View Full Version : Long time D&D player looking fer a 5e game Sat or Sun

April 19th, 2017, 16:54
Hi I've been playing / DMing since the red box and I'm looking to join a 5e game on Saturdays or Sundays. I'm flexible on the hours so please message me back if you need a reliable player thanks.

April 20th, 2017, 00:33
Same here, same story, what time zone are you in?

April 20th, 2017, 01:16
I'm in eastern time zone -5 I think it is

April 20th, 2017, 08:53
I just purchased FG, but played a ton of AD&D. I would love to join a Sunday game.

April 20th, 2017, 13:00
Any objections to Forgotten Realms? 5e, right? I would be down to DM a game, unless someone else wants to do it. If I just play, it'd be a healer, or maybe a ranger, or a Bard, a support class mainly.

April 20th, 2017, 15:33
That sounds cool you have all you need to DM 5e Laerun? I have a full license for myself so you don't have to worry about that...

April 20th, 2017, 16:08
If you guys are looking for another player, I'm looking for a game as well. I currently have weekends free through May 9th. I'm currently in training for a new job and that may change after the 9th. Once I complete the training (6 months), my schedule will have 3-4 days free depending on the week. Outside of that, I am a dependable player, and can be expected to be at every game session, with rare exception (and plenty of notification). I live on Eastern Time as well. I've been playing since 2e, and am a big fan of 5e (best edition, in my opinion).

As for my gaming style, I tend to play melee characters, and currently have a penchant for Arthurian knight style paladins. I prefer a 60-70/40-30 roleplay/combat split with meaningful consequences for player actions, and deep characters. I also have a preference for lower magic games where magic items are special (think the Hobbit, where every sword they find is named vs a bucket of +1 swords, or Arthurian legend). I don't mind magic being powerful, just prefer it to be special.

April 20th, 2017, 16:16
Sounds good. I am using g discord for chat and voice out of game, etc.

April 20th, 2017, 16:17
I have a lot of the 5e core, lots if tokens, and a lot of 3rd party stuff for Fantasy grounds.

April 20th, 2017, 16:20
I am on PST, I am willing to play or DM, but I only have a standard 40 dollar licenses. I am an early bird, so early morning gaming for me is better, afternoon for all you East Coasters....I am a Saturday, or Sunday player. Please figure out Discord and what classes you want to play. 5e, Dnd, Forgotten Realms. We can start at 3rd level.

April 20th, 2017, 16:56
I'm Yurial #3609 on Discord. That works for me. I also have a standard license. I would like to play an Protector Aasimar (Volo's Guide) Paladin of Devotion with a Knight of the Order (Sword Coast) background, if that's cool with you. If not, I'll go with Human, keeping the rest.

April 20th, 2017, 17:00
Sounds pretty good... I will look at the race as I am vaguely familiar. Please flesh out your Knight code, virtues, organizations, morals, standards, sacrifices, and region of operations and origin. Only reveal them to me if I DM.

April 20th, 2017, 17:07
Also, you may have one NPC squire, O level on training. We can start at RP for the perfect squire, or you can make an NPC in your notes tab.

April 20th, 2017, 17:33
Absolutely. I have a few ideas with it, along with my background. I'll try to get some stuff on paper tonight. However, I've got orientation in about 10m, so it will be a few hours.

April 20th, 2017, 17:55
Hey, Ive recently bought FG and I am looking forward to play D&D if you would have me!

April 20th, 2017, 18:44
I hope that you can get it onto a text document to make it easier for you to pastes it into your character sheet within Fantasy Grounds.

April 20th, 2017, 18:45
Still looking to play?

April 20th, 2017, 19:25
I am at work anyhow, good luck on your new endeavor...

April 20th, 2017, 19:26
Sounds great, let me know some history and what time zone, do you have Discord chat server software.

April 20th, 2017, 23:52
Still looking to play?

I'm not sure if this is directed at me, based on the following post, but yes, I'm still looking to play. I'm working on fleshing out the information now.

April 21st, 2017, 00:04
Would there be room for one more?

April 21st, 2017, 03:05
Would there be room for one more?

Yeah, that would be good.

April 21st, 2017, 03:49
Yeah, that would be good.

Sweet! I'm willing to fill any role the team may need. Have we locked in a time and day?

April 21st, 2017, 03:51
I can start you off as a pre-game session. No definative time table, but we can make your PC together... Do you have time now?


April 21st, 2017, 03:53
I use Discord. AnAindie!#7210..

April 21st, 2017, 03:59
Cool. I'm Praetorian #8966. Adding you now.

Request sent.

April 21st, 2017, 04:07

April 21st, 2017, 06:01
Lachlan Cealloch, human Cleric of Lathander - reporting for duty! :D

April 21st, 2017, 19:41
Lachlan Cealloch, human Cleric of Lathander - reporting for duty! :D

Nice! I've got Sir Brand (not certain on a family name yet, leaning towards Blackbough but not sold, yet), Knight of the Crimson Crown, and Paladin of Tyr built and ready to go. Next time you're on, I can send you the files, Laerun.

April 21st, 2017, 20:02
Sounds, great, good backup...

April 21st, 2017, 23:31
https://discord.gg/R26AK77 FG Room link...