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View Full Version : Memory Limits

April 16th, 2017, 17:08
Is there anyway to increase the memory allocation for Fantasy Grounds? I am hitting the 4GB limit on launch. I know it is because I have too many tokens (~3000 over ~3GB) but I dont want to give up any and honestly I want more.
I am running a 12Core i7, 64GB of RAM, and a GTX1080. I would prefer to just up its RAM limit to about 10GB so that I can have everything I want.

I need objects for all situations for numerous different games of different genres that I run.

Thanks in advance for any info!:D

April 16th, 2017, 17:16
Welcome to the forums.

FG is currently a 32-bit application, so there is no way to increase the memory available to Fantasy Grounds.

Other then drastically decreasing the tokens you have in your tokens directory (which you will have to do if you want Fantasy Grounds to work reliably), you should consider moving them into tokens modules and only activating the relevant module when required. Don't just put them all in one module.

Information on creating a token module here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?21396-How-do-I-create-a-Token-Module