View Full Version : Building a homebrew campaign but looking for 5e play first

April 17th, 2017, 07:27
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Pacific Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Monday thru Friday after 6:30pm all day on the weekends. I am looking for a weekly game.
Term: Mid-Long Term. Out of the Abyss would be a good example but I am not tied to any one adventure.
Voice: I have Discord and Ventrilo.

Game System Preferred: 5e since that is what I am building my own campaign in but I also have the Savage Worlds ruleset and that system intrigues me.
Game System Experience: I have not played any game in many years but I am far more familiar with 5e than I am any other system. I have a good grasp of combat and characters so I think I could hit the ground running. Because I have not played in many years I would prefer to play a 1st level character since they are generally easier for newbies or oldbies who have been gone for a good long time.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Never played in fantasy grounds but I am familiar with how the system works from a player’s view. For example, I prefer to drop the dice on my enemies to target them.

Character Type Preferred: I don’t really have a preferred character class. I can find fun in playing all of them. The same goes with races. I have a fighter, barbarian, sorcerer, rogue, paladin, ranger, warlock, cleric and a barbarian all ready to go at level 1.

About me: My real name is Kevin and I live in downtown Seattle, WA. I believe I could take the bus to the Wizards of the Coast headquarters! I am an Ultimate license holder and I have all the deluxe PHB, DMG, MM and Volos in Fantasy Grounds. I like to make maps for gaming too. I own ProFantasy software and use it to make maps for my campaign but I also dabble in freehand maps that I then color in Gimp. I think a strong map can add to an encounter.

I like games where roleplaying is balanced out by combat and I really love a strong story in both areas so I guess 50/50 would be my preference. I would prefer playing with a group that really roleplays there characters though. I’m not saying there can’t be kidding around and real world conversation going on but I want to experience whatever world we are in and roleplaying is one of the primary ways to get that done.

April 17th, 2017, 17:55
I am building a homebrew campaign on my continent of Odrian but I want to play in a few adventures so that I can get the hang of how things work in a live game setting. I am familiar with the software but have never played so I am all theory and no real play time. I have eight characters made up of different classes and races so I can probably fill most roles in a party. Please let me know if you need a player. I prefer to play on weekends or Friday evening but I can play during the week after 6pm Pacific time.

This sounded confusing to me when I read it back to myself so I will try to be clearer. Bottom line I am looking to play in a 5e adventure or campaign. I have eight characters ready to go of different classes. If you have a spot for the times I mentioned above please let me know. Thanks!

April 17th, 2017, 18:21
Take a look at the FG Group "THAC0 Tavern". We have started a homebrew campaign and allow non-playing characters to sit in and observe.
We currently have 4 Players and 2 Observers who are considering whether our campaign is a fit for them.
You can read thru our discussions and sit in on Gamenights, Wednesdays 4-7pm PST.

PM me if interested.

April 25th, 2017, 18:44
I am going to be checking in on Intruder's campaign tomorrow but I wanted to give this a bump since I want to have as many options as possible. Thanks Intruder for getting back to me. Looking forward to seeing your campaign!