View Full Version : Long Load Times, Window Resizes

April 2nd, 2017, 06:57
Over the last few (very precise I know) weeks FG is taking much longer to load (up to a minute from selecting my campaign) and if its a maximised window I see it redraw and resize with and without the bottom 80px (or whatever size it is that the windows task bar would occupy). Is anyone else seeing this?
Running live - CoreRPG 3.2.2 with 5e or with MoreCore.

April 2nd, 2017, 07:03
Over the last few (very precise I know) weeks FG is taking much longer to load (up to a minute from selecting my campaign)
Increase in load time is usually related to two things:
1) Size of campaign database.
2) Number of tokens being loaded. Either from those in the \tokens directory or modules containing tokens that have been activated.

and if its a maximised window I see it redraw and resize with and without the bottom 80px (or whatever size it is that the windows task bar would occupy). Is anyone else seeing this?
Yep, I'm seeing that. You can work around it by setting your taskbar to auto-hide, wait for it to hide and then maximise FG - it will fill the whole screen.

April 2nd, 2017, 07:43
Increase in load time is usually related to two things:
1) Size of campaign database.
2) Number of tokens being loaded. Either from those in the \tokens directory or modules containing tokens that have been activated.

Yep, I'm seeing that. You can work around it by setting your taskbar to auto-hide, wait for it to hide and then maximise FG - it will fill the whole screen.

Thanks Trenloe.
I have around 100 unpacked tokens but quite a few more in modules.
These are brand new test campaigns with little to no content.
There are plenty of modules available to each ruleset but a max of 3 loaded in these campaigns.

Im not too worried about the sizing, was wondering if it was symptomatic of something else I might be experiencing though.