View Full Version : Feature Suggestion

Tailz Silver Paws
December 21st, 2005, 22:43
I just had an idea, one thing my group does sometimes is we have “mood music” playing in the background. I was just wondering if this would be a neat feature that could be added – with a ‘mood music’ set of options added to the ‘mood lighting’ options. Basically the GM can set which bit of music will play, and the players get sound volume options?

December 21st, 2005, 22:54
Sound support is something that comes up every now and then. We have so far kept FG free of sounds, but we have a plan on how to approach the problem so that it should please both ends of the spectrum. It'll be quite unusual and we're still playing with all the different angles.

Tailz Silver Paws
December 21st, 2005, 23:22
Sound support is something that comes up every now and then. We have so far kept FG free of sounds, but we have a plan on how to approach the problem so that it should please both ends of the spectrum. It'll be quite unusual and we're still playing with all the different angles.

It was just an idea, a little something to let people play MP3's as mood music - but then you get into the whole mess of sharing MP3's and the jazz that comes with it.

December 21st, 2005, 23:23
Tease! Every time you guys mention what you have in store for the future, I feel that the wait for those features is unbearable. :cool:

Tailz Silver Paws
December 21st, 2005, 23:28
Tease! Every time you guys mention what you have in store for the future, I feel that the wait for those features is unbearable. :cool:

Heh, agree. I have only been playing with the demo but I'm excited. I just need to get my players hooked on this system too.

One thing I have to ask, can you do "drag-n-drop" dice rolls?

eg: on my character sheet it says i have such-and-such total attack bonus with Weapon X, can i drag-n-drop that to the chat window to get a attack roll result?

December 21st, 2005, 23:36
You can drag the bonus to the modifier box beneath the chatwindow and it will be added to the roll with a caption if such is prepared for that control.

December 21st, 2005, 23:40
Heh, agree. I have only been playing with the demo but I'm excited. I just need to get my players hooked on this system too.

One thing I have to ask, can you do "drag-n-drop" dice rolls?

eg: on my character sheet it says i have such-and-such total attack bonus with Weapon X, can i drag-n-drop that to the chat window to get a attack roll result?

No... but you probably can once 1.06 comes out and they add the macro language (the current tease :) )

What you can do is drag the modifiers (all of them) to the mod box and then roll the d20 and get the results. Or better, put all the mods you need into the hot keys and them trigger them as needed. They show up in the mod box and add to the next die you roll.


Tailz Silver Paws
December 22nd, 2005, 00:03
I noticed the boxes below and figured out how to type in a command and then store it into a box - eg: set-up a box to be my default attack option with roll and all the bonuses.

But I had a look at a monster that had attack bonuses of +5/+2 and this could not be drag-n-dropped to the mod box as when I did it dragged the “+5/+2” instead of just “+5” or “+2”.

Maybe I am just splitting hairs...

December 22nd, 2005, 00:54
No... the software currently does not parse the +5/+2 stuff. You can drag and drop the saving throws.

Yes, pre programing the hot keys with all the mods and die rolls is one of the ways to go. But I still like putting the mods in the hot keys and triggering them as needed.

Trying to pre-program them becomes a challange to get all the possible cominations in... Charging, flanked, raging, rapid shot ect all change the die roll and can be needed in different combinations. Plus.. what happens when you go up a level or find a +1 weapon? Now you have to redo all the entries!

If you just drag and drop the mods from the Common Modifiers window (and you can create your own) and drag and drop the attack + for your main melee and range weapon. Now you can hit the key for your melee weapon and the pick and match the mods you need for that swing. Roll the die and you have your attack. When you go up a level or something else changes you just have to change your char sheet and then drag and drop that one entry into the right hot key... all the rest of the mods stay the same.

Plus you can still roll the dice this way. :)


December 22nd, 2005, 01:03
That's a stringcontrol and not a numbercontrol, I think it needs to be a numbercontrol to drag it to the modifier box. For it to work on that particular field you'd probably haft to modify it a bit.

Tailz Silver Paws
December 22nd, 2005, 01:16
Trying to pre-program them becomes a challange to get all the possible cominations in... Charging, flanked, raging, rapid shot ect all change the die roll and can be needed in different combinations. Plus.. what happens when you go up a level or find a +1 weapon? Now you have to redo all the entries!

Thats getting towards an intergrated equipment list & character sheet, where you can pick and select items of equipment from a list that are added to your character sheet instead of writting it in and tracking it yourself. Once added the system automaticaly updates the character sheet to reflect the items effects.

With that also you would need a system that denotes if the item is simply carried (then the carried location, eg: bag, pocket, belt, sheath), equiped (both hands, left or right hand, worn, etc), weight to movement calculations, etc.

Complex, but I think very worthwhile.

December 23rd, 2005, 01:58
On sounds, couldnt you just do it the way you have images and everything set up now? have a listing of the sounds, DM can select it, then share ('push') it to the players, be great if we could just drag n drop to specific players like we can with items and such now, that way if the thief hears something but no one else does, I can make just him hear it.

Tailz Silver Paws
December 29th, 2005, 00:20
A few more things that might be good:

An experience calculator - eg: party level vs encounter level calculator to generate xp?

The ability to make more than one dice roll, useful for multi attacks, maybe it could be coded to work like:

/die (text) (ndn+n) (text) (ndn+n)

/die First Attack 1d20+6 Second Attack 1d20+2

Someone: First Attack: 6+6=12, Second Attack: 8+2=10

Or something like so??

Also, the ability to add new "House Rules" while in the game instead of having to edit xml. That way it could be done "on the fly" during a game?