View Full Version : LFG 2 Players - Cant Make Tues Wed(Maybe Sat) - LF 3.5,5e,PF - LF Late afternoon PST

April 1st, 2017, 04:29
FG License: Free license only
Time Zone: I Live in PST my friend lives in EST.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Would like a weekly campaign, CANNOT make Tues. Wed. And anything on Sat BEFORE 7PM EST. Any other day time is pretty much open, but would prefer something around late afternoon to night time PST, So lets say around 5-8ish(starting time) PST
Term: Long-Term
Voice: Teamspeak, Discord, anything really, except Skype(NoGo)

Game System Preferred: Myself I have little experience with both 3.5 and 5e, but again thats very little experience, My friend has alot of experience in 3.5 a little in 5e, and we both have never played Pathfinder, but are open to learning from the DM or someone else in the group willing to teach.
Game System Experience: Same as above.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: We know how to use the program.

Character Type Preferred: My friend prefers a arcane caster, sorcerer if possible, Myself Ive always wanted to play as the Lycanthrope Template(3.5e at least idk if the other version have it), It just seems like alot of fun to play as and roleplay as, As a class probably a Fighter or Ranger.
About me: I can only type about myself here, I am more of a light rp'er, I cant get into a voice or way of talking at all, but i can take on the aspect of my character pretty good. I like making jokes and comments OOC(Out of character). I am a really cool guy to hang out with and be around, I dont start any drama or try to argue at all, mostly because i dont know what im talking about, but because i dont like to start arguements. anyways thats all i can think about.

April 1st, 2017, 06:01
Welcome Jame320 - have a look at FG Con 10 in my signature. Play a game or two, meet some new people and you may make some contacts that lead to longer term gaming opportunities. You might try your hand at some low level Pathfinder Society or some 5e (or plenty of other game systems too).

April 1st, 2017, 09:45
Welcome Jame320 - have a look at FG Con 10 in my signature. Play a game or two, meet some new people and you may make some contacts that lead to longer term gaming opportunities. You might try your hand at some low level Pathfinder Society or some 5e (or plenty of other game systems too).

lol its on the worst possible days for me, im going on a trip that weekend. So i cant :\

April 1st, 2017, 13:17
I have one place left for Friday's, one player left because of work, %e and you start level 2, PM me if interested