View Full Version : Lfp running oota, I have an ultimate license so anyone can apply.

March 29th, 2017, 23:09
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: DnD5e

Time Zone: Central Time Usa
Day of week and time: Wednesdays at 11am
If new game, planned start date:
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 hour sessions once a week
Term: Long term

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: have 4 players, need 2 more
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level, no equipment unless you find it.
Character restrictions: Only official material; Can't be from the underdark.

Details of your scenario: ntasy Grounds
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Out of the Abyss
Waiting for players
Accepting players
Gamemaster jethurm89 (Time Zone: CDT)
Number of players 4-6
0 active, 0 pending, 0 invited

Description: Welcome to the underdark. A vast subterranean labyrinth where fear reigns, and death lurks around every corner. It is here that you are caught and imprisoned by the drow, dark elves who want nothing more but to break your spirit and sell you as slaves or entertainment to the highest bidder. Will you escape, or will you lose your mind to the horrors you are bound to face in this strange nightmare. We are going to be playing the entire campaign from level 1 to 15. Official material is preferred when it comes to character creation, but some UA stuff is cool. I'm a pretty flexible GM, but be warned, this is a survival campaign, I'm not going to hold your hand. We are using the madness rules so if that is not your thing, I apologize. Other than that, I am new to FG, so please be patient. And most importantly have fun!

Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2484

March 30th, 2017, 01:37
I would love to join but that timeframe is too early for me or a lot of people, work and all. Any way to take it to the night time?