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March 31st, 2017, 19:55
My loving wife got me a physical copy of Grim Prairie Trails and I've been picking through it. If you are not aware, the book has 19 adventures, each around 4 or 5 pages long, that focus on a particular NPC or a particular monster.

The problem is that they are merely alphabetically ordered with no concession made to summarize their use. What tale is suitable for your posse's location or activity? Well, the question of summarizing each of the 19 tales is answered here and in the following message.

Title: The Devil You Know (featuring Agatha Leeds)
Location: Specific - Caldwell, Texas, near Nacogdoches, Texas
Hook: Rumors or perhaps a newspaper article about the Caldwell Devil
Summary: A witch who has made multiple copies of herself has summoned a powerful entity that is causing fear and concern of the locals
Note: Agatha Leeds could be a reoccurring character since her essence is split between many copies of herself and she is always up to something nasty. This particular adventure is the first in the book, but it is also potentially one of the more lethal, so you may wish to send more experienced posses on this plot line.

Title: Mine Your Own Business (featuring a Bloat)
Location: Small mining town (specified as Constance in the Rocky Mountains)
Hook: Commotion / heated argument about ownership of a mine inside the small town of Constance
Summary: Posse is engaged to find proof of sabotage and ultimately some bloats pour out of a submerged mining shaft
Note: Adventure flow assumes posse is just hanging out for a couple of days without really providing good reasons or activities during the waiting period

Title: Playing Dirty (featuring a Clockwork Demoler)
Location: Small farming community (Spring Valley)
Hook: Outraged citizen on the verge of violence against an inventor/businessman who asks for the posse’s protection
Summary: Hellstromme Industry reps are sabotaging the inventor’s clockwork demoler devices with thumpers, hoping to discredit him so they can claim the invention for Hellstromme. Ultimately, the thumpers attract Rattler Young ‘Uns (or a Rattler if the posse is up to it)
Note: The demolers are really a secondary threat – the Rattlers will be much more trouble.

Title: Bad Air (featuring a Death Cloud)
Location: Boom town (small town that attracts many poor workers that might not be missed)
Hook: A dead body in a room at a saloon the posse is visiting
Summary: The experiments of a scientist went dreadfully wrong and now a gaseous cloud is killing the inhabitants of the small boom town
Note: Fairly straight-forward, might make the gas mask more obvious or not needing a roll to notice

Title: Seeds of Distrust (featuring Doomsower)
Location: Town near the CSA/USA border (it mentions Amity, Missouri), but any place where along the border where open fighting from the civil war took place could work
Hook: Signs of fighting (a smoldering ruin) followed by an angry community gathering in town
Summary: Blood fever is elevating bloodlust and anger – the posse can try to heal/calm their way through but will have to face some doomsowers regardless of the course taken
Note: Could easily turn into a big battle, complete with a cannon!

Title: Ghost of a Chance (featuring a Fever Phantom)
Location: The Maze (Fortuity)
Hook: Posse is hired to locate a young lady’s uncle
Summary: The uncle is now a fever phantom that needs to be put down – with some maze pirate complications
Note: Might be a good hook to get a posse into the maze region, fairly straight-forward

Title: Gang War (featuring a Gluttonous Ogre)
Location: In the Skids area of Shan Fan , the maze
Hook: Thugs harming a child and a woman
Summary: A warehouse showdown gets crashed by a powerful summoned ogre
Note: Slightly convoluted with knowledge of Chinese AND the occult AND a successful roll being needed to explain part of the back story. Probably needs more GM tweaks than some others, but looks fun. Could be tough on inexperienced posses

Title: The Minotaur (featuring a Hodag)
Location: Camped or travelling through the plains – possibly on a night watch during a cattle drive
Hook: A stampede starts it off!
Summary: After rustlers bushwack a rancher, he begs the posse to help his young son who is pursing the rustlers. The Hodag is encountered near the rustler’s camp as a unrelated complication
Note: Another ‘oh look, a monster happen to be here’ situation – not my favorite. Also, tracking Davy to fenced off area – but he is in a cul-de-sac doesn’t make a lot of sense and nor is it mapped. Rescuing the kid is otherwise nice. The rustlers can link off to another tale, ‘At the End of His Rope.’

