View Full Version : I just wanted to say thanks Smiteworks

March 29th, 2017, 00:47
A few months ago I was forced to give up my long term face to face group due to IRL logistic challenges. I've been gaming face to face for going on 35 years (since I was 12 - let's not do the math) so this was a big shift for me. I had purchased fantasy grounds over five years ago and run some fun one shot adventures from time to time over the years with friends who had spun out of my group (due to family moves, military service, etc). However only recently have I found myself in the position where I wanted to spin up a real campaign and build an approximation of what I've done in person for many years.

Not only was I able to easily compile the start of a campaign for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition (nice rule set implementation by the way), I was also able to use this site to find some really great players to build a new campaign with. The game calendar has also been very convenient for keeping everyone aware of the game sessions and the custom forum group functions have given me a great place to store ongoing campaign information.

For those people outside the hobby it's hard to describe how creating stories with others can become an essential part of your life. I just want to offer a sincere and heartfelt thanks to Smiteworks for growing this tool and this site so well over the years. It really does give a DM everything they need to build shared adventures with others. Your hard work truly has made a difference, at least for me.


Moranthus / Earl

March 29th, 2017, 00:55
Great to hear Earl. Thanks for posting and sharing your positive experiences with us. Unless, of course, you've gone insane and you're just trying to distract us from your nefarious activities?!? :-o

March 29th, 2017, 01:03
"Ia Ia! 'ware the messenger!"

March 29th, 2017, 01:35
Nice post Earl. Hope you have many more years of fun with the software.