View Full Version : Recomended Size for Images

April 13th, 2017, 17:04
I know that tokens and portraits have a size specified and all the map usage videos give e a recommended size for battle maps. I'm wondering about what is the size that other images ought to be like player handout, art of rooms, major NPCs etc. A lot of the images when gotten from a PDF are very big or from a free art asset packages, etc. . So i want to know what size recommendations are for images for a module.


April 13th, 2017, 17:15
For handouts, keep them at a size that fits well on most monitors. Some people might not be using Full HD, so keep this in mind. The most recent commercial products guidelines are to limit portrait/handout width to 1000 pixels and height to 800 pixels wherever possible.

However, you may find this too small for certain handouts - for example, a letter with small writing. So check the handouts in Fantasy Grounds for legibility after sizing.

April 13th, 2017, 17:19
We also recommend all images are JPG format (except for portraits and tokens which are PNG format to allow use of transparency) and that all images, maps, tokens, portraits, etc. are ran through an image optimiser. Here's one I use: https://css-ig.net/pingo