View Full Version : Lost Treasure on Character Sheet

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 03:32
Hi folks,
Still learning this (and having fun doing it). I have a question and I'm sure it's something simple. When I as the DM disperse treasure to the characters, it seems to disappear for the next game session on the PCs character sheets. In addition, is there a 'campaign notes' section on the character sheet or is that Notes section just for backgrounds etc. Probably dumb questions but this has us baffled and there was nothing I could see listed about either of these. Thanks for any help.

March 29th, 2017, 03:35
You gotta at least give us the ruleset

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 03:46
Sorry this is for 5th Edition D&D.

March 29th, 2017, 04:07
You gotta break the fingers of the party rogue....

March 29th, 2017, 04:43
Hi folks,
Still learning this (and having fun doing it). I have a question and I'm sure it's something simple. When I as the DM disperse treasure to the characters, it seems to disappear for the next game session on the PCs character sheets. In addition, is there a 'campaign notes' section on the character sheet or is that Notes section just for backgrounds etc. Probably dumb questions but this has us baffled and there was nothing I could see listed about either of these. Thanks for any help.

This should not be happening.
Are other charcater sheet changes also being lost?

March 29th, 2017, 10:56
As damned says your players should not lose gold/items across sessions.

There isn't a specific campaign notes space on the character sheet, but you have a number of choices. You can use the Notes tab on the character sheet. Down at the bottom under 'Notes' just type in information. Pressing return will give you a new line. Players could also use the 'Log' tab which is really for Adventure League games but you could use it to keep notes on some things that happen. Players can also use the Notes tab (from the big button right hand menu). This is probably the best method since they can have multiple notes and even have links to information/images/maps etc added to them. Finally there is also a notes space in the calendar function although only the DM can fully access that.

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 13:35
Hmmm - I didn't think so either. Actually the reason why I asked about the Notes section is that the player was putting campaign notes in the Notes section that Zacchaeus mentioned. They seemed to disappear also. Now, this could be a user error type thing as we're both 'noobs' but the Notes thing has occurred a couple of times while the Treasure thing just occurred yesterday. I think I'll try to redo the treasure thing for the characters and see what happens. My process for this has been to dump the parcels on the party sheet inventory page and then click the Distribute Assignments and Coins button. I do know that this was done as the message as to how much gold etc. was distributed and to whom showed up in the chat box. Is there anything else that needs to be done after that which I could have missed?

March 29th, 2017, 13:52
Windows or Mac?
Are you doing this right at the end of the session and then closing up?
Possibly your FG isnt making a final save?
How do you exit FG? try right click desktop and choose exit and exit (or whatever those options are) and see if you get a better result - especially on Mac.

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 14:42
Hey damned,
This is Windows 10. It isn't the end of the session but throughout. When I exit, I'm right clicking to pull up the radial menu clicking the 'X' and then clicking the 'X' again. The treasure was something new (it was there previous to last night's session). The "notes" have occurred a couple of times now though. At first I thought that it was just due to that tab really not being designed for that, but seeing Zacchaeus' response above, now I'm not so certain. A question, could this have anything to do with the players not exporting their characters prior to the end of the session? I'm probably reaching here but figured I'd toss that out...It's not a big deal if it doesn't happen again. If it does though, then it becomes tedious. Thanks.

March 29th, 2017, 14:50
It certainly sounds a bit to me like a permissions issue. One thing do you use any kind of cloud back up software which points to your FG data files?

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 14:57
Hi Zacchaeus,
Not using any sort of cloud back up. For the Notes issue, the player has been using the big Notes button on the right. The first time, it wasn't there and then reappeared all of a sudden. The next time it just went into the internet ether. Also, are the Notes done in this fashion linked specifically to the character sheet or is it to the campaign?

March 29th, 2017, 14:58
Your campaign data folder isn't on google Drive or OneDrive, or anything like that is it?

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 15:05
No it is not. I did create a separate data folder as per Deluxe Oz's tutorial instructions and am routing everything into that. Up until now there's been no issues...

March 29th, 2017, 15:13
Check the version in the top right of the main launch window. Does it say "v3.2.3", "v3.2.3 Ultimate" or "v3.2.3 Free"?