Title: Open Ground (featuring Javeranha)
Location: Desolate/unpopulated region
Hook: Travel by stage
Summary: Posse is beset by swarms of javeranha, requiring them to stick to climbable cover, eventually encountering a boss pig and a man that is manipulating the porkers
Note: might be more interesting if the posse could not kill everyone they encountered and not be wrong about the efficiency of killing them (everyone is an enemy). Weak link to the Squatpump Gang.

Title: The Lady and the Panther (Jebediah Nightlinger’s Travelling Expedition of the Extraordinary)
Location: Any town that could attract a carnival show
Hook: Carnival and the showmanship of Jebediah Nightlinger
Summary: An Aztec attraction turns out to be a caged but convincing werejaguar that tries to dupe the posse to free her. She will rampage with relative impunity (only weapons made of obsidian can hurt her). Some obsidian weapons are available, but could be challenging for a group of shooters
Note: Nightlinger will buy curiosities and might even offer jobs to acquire one thing or another – good reoccurring character and should not be depicted as a threat, but as some extremely interested in the occult (and making money from wild stories).

March 31st, 2017, 21:04
Title: At the End of His Rope (featuring a Lyncher)
Location: A small town (3-5 buildings is plenty) where cow barons might exist
Hook: Stories about another Rolling S cowboy getting hung
Summary: Local cow baron frames a man and then lynches him. The man comes back as a Lyncher and extracts revenge upon law-breakers.
Note: Mostly likely will conclude without needing for the posse to battle the Lyncher.

Title: Play Time (featuring a Minikin)
Location: Small town (pop 100 or under) that is now abandoned
Hook: Posse enters a town that was recently departed with odd signs of violence
Summary: A minikin entered town and suborned a doll collection and has killed or driven away all othe population in a small town.
Note: Can link back to Jebediah Nightlinger. Could be pretty creep if revealed correctly.

Title: Bad Medicine (featuring a Raven Mocker)
Location: Anywhere but Indian controlled territory
Hook: Encounter a wagon under attack by Indians
Summary: A doctor who is caring for Indians is losing patients to small maladies. It turns out that the Indians have lost their shaman and that the players must find him to discover a way to stop the deaths.
Note: Mockers are more than a bit bizarre – maybe too strange, actually. Transferring shooting skills to bows feels a bit… wrong. This small tale has a longish back story.

Title: A Bounty-Hunting We Will Go (featuring Redcap Morris)
Location: Arizona or New Mexico near the Bayou Vermillion RR line.
Hook: Redcap Morris wants help with a bounty and the one sought has just killed some innocent men
Summary: Redcap tries to lead the posse into a bad situation, hoping to whittle down some numbers so he can collect the bounties alone (and have more scalps to boot)
Note: Party can split the bounty with Redcap and part ways without bloodshed.

Title: Down on the Farm (featuring the Squatpump Gang)
Location: Town with a bank
Hook: Bank robbery in progress when the posse rides in
Summary: Killing the bank robbers results in the ire of the Squatpump clan
Note: Pretty much a chance to fight the killbillys. Good chance to ham it up as a hick.

Title: Hunger Pangs (featuring a Swarm Man)
Location: Wilderness, a day or two from a town, coming up on a dwelling
Hook: A pack of wolves exit the dwelling snarling over a carried bone and then go about attacking the party. Why are they gaunt? What was that bone?
Summary: Posse tries to figure out what is happening, has a swarm man join the group in the guise of a mute young lass, and then gets attacked by the swarm men at night.
Note: Kinda plays out weakly IMO, but then again, they are just bugs. I like the misunderstanding with the Indian warriors

Title: Sacrificial Lamb (featuring a Terrormental)
Location: A distant town on an abandoned railway spur
Hook: None, really, but the town is odd in how broken down it is and how tight-lipped the townspeople are
Summary: Agatha Leeds plans on summoning a terrormental and has a tassle of hired guns that try to remove the posse from the equation
Note: Doesn’t seem to link up super-well with the previous encounter with Agatha

Title: The Web It Weaves (featuring a Weaver)
Location: Small town, population 100 or less
Hook: Chance encounter with wanted banditos in a saloon.
Summary: The residents of the town buy victory drinks for the posse and provide them with free rooms for dealing with the bandits. Once drunk and sleeping, the weaver-enslaved townfolk will try to capture the posse alive so they can be fed to the controlling weaver and her off-spring.
Note: Posse can tell a tale of victory and earn a legendary chip at the end.

