View Full Version : New DM, LFP to help learn FG, have "Homebrew" ready to go!

March 24th, 2017, 18:51
FG License: GM has Full so players need at least Lite
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time, EST, USA
Day of week and time: Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays starting 12-3pm
If new game, planned start date: Ready to go 3/24/17 send me a pm or start tomorrow 3/25/17 @ 12pm.
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-6 Hour Sessions, Weekly.
Term: i.e. Series of one shots that can be strung together.

Text or Voice: Mix of both ok.
Voice software used: Discord.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: 4 players - 2 needed.
Character starting level & equipment:1st level, standard starting equipment. Have Character templates available if you want them.
Character restrictions: i.e. Only core races and classes, Some UA (Ranger etc.), Volo's later when I can get it.

It’s cold this far north – the sort of cold that sinks deep into your bones and makes you feel like you’ll never be warm again. When the rain starts falling and the wind comes up, it feels like needles of ice are piercing your face. A few days ago you were in Triboar with your companions, looking for an adventure. You heard tales of a tribe of goblins up north, attacking travelers on the Long Road.

Arguing and lawyering over rules will not be entertained. No munchkins or Murderhobos, create fun and believable characters. Role playing is encouraged and rewarded. The first session is just a little 3-6 hour session that I put together to learn the rules and workings of FG, so that I can do more complicated things in the future!
I am a DM in an offline group and like to go overboard with preparation so that the players are always getting a fun and new experience. I would like to incorporate music and sound effects too if possible.

Link to Games Calendar page: Here. (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2480&edit=on)

March 24th, 2017, 20:07
Sure im up for it. Other 2 parties im applying for seems to be on hold atm.

March 24th, 2017, 20:31
if you have spots open im interested in joining