following this thread with interest and must say what you have pulled together so far looks great!
Have you found away to apply Modifiers to skill rolls? My understanding is that, in Fantasy Grounds, Modifiers by default will be applied to the dice, whereas here we would want the Modifier to apply to the Target Number.
Please do continue to post updates on this. Do you have plans to release tools, such as the Endurance Calculator, as Extensions to morecore?


August 18th, 2017, 21:25
It does, indeed, modify the target number, rather than adding to the dice. Yes, I do plan to release this extension to the public. It was, indeed, an extension to MoreCore. It already has all of the features I previously discussed. When I left off, I just needed to add some of the functionality to the NPC's side of things that I gave the players.

I just don't know when I am going to be able to get back to it. Currently, all of my spare time is being utilized renovating my house. Next project I am starting is laying hard wood floors for the wife. I most likely will get back to programming in the winter months. Once I do get back to it, I anticipate it only taking a week or two to finish things up.

corum Rask
August 18th, 2017, 22:55
When is the Champions game going to be run? I have played Champions for years...Would love to join

August 19th, 2017, 00:01
When is the Champions game going to be run? I have played Champions for years...Would love to joinI will be running something using my Champions Ruleset at the next FG Con in October.

September 30th, 2017, 16:33
I will be running something using my Champions Ruleset at the next FG Con in October.
Looks like this game will be running between 9pm and 2am eastern time .. either Friday or Sunday night during the Con. (13th or the 15th of October)...

October 1st, 2017, 20:15
I have some experience with Champions and Fantasy Grounds and am open for Friday games if available.

January 12th, 2018, 23:09
vodokar, a few questions...
1) Are you still looking for players? If so, how often are you holding a gaming session?
2) Would it be possible to help you "beta test" your ruleset? I have an opportunity to run a "one-shot", or maybe trade-off every so often, to give my GM a rest and chance to play. I grabbed damned's theme "MCChampions.ext" from this thread "Can I make the dice roller subtract the results of the roll?" but it looks like you have developed some nice features since then. The Dashboard and Combat Tracker look awesome.
3) Are you using HomeBrew rules for endurance? Or does your Endurance Calculator have something behind the scenes to detect the 10 active pts = 1 pt endurance? I.E. 30 pts in a Hand Killing Attack gets you 2d6 in HKA, and costs you 3 endurance to use. The Endurance Calculator looks like it would calc 2 pts of endurance per usage based on the 2d6. Just curious.
4) Would you like any help?

April 13th, 2020, 23:35
I would love a shot at this. I have not played champions in quite a time but it is my favorite all time game. I just bought my copy of FG like 15 min ago :)

Pick me pick me!

May 16th, 2020, 06:42
I, too, will attempt to resurrect this mostly dormant thread...

Is this still a thing? If so, I either want in, or I want instructions on how to implement the ruleset into my copy of Fantasy Grounds so I can run my own Champs4E game.
As for getting players, I could probably round up at least a half a dozen in short order. During 4E's heyday (1989-1995), I ran as many as three campaigns of Champions 4E at one, with them all being tied into six other games that friends of mine were running. I am also still in contact with many of those folks...

It was a grand time for superhero gaming in our area, and I miss those days...

May 16th, 2020, 07:26
The OP is unfortunately AWOL.