View Full Version : [LFP]Pathfinder: The Chronicles of Almeron (Homebrew setting) Seeking Mature players!

March 27th, 2017, 19:36
Join us for an immersive adventure into the high fantasy world of Almeron utilizing the pathfinder ruleset. The world of Almeron is vast, in-depth and teeming with adventures ready and waiting for a party of intrepid adventurers to experience and enjoy.

Characters will be starting off in the Kingdom of Kalistar at level 1. Kalistar is a rich and diverse captial city, boasting a plentiful bounty of adventures and work for sell swords and adventurers. (It's preferred if your character has lived in the city since birth having never left the city or the immediate surrounding area before.)

The game will be taking place THURSDAYS from 6PM to 9PM EST

We're looking for players who focus on RP and character interaction, munchikins, min/maxers and drama lovers need not apply.

The group will be creating characters at level 1 using the point buy system and the pathfinder rules located in the core rule books. Players are encouraged to create in-depth characters with personalities and character traits that will play well with others (lone wolf anti-heroes are discouraged). Preference will be given to those who create actual characters with a depth beyond just numbers on a page.

We'll by playing once weekly using voice for discord.

*NOTE: Please note classes and races are restricted to only those in the Core Pathfinder book

Please direct message me with applications or simply post a reply below.

Be sure to include the following:

1- A bit about yourself, please include age( or approximate age ie early twenties, etc) and RL timezone, how long you've been role playing ETC.
2- Tell us a little bit about your play style, what are you looking for in a game? What sort of things do you enjoy about games?
3- Whats your favorite tabletop RPG other than Pathfinder?
4- What are some concepts of the character you'd like to play? (We want to have a balanced party, so share a few different concepts. You don't have to be super specific or include class and race, but the general 'role' that will be filled should be included.

March 29th, 2017, 18:52
I would be very interested in this game!

I'm currently 23, but I've been playing RPG's since I was twelve. I have served as DM for the majority of that time. IRL I'm a Canadian who is currently living in the United Kingdom. The game starts at midnight for me, but this isn't an issue.

I vastly prefer to play as support characters and I rely on trickery more than blasting power to solve most situations. I like a game with equal parts combat and investigation/RP segments. I really enjoy a game with some difficulty attached. I don't usually min max, but I enjoy it when the party needs to think critically about their abilities in order to come out on top.

Other than Pathfinder, I've been GMing Dark Heresy second edition for years. It has most everything I enjoy baked right into it: combat difficulty, investigation and heavy RP opportunities.

I'd like to play some form of a illusionist (Wizard, bard or perhaps a trickery domain cleric if we need healing).

Alternatively, I've never had the pleasure of playing a melee class, and I'd enjoy giving it a go.