View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weekend Game Friday Saturday or Sunday UTC Central Time Prefer 5E

April 6th, 2017, 03:40
FG License: I have a Standard License through Steam
Time Zone: Central Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Im typically Free Friday Nights after 7ish through the weekend. Prefer night hours though, and am good to setup any schedule within those days
Term: Long term is preferred but One shots are welcome
Voice: Have curse, discord, and skype. Can download anything else required, Have a Mic.

Game System Preferred: 5E or 4th, Am willing to be flexible on this tho.
Game System Experience: Have played just a couple one shots, and one extended campaign that died off.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Have played three sessions on it, Still am really new to it and it has been a couple of months.

Character Type Preferred:Will play whatever, Always have made a character on the fly. Not sure I have played enough to know what I dont like, Though I do enjoy mage-type classes.
About me: I try to play the game seriously but being new to Fantasy grounds and DnD in general I can break character pretty easily. I am just looking to find a group that is in it for a while and some people I can play a campaigns with for a few years.

I know this seems pretty vanilla, but I haven't really had a opportunity to enjoy DnD to the fullest yet, I know there are alot of things that can happen in a game and I would like to add some new excitement to someone else's campaign!

April 6th, 2017, 05:55
Welcome richrrampage

You might have a look at FG Con 10 - try some things other than D&D too - you never know you might really enjoy something different.
You will as well meet other players and GMs which can lead to more gaming opportunities.

And lastly keep an active eye on this form (visit daily) and apply to those games that fit your schedule.

April 6th, 2017, 23:12
Welcome richrrampage

You might have a look at FG Con 10 - try some things other than D&D too - you never know you might really enjoy something different.
You will as well meet other players and GMs which can lead to more gaming opportunities.

And lastly keep an active eye on this form (visit daily) and apply to those games that fit your schedule.

Sounds like some solid advice! I will try looking around there also.