View Full Version : not sure if should be here or 5e.. but here we go...

April 10th, 2017, 04:48
ok.. I have been running Princes of the Apocalypse for well over a year. The are at the hall of the hunting axe. I Pull up the player map and try to put mask on map and it crashes fantasy grounds. I then boot all players off and try again. Map comes up for me.. but I have a high end pc as do most of my players. When I share the map this time.. it crashes their pc's. We are all running 3.2.3 (I have ultimate license). Only extension loaded is rolld (I will remove and test again but I am pretty sure this isn't causing it :)

I did snip a picture of the map and got us through part of the gaming session without issue but we had to stop playing early because it just wasn't working.

I am happy to listen to any suggestions troubleshooting tips. I do have a couple of token packs loaded but I have unloaded many of those because of memory usage.

I have run all the included missions and added many more. We play twice a week and almost every week.

Just looking for a way to get through the mission. I am very used to putting the map overlay on.. It *may* not be required for this map but I tend to do that first thing.

Anyone else having any issues with this?

My other campaign (Rise of Tiamat) is not having any issues.

Just as an aside. I am having the targeting issues again where if I target the token on the map.. it makes the creature before it start targeting the monsters I attempted to target with the character/monster. Everybody dumped cache and we still had issues.

April 10th, 2017, 04:59
I didn't have any problems with that map. But it sounds like you've added a lot of content than just PotA. You might just be at the point that your campaign is so large that you are running into the 32 bit process limit.

If you are on Windows, open your task manager and sort by process size (largest on top). Then launch your campaign and note what the size of fantasygrounds.exe is. Then try to repeat what you were doing. If it crashes, note the process size.

I'm guessing you'll find you were around 3GB.

If that is the case, you'll either need to reduce the amount of content in your campaign (usually images) or your tokens (which sounds like you already have a handle on).

If that's not it, let us know.

Moon Wizard
April 10th, 2017, 05:06
Also, try using /flushdb in the chat entry to remove all shared records for the players so far, and only re-share the records they need currently.


April 10th, 2017, 05:14
have you and the players run /flushdb in the chat window.
test having one of the players (at least 30mins before next session) clear her cache and then reconnect and once downloaded try again.

ninjad for sitting on the window too long!

April 11th, 2017, 03:46
currently FG is using 2,693.3 MB :)

I will try the flushdb with one of my PC's.

When I load that map.. it increases my Memory usage by between 1/2 to 3/4 a gig of Ram.

April 11th, 2017, 04:25
currently FG is using 2,693.3 MB :)

I will try the flushdb with one of my PC's.

When I load that map.. it increases my Memory usage by between 1/2 to 3/4 a gig of Ram.

2.7GB or RAM?
You are pretty darn close to the limits on most computers for this app.
/rolld wont be causing this - how many tokens do you have in your campaign and in your base data folder?
Is this the map that ships with the FG module or an externally sourced one?

April 11th, 2017, 04:33
ok.. I have been running Princes of the Apocalypse for well over a year. The are at the hall of the hunting axe. I Pull up the player map and try to put mask on map and it crashes fantasy grounds.
Is it the "Hall-of-the-Hunting-Axe-Player" map?

I'm guessing it is. This map is massive - well beyond the FG recommendations. From my calculations it's over 8000 (yes, eight thousand) pixels wide and more high. This one obviously slipped through the detailed QA process. I'll raise it to the attention of the powers that be.

Looks like the image is 8,500 x 9,500 pixels. No wonder your computer crashes bawsr. Just opening this in a brand new campaign added over 800MB of memory use on my PC, adding a mask adds another 300MB. So 1.1GB to open and mask this image. Crashing Rapids... :o

April 11th, 2017, 04:37
Is it the "Hall-of-the-Hunting-Axe-Player" map?

I'm guessing it is. This map is massive - well beyond the FG recommendations. From my calculations it's over 8000 (yes, eight thousand) pixels wide and more high. This one obviously slipped through the detailed QA process. I'll raise it to the attention of the powers that be.

It is that one.

April 11th, 2017, 04:40
I cleared up every other module, removed lots of maps, cleared all extra tokens, did the flushdb, left the bare minimum and I got it working with a single player. (I didn't do the map overlay because that caused all kinds of issues). My other option was to break the map up into pieces. Perhaps, in general, that is a good rule of thumb until we get 64 bit FG :D

April 11th, 2017, 04:48
I cleared up every other module, removed lots of maps, cleared all extra tokens, did the flushdb, left the bare minimum and I got it working with a single player. (I didn't do the map overlay because that caused all kinds of issues). My other option was to break the map up into pieces. Perhaps, in general, that is a good rule of thumb until we get 64 bit FG :D
Glad you got it working OK. I'm concerned with that map though, when you've been running a session for a couple of hours and a few players connected. Keep an eye on your memory use and it it's close to 3GB don't open it.

Splitting into pieces is definitely the recommendation. It's been discussed a few times recently, one such discussion here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?36330-Player-s-FG-folder-and-pre-download-images&p=317064&viewfull=1#post317064 A bit after this module was released unfortunately...

April 11th, 2017, 05:49
It is the map with the module Hall of the Hunting axe... I guess I can put this in the 5e bug list and ask for the module to be split up.

If I get the opportunity I will do it myself this week. I did it quickly during the game but then I realized I took a picture with the tokens on there (the Player characters) I realized this isn't going to be a very quick thing. I assume it is going to take them a couple of sessions. We play for about 4 hours or so and having to have everyone logoff and logon is costly to gaming time!

I have a LOT of tokens and was considering buying more but I can't even load them up so I am not sure how useful it is to buy more :(.

I also have bought a number of map packs that I tend to not load up. I have tried making my own map modules for maps I use a lot (in different campaigns) I did vote as 64 bit FG as my number one enhancement :)

I will just hope that we get through the gaming sessions this weekend!

April 11th, 2017, 10:34
I cleared up every other module, removed lots of maps, cleared all extra tokens, did the flushdb, left the bare minimum and I got it working with a single player. (I didn't do the map overlay because that caused all kinds of issues). My other option was to break the map up into pieces. Perhaps, in general, that is a good rule of thumb until we get 64 bit FG :D

I have a nice map for my upcoming DDEX one timer that I split into 4's just for this reason. Come on Unity!

April 11th, 2017, 10:58
I've noted this problem and I'll get a fix out as soon as possible. That map is way too big.