If it's anything other than free try the info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?30604-Windows-file-access-issues-can-t-update-campaigns-not-saving-etc-Fix-options

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 15:15
Thanks Trenloe. It's v3.2.3 ultimate. I'll check out your link!

March 29th, 2017, 19:04
Not using any sort of cloud back up. For the Notes issue, the player has been using the big Notes button on the right. The first time, it wasn't there and then reappeared all of a sudden. The next time it just went into the internet ether. Also, are the Notes done in this fashion linked specifically to the character sheet or is it to the campaign?

Sounds like the player is checking / unchecking the Notes at the top of the Library window (if it's unchecked, the Notes button does not appear). Notes are tied to the player in the campaign DB.

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 20:41
Hi Andraax,
Nope - definitely not that. It is the actual notes taken and not the Notes 'button' but thanks for the thought - I can see how it was interpreted that way.

Trenloe - actually I already have a separate folder for Data and the folder has read/write access. However, the player does not. Would that matter?

March 29th, 2017, 21:00
When you say you have a separate folder for data what do you mean? And where is your FGdata folder? And is FG pointing to where that folder is (in settings data folder).

March 29th, 2017, 21:01
However, the player does not. Would that matter?
All the data is stored in the GMs campaign data. I'd recommend checking and double-checking the rights for the specific campaign directory. This completely sounds like you're not saving data on the GM side.

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 21:51
I set up a separate FG Data folder and have FG pointing to it (I followed the steps in Dulux Oz's (sp?) tutorial. The tutorial is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF3f0R0Sm7s. The pertinent part begins around 9:30ish or so. The location I choose is C>Local Disk>Fantasy Grounds_Data. This folder when I right click on the properties does have modify; read & execute; read; write all enabled. Thanks.

March 29th, 2017, 22:04
And does Fantasy Grounds point to that folder in settings?

Did you specify that folder during set up or did you make it after you set up? If you did it after set up did you amend the data pointer in settings and then run an update?

March 29th, 2017, 22:06
I set up a separate FG Data folder and have FG pointing to it (I followed the steps in Dulux Oz's (sp?) tutorial. The tutorial is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF3f0R0Sm7s. The pertinent part begins around 9:30ish or so. The location I choose is C>Local Disk>Fantasy Grounds_Data. This folder when I right click on the properties does have modify; read & execute; read; write all enabled. Thanks.
Those rights need to be on all sub-folders as well.

Everything you've been telling us is pointing towards file access rights.

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 22:30
Hi Folks,
Thanks for all the help.

Zacchaeus - I'm pretty sure I did point FG to that folder. I vaguely remember doing that however so I'm certain, what is the quickest way of verifying that I did that? I can say I had the demo version prior to the Ultimate License and setting up that folder so maybe that is a potential issue (or maybe it isn't).
Trenloe - I've checked all the folders by right clicking on each folder; Properties>>Security and ensuring that everything is checked as "allow" (modify; read & execute; read; write all enabled).

March 29th, 2017, 22:34
Open FG, click the folder icon in the top right hand corner. That will open the location of the data directory.

Look in your \campaigns\<campaign name> directory and see what is in there. Check the last update date/time of the db.xml file - this is the database where FG stores all of it's data. Open FG, make some changes (like add a Story entry), exit FG and see if the db.xml file shows the date/time when you exited. Load that same campaign up again and see if the Story entry is there.

March 29th, 2017, 22:35
Two methods click the folder icon at the start up screen (it's on the top right, and says 'open data folder' when you mouse over it) or go into settings and find where the Data Directory is pointing to.

NINJA'd - what Trenloe said

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 23:13
LOL - thanks folks. I can confirm that the folder is pointing to the new folder I created C>Local Disk>Fantasy_Grounds_Data. With regard to the db.xml file, there are a bunch of them and one with yesterday's date too. I created a new one, re-ran FG and that story entry was in fact saved.

March 29th, 2017, 23:14
If this is the same campaign you've been having issues with, the I suggest you do some testing with the players again.

Dax Doomslayer
March 29th, 2017, 23:44
I did add it to that campaign. We're playing tonight so we'll see what happens. The Notes added on the Notes Tab were the first to act wonky. The gold etc. was fine until last night. I'll go in and re-add everything to the Party sheet and then re-distribute and we'll see where it goes from there...I appreciate everyone's help and responses!