Title: Gathering Specimens (featuring Diogenes Wilton – or what is left of him)
Location: Small town located where Wasatch RR and Union Blue RR / Empire RR can clash
Hook: Posse is approached by Wilton with a job offer
Summary: The posse searches for a Hellstromme war machine and finds it motionless near a pile of dead Union Blue enforcers. As they approach it, Watsatch enforcers fly in on jetpacks and combat ensues, which awakens the ‘Glom that had appeared to be a pile of bodies… Madness ensues when Wilton joins with the ‘Glom.
Note: Wilton will make a good reoccurring villain and this is an outstanding introduction to him. They saved the best for last IMO.

April 1st, 2017, 05:38
Title: The Devil You Know (featuring Agatha Leeds)
Location: Specific - Caldwell, Texas, near Nacogdoches, Texas
Hook: Rumors or perhaps a newspaper article about the Caldwell Devil
Summary: A witch who has made multiple copies of herself has summoned a powerful entity that is causing fear and concern of the locals
Note: Agatha Leeds could be a reoccurring character since her essence is split between many copies of herself and she is always up to something nasty. This particular adventure is the first in the book, but it is also potentially one of the more lethal, so you may wish to send more experienced posses on this plot line.

Supporting resources:




April 1st, 2017, 05:42
Title: Mine Your Own Business (featuring a Bloat)
Location: Small mining town (specified as Constance in the Rocky Mountains)
Hook: Commotion / heated argument about ownership of a mine inside the small town of Constance
Summary: Posse is engaged to find proof of sabotage and ultimately some bloats pour out of a submerged mining shaft
Note: Adventure flow assumes posse is just hanging out for a couple of days without really providing good reasons or activities during the waiting period


April 5th, 2017, 21:46
Title: Sacrificial Lamb (featuring a Terrormental)
Location: A distant town on an abandoned railway spur
Hook: None, really, but the town is odd in how broken down it is and how tight-lipped the townspeople are
Summary: Agatha Leeds plans on summoning a terrormental and has a tassle of hired guns that try to remove the posse from the equation
Note: Doesn’t seem to link up super-well with the previous encounter with Agatha


If you like your posse or worry that they are in too deep, you will set the grid to 50 pixels. If you enjoy a struggle, set it to 25 pixels. (A larger grid will make it easier to get to the water tower.)

Use the included map as a key (or use page 121 of Grim Prairie Trails if you are rolling without the adventure module for FG).

April 5th, 2017, 21:51
Title: Bad Air (featuring a Death Cloud)
Location: Boom town (small town that attracts many poor workers that might not be missed)
Hook: A dead body in a room at a saloon the posse is visiting
Summary: The experiments of a scientist went dreadfully wrong and now a gaseous cloud is killing the inhabitants of the small boom town
Note: Fairly straight-forward, might make the gas mask more obvious or not needing a roll to notice

Quick preview of Doc Corbitt's ground floor...


April 17th, 2017, 05:40
Title: Playing Dirty (featuring a Clockwork Demoler)
Location: Small farming community (Spring Valley)
Hook: Outraged citizen on the verge of violence against an inventor/businessman who asks for the posse’s protection
Summary: Hellstromme Industry reps are sabotaging the inventor’s clockwork demoler devices with thumpers, hoping to discredit him so they can claim the invention for Hellstromme. Ultimately, the thumpers attract Rattler Young ‘Uns (or a Rattler if the posse is up to it)
Note: The demolers are really a secondary threat – the Rattlers will be much more trouble.


This is just a quick map to show roughly where everything is in relation to each locale. It is a small area that you should be able to fit in most anywhere.


This is the Bilson Farm. Every now and again, busting out a combat map - and then not having combat - is good to keep your players guessing. This map is intended to be used as an investigation crutch. A GM's key will be forthcoming.

More to come...