View Full Version : FG, Discord and Syrnscape Feed backs

April 18th, 2017, 23:20
Help ... I've followed the videos and am using voice meeter and Discord/Discortptb and am getting feed back. Any thoughts?

April 18th, 2017, 23:47
Play only one source at a time - which produces feedback? If only one of them then look at how that is setup and see if it is taking input from something more than just the original source. If you get feedback for all sources then you're probably looping your final output back in somehow. Check that out.

April 19th, 2017, 04:19
This works for me:

Syrinscape through Discord

Windows Settings
Default Recording Device VoiceMeeter Output
Default Playback Device VoiceMeeter Input

VoiceMeeter Settings
Hardware #1 Microphone Bus B
Hardware #2 Virtual Output Bus A
Virtual VB-Audio Bus A & B
Hardware Out Speakers

Discord Settings
Input Device VoiceMeeter Output
Output Device Virtual Input


Bus A is Main Out and contains Discord Input (Hardware #2) and Syrinscape Input (Virtual) and is mapped to my headphones in VoiceMeeter’s Hardware Out column under A1 output. Bus A is not turned on for Hardware #1 so that my Microphone sounds are not echoed back to me.

Bus B is Virtual Out and contains Microphone Input (Hardware #1) and Syrinscape Input (Virtual) and is output as VoiceMeeter Output. Discord uses VoiceMeeter Output as its Input Device so that both Microphone and Syrinscape are transmitted to other Discord users. Bus B is not turned on for Hardware #2 so that Discord users input does not feedback to them (echo).

Microphone Output
Goes into VoiceMeeter Hardware #1 and is mapped to Bus B. It is then passed by VoicMeeter’s Virtual output on Bus B to Discord, appearing in Discord under Input Device as VoiceMeeter Output. If you turn off Bus B in Hardware #1 (first column), Microphone input is muted.

Syrinscape Output
Syrinscape sends its output to the Windows Default Playback Device (VoiceMeeter Input). So it comes into VoiceMeeter under Virtual (third column) on Bus A. If you turn off Bus A in Column 2, Syrinscape is muted.

Discord Output
Discord outputs to a Virtual Cable that has two ends: Virtual Input and Virtual Output. Discord’s Output Device is the Virtual Input end of the virtual cable. The Virtual Output end of this cable dhows up in VoiceMeeter under Hardware #2. Thus, inbound Discord sounds come into Hardware #2 on Bus A of VoiceMeeter. If Bus A is turned off, inbound Discord comments from speakers are muted.

Discord Input
The Discord Input device is VoiceMeeter Output which includes my voice on Bus B and Syrinscape on Bus A coming in through the Virtual (third column).

April 19th, 2017, 19:33
Found the bleed. Thanks Trenloe!

swbuza! That is perhaps the best explanation I have seen yet! Just curious though ... what in discord are your settings for the voice section?

April 20th, 2017, 03:47
They are in my post above.

Discord Input = VoiceMeeter Output
Discord Output = Virtual Cable Input (into VoiceMeeter)

April 20th, 2017, 03:50
Oh, and I set Discord for voice detection and then move the slider all the way down so it's constantly on.