View Full Version : LFP Need 2-3 Players Saturday 9:30 AM GMT - HEAVY Homebrew Campaign!

April 5th, 2017, 03:35
We're full guys PM me if you want to reserve a spot if someone drops.

FG License: I only have the basic so you will need at least that to join.

Time Zone: I am Australian we will be playing at the time below.
Day of week and time: 9:30 AM GMT Saturday (7:00 pm Saturday AST)

Planned start date: 9:30 AM GMT Saturday 15th of April - Depending on how long character creation takes this might be session 0.
Planned Duration & Frequency: This campaign will be weekly and run for roughly 4+ hours.
Term: Long Term, I have a world made that will take us 20+ levels and scaling quests everywhere....

Text or Voice: Voice chat.
Voice software used: Discord.

Roleplay & Combat mix: Aiming for 50/50 but I will adjust it to suit the players. I am not fussed either way. People can easily decide this themselves thou by the way they play, take on more quests if you want more combat, listen to rumors and try resolve them if you want more RP.
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 2 players would like 2 or 3 more.
Character starting level & equipment: You will start at level 1 with the normal starting equipment. - As normal as Hombrew gets.
Character restrictions: Yeah this is where things get crazy - We are using homebrew and you can even choose a homebrew class and race from some of the homebrew websites around such as https://dnd-5e-homebrew.tumblr.com/ WITH MY APROVAL also I will add them into fantasy grounds for you guys.

(You also can not play Tiefling unless you are willing to pretty much never go into town, they are looked down upon in this world even worse then in regular DnD and are also all evil in alignment, there basically literal demons.)
(Feats are not to be purchased with your ASI, they are earned through actual Achievements through out my campaign world.)
(Lastly I would LIKE all the players to be similar alignment I have had bad experience with that 1 evil guy in a good campaign and it sucks for the other players... Thou if the players don't care then they can just suffer that what comes with it.)

Details of your scenario: Continuing on with the crazy lol. The Dwarves and Gnomes that had resided within Theill's Mountain Range have abandoned it due to there mechanical constructs going crazy, they have sent notice through the Adventure Guild looking for adventurers to head into the mountain range and retrieve a couple clockwork specimens for study. The Campaign will start with the party meeting in Tormala's Adventure Guild a town close to the Mountain Range where the remaining Theill Dwarves and gnomes are hiding out. The party has gathered separately or together seeking a payday, adventure, perhaps knowledge behind the constructs, that's for you guys to decide.

After that piece of adventure you guys can decide where to go from there. Either look at Adventure guild requests talk to NPCs and listen to rumors etc. etc. I will not restrict where you guys want to go, people will offer warnings of places outside your "paygrade" thou. I would like to get everyone's characters planned out before the first session PM me for more info about the world or if certain homebrews are ok.

Edit : Also incase you didn't get it this is a meant to be a fun campaign not overly serious, thou I don't want people who are going to be disrespectful or troll.

Link to Game calendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2491&edit=on

April 5th, 2017, 11:44
Hello I am interested in this campaign. 24/Male, CST timezone (yes that means this is an early Saturday morning, but not out of the question). I have several years of 5e experience, and almost a year DM experience so I know the basics + some.

Do you know what classes the other players are wanting to play? I was interested in playing a NG air genasi bard, with Matt Mercer's homebrew College of the Maestro option. I am flexible with making a character if necessary, with an interest in arcane magic users.

My playstyle is laid back, I typically don't take the "leadership" role in the party, but if things hit a standstill I might speak up. Geared 60/40 towards RP over combat, but I like a mix. Not a rules lawyer and I like creative solutions over smashing through a door.

Let me know if there's room for me, I would love to give it a try!

April 5th, 2017, 14:24
Sent you a PM! Happy to have you. :)

April 5th, 2017, 20:16
I Pmed you.

April 6th, 2017, 00:04
shot a Pm your direction

April 6th, 2017, 00:53
Cool guys I think we are full... I might be willing to go to 6 if someone wants to join who is, a little leader orientated and willing to play a "tank" atm everyone is a little squish hehe.

April 6th, 2017, 00:55
Shot a Pm Your direction would love to talk to you about the campaign and quite honestly you got my attention with this post. Looking forward to hearing back from you

April 6th, 2017, 01:19
Is there any way of us to get a spread of what we are all looking at playing? It's a little rough deciding what to be if we don't have any idea who we are adventuring with. I mean nobody wants to be the second best Thief or the Second best Wizard. With a group this large, it should be possible to specialize very heavily. That stated, push comes to shove every class has a couple of perks that should allow for a decent amount of tank. Druid: Wild Shape, Ranger: Defense, Ranger's Companion, Rogue: Uncanny Doge, Warlock: Dark One's Blessing, Armor of Shadows, Wizard: Arcane Ward. This is in addition to any spells that can be cast defensively.

To summarize information on what the other Adventurers are thinking about would be a big help. After all, it's possible we all decided to be the most yellow thief in existence. I believe we will find that if we know what's on the table, it would be a big help in deciding how our story begins.

April 6th, 2017, 08:54
Is there any way of us to get a spread of what we are all looking at playing? It's a little rough deciding what to be if we don't have any idea who we are adventuring with. I mean nobody wants to be the second best Thief or the Second best Wizard. With a group this large, it should be possible to specialize very heavily. That stated, push comes to shove every class has a couple of perks that should allow for a decent amount of tank. Druid: Wild Shape, Ranger: Defense, Ranger's Companion, Rogue: Uncanny Doge, Warlock: Dark One's Blessing, Armor of Shadows, Wizard: Arcane Ward. This is in addition to any spells that can be cast defensively.

To summarize information on what the other Adventurers are thinking about would be a big help. After all, it's possible we all decided to be the most yellow thief in existence. I believe we will find that if we know what's on the table, it would be a big help in deciding how our story begins.

I only just read this but I assume it is from before I shot everyone a discord channel link hehe, hopefully we can get everyone in there soon.

April 6th, 2017, 13:48
Would love to join this, is it full or still looking for players, considering the interest?

April 6th, 2017, 23:01
Hey mate. I'd love to have given your campaign a shot; too early for me though. Social services would take my kids away if I ignored them at breakfast time :)
Let me know how it goes in our game!

April 8th, 2017, 02:51
Would like to join yours. Your Schedule shows me only two registered players. Don't think it's actual.

April 8th, 2017, 15:05
Hello I would be able to play and would love to join your campaign